If I accept my Supreme Lord
Supremely and unconditionally,Then only will I be able to read
What He has inscribedOn the golden tablet of my heart:
That He loves me unconditionally. ```Burn doubts away immediately.
Otherwise, dark death’s stretching seaWill soon drown you,
Your entire life. ```When the mind is all darkness,
It brings endless disgraceTo the aspiring heart
And the illumining soul. ```Fat old idleness
Has a shameless eye.It can never be invited
To the precious awakeningOf human life.
```O my sweet soul,
Stay inside my heart, stay!I shall no more offer you
My voice of melancholy.I shall offer you only
My heart’s echoing love and peace. ```Keep your belief always unstained.
Then you will be able to swimIn the waters of perpetual delight.
```With steps unswerving,
Our heart must approach God.On the way there should not be
Any blind interchangeBetween our heart’s faith
And our mind’s doubt. ```Pain hangs heavily in his life
And his heart is twisted with grief.In spite of his powerful attachment
To this life,He is now saying
His inevitable farewell to earth. ```Invisible flames of aspiration
Can not only brighten the soul’s lightBut also create fuel
For life’s heavenward journey. ```His doubtful mind
And his fearful heartAre desperately trying
To thwart each other.Alas, this is his deplorable fate.
```My mind speaks whisperingly.
My heart speaks soulfully.My soul speaks delightfully.
Alas, why does my lifeHave to speak strangely?
```The blue bird deep inside my heart
Tells me that when I reachThe summit of my realisation-mountain
I shall see that the beauty of truthIs in life itself.
```O my mind,
Can you not fly awayFrom the crowd of thoughts?
O my heart,
Can you not fly awayFrom your insecurity-cave?
O my life,
Can you not fly awayFrom the grasp of ignorance-night?
```He is at once
Useful and useless.He is useful when his heart
Sees truth in all things.He is useless when his mind
Sees no truth in anything. ```One characteristic
That distinguishes a great manIs this:
Even if he is engulfedIn the fires of adversity,
He will try to remainA God-believer.
```The perfection of my life
Is my promise to myself.The satisfaction of God
Is my promise to God. ```You have something.
Therefore, you desire to achieveSomething more.
Can I suggest to youWhat you need most?
God-SatisfactionIn God’s own Way.
```What kind of independence is this
When you depend so much uponWhat you are going to say,
What you are going to do,What you are going to become?
```God has already allowed my soul
To lean its whole weightOn His Perfection-Arms.
Now He is asking my life
To lean its whole weightOn His Lotus Feet.
```Man has his Eternity’s
Infinite questions.God has His Immortality’s
Only answer:Oneness-embrace.
```Your old mind
Is tired of living.Your new heart
Is afraid of dying.Your uncertain life
Is crying one momentAnd smiling the next —
Crying for possessionAnd smiling with renunciation.
```He made two great decisions:
Not to speak ill of humanityAny more,
To love God infinitely moreFrom now on.
```Death, you have given me fear.
Take it away immediately!Heaven, you have given me delight.
Allow me to keep it permanently! ```When my mind and my heart
Are at war,What do I do?
I bring forward my soulTo help my real friend, my heart.
```Each good thought vanishes
Faster than it appears.Alas, each man is doomed
To have this experience. ```He gets satisfaction,
Soulful and fruitful,When he struggles and struggles
In the face of the inevitable. ```No earth-bound power
Can be permanently effectualUnless Heaven-created Compassion
Sleeplessly supports it. ```If you deliberately ignore
The Will of God,Then you are bound to have
An incurable disease:Unhappiness.
```When your mind and vital start enjoying
Various degrees of self-complacency,Then your life’s progress comes
To an abrupt and total end. ```Develop soulfully pure tears
Of oneness-love.Then the universal life of beauty
Will be all yours. ```Can you believe
That my Lord Supreme lovesEverything that I say and do,
Even my unimaginably feebleTribute to Him?
```My morning prayers
And my evening meditationsAre sleeplessly devoted
To the manifestationOf God’s Compassion-Light
Here on earth. ```If you do not feed your heart’s hunger
Daily plus cheerfully,Then your heart will soon become
A totally ruined paradise. ```O my stupid mind,
When will you stop laughingAt my heart’s fathomless despair?
```What we need from life
Is a visible dedication.Otherwise, an invisible frustration
Will chase our life. ```If your mind loves
Your uncomplaining life,That means your mind is ready
For total illumination. ```My Lord, I do not want
To be chained to time any more,For I wish to unveil Heaven
In its birthless and deathless Delight. ```As self-contempt clings
To your impure vital life,Even so, self-enlightenment
Will permanently clingTo your pure psychic life.
```If you want to run away
From the wild world,Then you do not need
Two swift feet.What you need is sleepless devotion
To God’s Compassion-Heart. ```His heart’s sleepless hunger
Is cryingFor God-Satisfaction-dreams.
```The doubting mind must surrender
To the aspiring heart.Otherwise, the stumbling life will suffer
In a mournful mist of tenebrous fear. ```You are a man of belief.
How is it that you dare not believeThat your earthly grief
Itself is mortal? ```Speaking ill of God
Is like fighting an unseen enemyWho can be found anywhere inside
A limitless void. ```Two things he cannot understand:
Why humanity fears himAnd why divinity is indifferent to him.
```O my hope-world,
I have your tomorrowInside my today’s hungry heart.
```O fearful heart,
Do believe that God does not knowHow to punish.
God knows only how to illumineAnd thus satisfy His Eternity’s
Infinite Vision-Dreams. ```A questioning mind does not give.
A strong heart not only givesBut also becomes.
What does it give and become?God the eternal Dreamer.
```If your mind is critical
Of everything,Then your mind is useless.
If your heart is pleased
With nothing,Then your heart is worse than useless.
```Your faith is not worthless.
Your faith is not trivial.Your faith is its own
Splendid victory. ```If your life is locked in a prison
Of self-indulgence,Then your self-image will
Without failEclipse your God-image.
```When I live inside my vital,
Superiority damages my life.When I live inside my mind,
Inferiority damages my life.When I live inside my heart,
Satisfaction illumines my life. ```Even though he gives all that he has
And all that he isTo mankind,
He does not see a flicker of hopeFor God-Manifestation
In God’s own WayHere on earth.
```His soul has planned
From the beginning of timeTo reduce his mind’s desire-life
And diminish his vital’s frustration-life. ```If you carry God only sometimes
In your heart,How can you expect God
To be your FriendAll the time?
```This is a crisis-filled world.
Here you meet withEither dire destruction
Or unforgettable failure. ```If I can express my instant readiness,
Then only can I becomeA true candidate
For the sunlit path. ```True, his mind has the capacity
To enter into self-delusion,But his heart has the capacity
To cry for self-perfection. ```If you are an all-devouring ego,
Then how will you knowWhere you are supposed to go
And who will go with youAfter you reach your frustration-goal?
```My Lord’s Fulness-Heart
Always answers my heart’sSoulful appeal.
```O my Lord,
Do turn my life into an open bookAnd place it right before
Your Vision-Eye and Compassion-Heart. ```What I need is a mind
Perpetually interesting.What I need is a heart
Universally inspiring.What I need is a soul
Transcendentally illumining. ```From earth’s most remote corners
I receive only one message:“Earth and progress do not rhyme.”
```Remember, an endless future is before you,
Not behind you.Therefore, you can easily make friends
With endless happiness-hopes. ```If you have oneness-faith
In God’s Vision-Eye,Then your life will be
Heaven’s transcendental choiceAnd earth’s universal voice.
```Heaven itself will cheerfully
Accompany a God-loverIf he turns his life
Into a gratitude-songFor his Beloved Lord to sing.
```If you are afraid
Of silence-light,That means you are not meant
For God’s Nectar-Delight. ```Mine is the heart-song
That invokes the unknowableWith the cheerful help
Of the unknown. ```When we talk of world peace,
We are actually talking secretlyOf our own self-interest.
```If pleasure is a sheer dream,
Then pain is also a dream,A mere dream.
```God does not look at me,
Not because my mind is impureBut because my heart is unsure.
```You are not happy
And you will never be happyBecause you do not lose yourself
Enough to find yourself —I mean your true self.
```He lives in empty silence.
Therefore his ignorance-lifeIs lengthened
And his knowledge-lifeIs shortened.
```Everywhere is a demanding vital.
Everywhere is a doubting mind.Everywhere is a God-loving heart.
```No doubt you love God soulfully,
But do you ever thinkOf loving God’s Heart
And serving God’s BodyUnconditionally?
```His curiosity-mind wants to know
The weak secretsOf the past world
And the strong secretsOf the future world.
```There is only one way for me
To renounce my curiosity-life,And that is to constantly feel
That I am of man the GodAnd for God the man.
```I love God, I need God.
This is what I can sayFor the time being.
Let time tell the rest for me. ```If God has stopped looking
At your face,That does not mean
You cannot lookAt God’s Feet.
```Although I delay
My heavenward journey,My heart is always for
The perfection-satisfactionOf Heaven’s smile.
```Each soulful heart
Is haunted by Eternity’s hunger-cry.I know it
And my heart knows it. ```His outer life is rich,
His inner life is deep,His higher life is sure
And his love of God is perfect. ```The equal of a gratitude-heart
Will never be availableEither here on earth
Or there in Heaven. ```My Lord, break me,
My mind and my life,So that I can claim You
As my own, very own,And love You infinitely more
Than I can right now imagine. ```Who says that you are doing
The wrong thingBy enjoying the crowd
Of your supernal memories? ```Everybody knows
When I talk about God.But alas,
Does anybody care to knowWhen God talks about me?
```Since I am happy with what
I am doing for myself,Why do I then find fault
With both God the CreatorAnd God the creation?
```Unconsciously I tell the world
That God is great.Consciously I tell the world
That God is good.Soulfully I must tell the world
That God is always absolutely perfect. ```God has told me many things
During the yearsSince I first accepted the spiritual life,
But I have told God only one thing:I need more Love from Him.
```I thought God was going to
Perfect my life.God thought I was going to
Surrender my heart to Him.Unfortunately we are both the possessors
Of fruitless expectations. ```Each human being wants to know
What he can do for himself.Alas, does he ever care to know
What God, out of His infinite Bounty,Has already done for him?
```My heart may not know
How to love God soulfully.My life may not know
How to serve God cheerfully.But my mind knows
How to delay God’s appearanceIndefinitely.
```Each day begins
With a soulful hope.Each day ends
With a powerful promise.This is the human life-story.
```The heart that cries sleeplessly
Knows what God looks like.The soul that smiles constantly
Knows who God isPlus where God is.
```The humility of a tree
Pleases my life.The purity of a flower
Pleases my heart.The divinity of a fruit
Pleases my soul. ```The heart that loves
The Divinity of God the CreatorAnd the Beauty of God the creation
Is always a universal favourite. ```If you want to break asunder
The chains of bondage-life,Ask your heart to play
On the golden harpInside your soul’s dream-boat.
```I do not remember everything
That I did in Heaven,But what I do remember clearly
Is the unconditionally cheerful sharingOf the advanced souls.
```Before I came to realise
Who God is,God told me who I am:
The glowing promiseOf His Vision-Eye.
```In this fast-paced world
You are trying to do somethingQuite unusual:
You are trying to haveA relaxed mind and a listening heart.
```True, God has not given me
Everything,But He has given me
Two firm convictions:He loves me
No matter what I do;I shall need Him
No matter what I become. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 82, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_82