God knows
That He has already acceptedEvery problem of yours
Into His Compassion-Care.But will you believe it?
Will you ever dare? ```Unless you stop searching
For false teachers to deliver you,You and your deliverance will remain
Like the North Pole and the South Pole,Eternally at an unbridgeable distance.
```Suicide is a fatal nourishment
And fulfilmentOf a cleverly unknowable temptation.
```Finally my mind
Has made my life happyBy dropping all its disputes
With my life. ```If you want to overcome an enemy,
Secretly think highly of himAnd openly remain low.
```In my heart
I never shall deny him.But in my mind
I deny him vehementlyBecause I have no other way
To enjoy my own imagined heights. ```Soulfully pray
To submit yourself.Lo, the summit has come down
To manifest itself through you. ```Success is to have
Outer friends.Progress is to discover
Your only Friend, your Inner Pilot. ```What I do may not concern God,
But what I feel does concern God,Always.
```Faith is the art of seeing
Without looking.Aspiration is the art of becoming
Without hesitating. ```To have a pure mind
Is to have a newborn life,And this newborn life
Will help you in countless ways. ```No aspiration, no perfection.
No perfection, no manifested God.No manifested God, no satisfied God.
```He is great
Because he has read the powerful messageThat is written in the sky.
He is good
Because he has become the soulful messageThat is inscribed in his heart.
```Consciously and sleeplessly
Steel your heartAgainst the blighting hand
Of misfortune. ```O my mind,
You must slow down immediately.You must not interfere with
My heart’s aspiration-cry.It wants to reach my soul’s height quickly.
```When it comes to meditation,
Imagine the radiating sun,And try to radiate like the sun,
Never ceasing, day or night. ```An ignorant jealousy-mind
And a wise ecstasy-heartAre two uncompromising neighbours.
```You are great
If you think that you areOf the strong.
You are good
If you feel that you areFor the weak.
```The doubting mind’s division-frown
Cannot removeThe illumined heart’s oneness-crown.
```My heart’s gratitude-smile
Is the only thing that HeavenSmilingly allows me to take with me
On my way to the higher worlds. ```Adversity
Is a hidden opportunity.Opportunity
Is my Lord’s powerful Smile.My Lord’s Smile
Is the beginning of my perfection-life. ```God’s Compassion must come first,
Long before you can musterAll your faith-strength
To realise Him. ```My heart’s aspiration-cry
Entirely depends onMy Lord’s Compassion-Smile.
```When your own sincerity
Satisfies your heart,God’s Compassion-Heart will
Immediately run towards you. ```I shall discover what I have:
World-knowledge.I shall become what I truly am:
God’s Transcendence-Light. ```A heart of pure hope
And a life of spontaneous cheerfulnessCan gloriously play together
Like cosmic gods. ```I seek sincerity
Inside my mind’s inexhaustible source.I seek purity
Inside my heart’s inexhaustible source.I seek divinity
Inside my life’s inexhaustible Source. ```O my mind,
You are your own unqualifiedSelf-styled commitment
To truth-discoveryAnd God-manifestation.
```By virtue of faith
If you want to see God’s Face,God will run after you
With His Heart of Love and CompassionTo speedily help you
In your inner journey. ```Today God may whisper in your ear
How you can become a good seeker.Tomorrow God will thunder before you
So that you will be compelledTo become a good seeker.
```You are cherishing your doubts.
But I am telling youThat doubt is also cherishing you
And punishing you all the time. ```You want to know the truth.
But make sureYou want to know the truth
To perfect yourselfAnd not to instruct others.
```Your artificial life
Is an unconscious imitationOf others’ lives.
Your natural life
Is the spontaneous revelationOf God the Life.
```The same God who taught you
How to love HimWill also teach others
How to love Him.Therefore, you do not have to worry
About others. ```To see the Face of God,
Do not pray toGod the Power
But meditate onGod the supreme Lover.
```Heaven is always ready
To accept you,But are you ready
To please HeavenBy running towards it immediately?
```If you can correct
The doubter in you,The Enjoyer in you
Will teach you and help youTo dance with Him
Immortality’s Dance. ```When you pray soulfully
And when you meditate powerfully,Be careful of one thing:
Do not allow any uncomely thoughtTo capture your attention.
```You are such a fool.
You think that only you,And nobody else,
Know how to play successfullyThe pretence-game.
```Never forget one thing:
The Ultimate Truth is your friendAnd not your enemy.
```How can you fly
In the sky of joyUnless your heart-bird
Has developed two purity-wings? ```You do not have to be discouraged.
Just allow God-CompassionTo encourage you a little more.
```A doubting mind
Is impurity’s unlit cave.A trusting heart
Is purity’s sunlit palace. ```If you are a sincere hero-worshipper,
Then easily you will be able to winThe Heart of God,
The Hero Supreme. ```If you can crucify your desire-life,
You will be happy.If you can purify your desire-life,
You will be happy, plus perfect. ```An unaspiring life
Will eventually sufferFrom the piercing arrows
Of destruction-night. ```Each God-lover has a special
And beautiful soul-bird.This bird has a soulful heart-wing
And a prayerful life-wing. ```Because of your faith
In this world,You were able to take birth happily.
Now if you can have faithIn the other world,
When your hour arrives you can die happily. ```Your heart’s bright faith
Should, can and will save youFrom the world’s fast-approaching
Doubt-volcano explosion. ```God’s three Silence-Instructions:
My mind must cry for peace,My heart for oneness
And my life for perfection. ```The best he has within him
Is his sincerity-river-heart.The worst he has within him
Is his confusion-mountain-mind. ```Do you ever care to know
That your very birth on earthIs your perfect divinity
In supreme disguise? ```Your great God-hunger
Is the only valid ticketFor your absolutely new
Satisfaction-life-journey. ```Do not try to barter
Your life of constant contradictionsFor God’s transcendental
Life-transforming Smile. ```If you really want to have
A satisfaction-day,Then immediately cancel your friendship
With lethargy-night. ```Ruthlessly destroy
Your mind’s disbelief-netIf you want to receive
Your soul’s divinity-message. ```God is more than ready
To applaud your every forward step.But are you truly happy
With your life’s progress-light? ```Walk in confidence-hope.
Look, the promise-landIs eagerly awaiting
Your auspicious arrival. ```You are your own abiding trust
In God.God is His own abiding
Promise-Manifestation-DreamIn you.
```His surrender-life moved many
To reform and transform their own lives.His gratitude-heart moved God
To shed tears of Light and Delight. ```I shall be more than happy
To agree with youSince you are so remarkably brave
As to declare that you are without sin. ```He has all kinds of trouble
With doubt in his mind,But he has no trouble
With faith in his heart. ```If you can once more live
A life of innocence,Then God’s constant Intimacy
Cannot hide from you. ```To know him
Is to love him.To study him
Is to be a very special instrumentOf God-Satisfaction.
```A selfless being
Is by farThe greatest God-revealer.
```A surrender-heart
In a purity-smileIs divinity’s imperishable
Protection-shield. ```O God-lover,
Do stand before me.O world-thinker,
Do stand behind me. ```In the inner world
There is no such thingAs spiritual greed
Or excessive appetite. ```Do not build your life
Upon the hope-sandsGiven to you by others.
```Unless you consciously surrender
To God’s WillSoulfully, smilingly and unconditionally,
Your desire-life will, without fail,Continue to plant impurity-seeds
Inside your heart-garden. ```The length of your
Perfection-achievementsEntirely depends on
Your Lord’s unreservedCompassion-Enlightenment.
```Allow everything else to vanish
Save and except your cherished dreams,For your cherished dreams
Are treasured sleeplesslyBy God Himself.
```You are a Vision-Reality of God.
Alas, you are completely unaware of it.What is worse,
You never have any longingFor God’s eternal Satisfaction-Smile.
Therefore, are you not a miserable failureIn God’s creation-awakening Vision?
```It is your inexhaustible energy
That will grant you the capacityTo consciously cry for
God the PerfectionAnd consciously smile with
God the Satisfaction. ```Nothing will remain unchanged.
Even your wild, restless vitalSome day and somehow
Will be brought under controlBy your soul’s indomitable will.
Just wait and see. ```What you have
Is a sleepless sky above you.What you have
Is a spotless moon within you.What you have
Is a rising perfection-sun before you. ```What I want to see
Is a happy oneness-marriageBetween earth’s ascending aspiration-cry
And Heaven’s descending satisfaction-smile. ```Your lack of enthusiasm
In your spiritual lifeWill cause your unparalleled destruction.
Enthusiasm is the roadThat is eagerly waiting to serve you.
Accept its service immediately, O runner,And run and run with a gratitude-heart!
```There is only one way
To strengthen the feebleAnd that is to consciously place
Your concern-will for themAt the Lotus-Feet of your Beloved Supreme.
```Because you are an art-lover,
God is happily teaching youHow to see Him as the Supreme Artist
And also how to place HimBefore the art-world
Of man’s quenchless thirstFor beauty’s breath.
```Each soulful song
Sung by humanityWill touch the Ecstasy-Heart
Of the Inner Pilot. ```You were a fool when you wanted
To discover others inside your heart,Rather than inside God’s Heart.
Now you are a pioneerBecause you are discovering
The ever-changing, ever-transcendingAnd ever-illumining vision-dawn
Within your own heart. ```In the battlefield of life
Do you know what saved me?My life’s cheerfully surrendered
Helplessness. ```God does not approve of
My entertaining you.Therefore, I shall not
Explain my life to you. ```If you have really accepted
The spiritual life,That means you have already decided:
“Not my choice but my Master’s,Not my voice but my Master’s.”
```My thinking-power
Cannot understand you.My understanding-power
Cannot love you.My loving-power
Cannot transform you.Therefore, how can I be so stupid
As to tell youThat I shall be responsible
For your perfection? ```As long as your mind
Loves inspiration,As long as your heart
Loves aspiration,As long as your life
Loves dedication,You do not have to worry
About anything else. ```Do not kill yourself worrying
About false teachers.Your sincerity-shield will protect you
And also definitely help youFind a real teacher.
```Why do I invite God
To come and visit me every day?I invite Him precisely because
He is my life’s very old FriendAnd my soul’s only Friend.
```My heart’s belief
Is my life’s strength.And my Compassion-Lord
Always takes care ofMy life’s strength.
```I have changed my mind.
It now really needs God.I have changed my heart.
It now really wants God,And God alone,
In God’s own Way. ```Soulfully tell your heart
What you need.Powerfully tell your mind
What you want. ```When unconsciously you treasure
Your hopeless life,Consciously your soul suffers
From a helpless reality. ```My self-deception means
My deliberate revoltAgainst my Lord’s universal
Oneness-Satisfaction. ```God loves me
When I need Him.Humanity loves me
When it needs me. ```I believe,
Therefore I exist.I exist,
Therefore my Lord SupremeHas confidence in His own creation.
```I have found another way
To walk along the path of aspirationAnd another way
To please my Lord Supreme:The self-giving way.
```Do not be discouraged
And disheartened!I can clearly see
That you have manyGood and important things to do
Both for God the CreatorAnd God the creation.
```Alas, my mind is afraid
Of choosing God,My heart is afraid
Of inviting GodAnd my life is afraid
Of loving God. ```Do not follow me.
Follow the eternal runnerWho is running along Eternity’s Road.
And who is that eternal runner?The eternally awakened God-lover in you.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 68, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_68