Self-giving is the quintessence
Of perfection-beauty.God-becoming is the quintessence
Of perfection-duty. ```If you live as a halfway Christian,
Then blindness is your sight,Darkness is your light,
Nothingness is your life. ```O Bible,
The Saviour will take awayAll my sins.
Can you not take awayMy little, little worries,
At least? ```My impurity fears the known.
My humility fears the unknown.My sincerity fears the unknowable.
```Jesus died on the cross
To bear the punishment for your sins.The Christ lives in your heart-cave
To enjoy the purity of your soulful prayers. ```Jesus gave the world
His promise-sky.The Christ gave the world
His aspiration-sun. ```Although Jesus has promised
To come back,We shall not see Jesus.
But the Christ we shall seeFace to face.
```Jesus came to you quickly
To love youWhen you were young.
The Christ has come to you unconditionally
To save youWhen you are old.
```I love God
Because He is binding.God loves me
Because I am willing. ```I pray to God
So that He can prepare me.I meditate on God
So that He can illumine me.I surrender to God
So that He can claim me. ```At least one person has to do
The right thing.Since I do not have the time
To think of myself,God thinks of me.
Since I do not feel like loving God,God loves me.
At least one person has to doThe right thing.
```I am happy because
God is helping me to seeEverything from His point of view.
I am happy becauseGod is helping me to read
Every man from His point of view. ```God is not surprised
That I do not need Him.God is not surprised
That I love ignorance.But
God is surprisedThat I am constantly,
Constantly in loveWith teeming fears
And growing doubts. ```My Lord has stopped talking to me
Not because of your wild complaints against me,But
Because I am not willingTo listen to Him.
```I am happy because
My heart of aspiration-flameIs God’s ambassador.
I am happy because
My life of dedication-bubbleIs God’s supporter.
I quickly chose God’s PowerTo fulfil me.
I am quietly choosing God’s LightTo illumine me.
```My Lord Supreme,
I am eagerly waitingFor Your great Victory
So that my earth-bound cageWill be transformed
Into a Heaven-free bird.What a joy to know
The result in advance! ```God said to me,
“Look, My son, what IHave to show you:
A magic gaze.”I said to God,
“Look, my Father, what IHave to offer You:
A totally transformed face.” ```Hesitation is the dividing line
BetweenPromise and fulfilment.
Doubt is the dividing line
BetweenPerfection and satisfaction.
```Hope is born to sigh.
Faith is born to try.Love is born to fly.
Oneness is born to satisfy. ```Yesterday’s God
Belonged to my confidence.Today’s God
Belongs to my promise.Tomorrow’s God
Shall belong to my hope. ```Alas, alas!
I am tormented byWild dreams.
Alas, alas!
I am deserted byLofty visions.
Alas, alas!
I shall never be energised byThe nectar-sun.
```Three things I shall conquer:
My life’s cloudy weather,My heart’s teeming fears,
My mind’s strangling doubts. ```Hope-buds are
Eternally wide awakeInside my aspiration-heart.
Fulfilment-flowers are
Preternaturally fast asleepInside earth’s indifference-reign.
```What am I ?
A tiny silver boat.Who is my owner?
God, the golden Boatman.What is our destination?
Immortality’s Satisfaction-Shore. ```Fear is a limping thought.
Doubt is a blinding thought.Courage is a galloping thought.
Faith is an illumining thought. ```Yesterday I desired to live
On reputation-bubbles.Today I am longing to live
With transcendence-waves.Tomorrow I shall be crying to live
In the very depthsOf Compassion-Sea.
```Hide your cleverness.
Reveal your openness.Establish your perfectness.
Fulfil your oneness. ```Can I trust Eternity?
Yes, I can and I shall.Can I support Infinity?
Yes, I can and I shall.Can I love Immortality?
Yes, I can and I shall. ```My prayer-wings
Carry me up to HeavenTo see God’s Beauty.
My meditation-wings
Carry God down to earthTo see my heart’s purity.
```To have a Compassion-God
Is not a luxury.To claim oneself as a satisfaction-man
Is more than a luxury. ```The religion of a conscious God-lover
Is a seeker’s secret adventure.The religion of a surrendered God-lover
Is a seeker’s sacred grandeur. ```When I correspond with the cosmic gods
I do not forget to send themMy heart’s gratitude-flower.
When the cosmic gods correspond with me
They do not forget to send meTheir souls’ satisfaction-fruits.
```I came from God
The Eternal Dreamer.I am heading towards God
The Immortal Lover. ```Nobody is idle.
Everybody is busyIn his own inimitable way.
Indeed, this will always remainAs an undeniable fact,
In an imperishable way. ```Give what you have.
Invisible forces will love you.Give what you are.
Visible forces will not only love youBut also treasure you.
```I chose not to understand God.
I chose not to understand even man.But
I chose to understand my clever mind. ```Here is the difference
BetweenMy thinking and God’s thinking:
I think I have something to give.God thinks I have to become something.
```I tell you,
You have something infinitely better to doThan to surrender to your
Insincerity-mind. ```Conceal what you have,
Reveal what you are.Conceal what you see,
Reveal what you feel. ```God is at once
Practical and spiritual,So He wants us
To have a practical lifeAnd
A spiritual heart. ```Each time I love mankind
Unreservedly,Each time I love God
Unconditionally,I reclaim a part
Of my own real life. ```Because
I am a representative of God,I shall be in the world
With God’s Perfection-Satisfaction.Because
I am a representative of man,I shall be in Heaven
With man’s aspiration-promise. ```I appeared before God
With what I have:An iota of gratitude.
God appeared before me
With what He is:Infinity’s Satisfaction-Smile.
```I chose God to make myself
Into greatness-pride.God chose me to make me
Into a perfection-smile. ```Two things have led me
To my God-oneness:My heart’s soulful cry
AndMy life’s fruitful smile.
```How do I spend my time?
I spend my timeIn self-discovery.
When do I spend my timeIn self-discovery?
All day and all night. ```Your actual life
Plays with the animalsIn the animal kingdom.
Your real lifePlays with the cosmic gods
In the unparalleled paradise. ```What you want from the world
Is a thunderous applause.What you need from the world
Is a precious heart. ```Unquestionably and speedily,
Enthusiasm-power is the only medicineThat can cure the mental, vital
And physical idleness. ```Do you want to know why
Your life is what it is?Your own mind
Has and is the answer. ```Imagination-sound led you.
Therefore, you got lost.Aspiration-silence is leading you.
Therefore, you will reach home.Whose home?
God’s Home. ```God is waiting for you.
You will arrive Home.Just keep your eyes
On the beautifulAnd soulful flames
Ahead. ```O heart, my heart,
You are sovereignty ancient,You are beauty imperishable.
Of God’s Justice-LightOur hearts can dance
Before God’s Satisfaction-Delight. ```Because God is all Love to me,
He has engraved on meHis Beauty’s Eye
AndHis Duty’s Heart.
```When I feel that I am of God,
I clearly seeThat God is my only Lamp.
When I feel that I am for God,
I clearly seeThat God’s Light is in me.
```My Lord, my Lord,
My mind treasuresYour Pressure
AndMy heart treasures
Your Pleasure. ```Fear not, fear not
The foul criticism of others.For one day
The Glory supernal willUnquestionably
Rest on you. ```How can your friend and his enemy
Stay together in your heart?Your friend will not tolerate it.
Therefore, if you truly love your friend,Let him alone stay inside your heart.
I am sure you know who your friend isAnd who his enemy is.
Your friend is nectar-faith.Your friend’s enemy is doubt-poison.
```I pray to my pure heart
To save me.I pray to my sure soul
To support my heart. ```I depend on faith,
Faith depends on God,And God depends on
My cheerful willingness. ```There are two medicines
To give you peace of mind:“I am everything”
And“This world does not belong to me.”
Use one of the two. ```The game is complete
WhenThe heart reveals itself
To the mind. ```The animal happiness
Smuggles.The human happiness
Struggles.The divine happiness
Eternally, all-whereIs.
```I do not change
My thinking process.Yet I want to live
My own life.Is it possible?
```He saw his wild mistakes
OnlyTo repeat them.
Alas, alas!He saw his sad failures
OnlyTo repeat them.
Alas, alas! ```“Suffering is a gigantic hoax.”
So says my old Friend, God.But I find it very difficult
To believe. ```The celestial inspiration
Is always descending.Alas, the terrestrial aspiration
Is not always ascending. ```All the world’s dire problems
Can be solved only whenThe inner problem is solved.
What is the inner problem?The inner problem is:
Who am I? ```If others are telling you
To lead a God-life,It is because
You have not yet asked yourselfTo do the only right thing
In life. ```His resistance to truth
Has finally collapsed.Therefore, from now on
He will never collapseBefore anything in life.
```Do not allow people
To tell you what you want.Do not tell anybody
What you need.Lo, your life knows
No problem. ```I shall not fumble in vain
Only when I fumble in the taskOf finding my soul’s beauty,
My heart’s purityAnd
My life’s duty. ```When my heart’s purity radiates,
I may not attractAny human being,
But I do attractMy Beloved Supreme.
```They tell me:
What you haveIs a suffering sky.
I tell them:
What you areIs a rising sun.
```Soulfully give yourself
A shining smile.Quickly your haunting nightmare
Will breathe its last. ```What you call
A weak heart,I call a fleeting separation
From the Wisdom-sun. ```My mind craves
For the prosperityOf a sure day.
My heart longs
For the beautyOf a pure day.
```Success is glory
Known and visible.Gratitude is glory
Unknown and invisible. ```How can I believe you
When I know nothing about you?How can I believe him
When I know so much about him?How can I believe myself
When I do not know who I truly am? ```There was a time
When his life wasA full-blown pride.
There was a timeWhen his eyes were
Bedewed with tears.Now hope-world
Is his foundation-haven. ```A thinker may not be
An able man,But a seeker always is.
A seeker may not be
A perfection-man,But a God-lover always is.
```Because my human life
Hangs heavy upon me,I try to maintain my friendship
With my divine life.Alas, my divine life
Is in constant need of repair. ```A human life
Is ignorance-sleepWithout dreams.
A divine life
Is surety-realityBlossomed out of
Purity-dreams. ```Heart is the child
Of capacity.Mind is the son
Of incapacity.Nobody is the descendant
Of certainty. ```When I meditate on God
I see Him onThe wings of silence.
When I pray to God
I see Him insideThe cave of sound.
```Each dangerous and ferocious thought
In a momentCan create a camouflage
Of ignorance-night. ```Choice is opportunity.
Opportunity awakens eitherThe man in me
To ascendOr the animal in me
To descend. ```Because you are chained
To mortal thoughts,Everything in your life
Is contradiction-volcano,And soon you will be lost
In everlasting tears. ```My Lord Supreme,
I love You still,Although You have not fulfilled
My desire-life.My Lord Supreme,
I love You still,Although You have not awakened
My aspiration-heart. ```I know, I know,
Your soft-speaking eyesAre the power of love.
I know, I know,
Your soft-speaking eyesAre the tears of compassion.
```His mind is in
Intellectual chains.His vital is an authority
On imagination.Therefore, his life has become
An important failure. ```His life’s cloudy weather
Is tormenting his vision —His vision of hope
And perfection of satisfaction. ```Suspicion-night
Accents the guilty mind.Satisfaction-sun
Feeds the purity-heart. ```Because you have not
Conquered your fate,You are lost in everlasting fear.
Because you have
Started living in realms above,Before long you will be
The great conqueror of ill-fated fate. ```All things, both great and small,
Are worth a whole Eternity.And Eternity abides
With the Heart of Infinity,In the Life of Immortality.
```Mine is the heart
That loves all.Mine is the life
That serves all.Mine is the mind
That interrogates all. ```Do not imitate.
You will grow into confidence.And what is confidence?
Confidence is the floweringOf self-insight.
```A pure heart
Is imperishable.A sure soul
Is sovereign.A true Master
Is Infinity’s SmileAnd
Eternity’s Cry. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 8, Agni Press, 1981
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