My sweet Lord,
Something inside me is making me feelThat You are my journey’s start
And You are my journey’s only Goal. ```The future-tree is nothing but
The Eternal-Now-Tree,Which is eternally blossoming
Right in front of you.You have only to climb up
To satisfy your immortal hunger. ```The Supreme has a special message
For you:“Be happy and remain happy!”
```True happiness comes
From your discipline-lifeAnd not from your pleasure-life.
```Of all the gifts
You have offered to God,Your happiness-gift
He treasures most. ```Do you want to fight heroically
Against the ignorance-giant?Then be happy!
```Work, pray and meditate soulfully.
You are bound to remain happyAnd make most satisfactory progress.
```From the discipline-life-bud
The happiness-flower blossomsInto immediate progress.
```No one else has to tell you
When you have fallenIn your spiritual life.
Your own conscienceIs the best judge.
```He could not even fool himself.
When his sincerity pinched him,He saw what he was
Once upon a timeAnd what he had now become.
```To try to cross the ignorance-sea
Without a divine boatIs an almost impossible task.
Therefore, if you have a boatAnd a boatman,
Just stay in the boatUntil you reach the Golden Shore.
```Every day feel that you are
A most beautiful, fresh flowerAnd offer yourself to your Beloved Supreme.
Otherwise, as the years advance,You will feel you are becoming
A dry, withered flowerThat cannot even be placed on the shrine.
```To keep your inner newness
And freshness,You need only one quality:
Cheerfulness. ```When they see your cheerfulness-shield,
Frustration, depression, doubt,Anxiety and worry
Will not dare to attack you. ```Obedience is salvation.
Salvation is satisfaction.Satisfaction is nothing other than
God Himself. ```To be a good student of life
You must feel the necessity of goingNot only to the outer school
But also to the inner school. ```Right now the spiritual life
Is illumining and fulfillingOnly on the psychic plane.
But I assure you,Eventually the physical, vital
And mental planesWill also be illumined and fulfilled.
```Everybody has to realise God
Eventually,But God Himself expedites
That golden HourFor His chosen children.
```O seekers of the ultimate Truth,
You are God’s chosen children.He is giving you the greatest opportunity
In every possible wayTo walk, march and run
Along the spiritual roadTo realise the Highest Absolute.
```If you become
A lover of all that livesIn God’s entire creation,
Then God the Supreme ChooserWill, without fail, grant you
His Vision’s earth-transforming Voice. ```If you make a mistake
In spite of your best intentions,Remember this mantra:
“The past is dust”. ```If your Himalayan blunders
Are torturing you,Tell yourself,
“I am walking along Eternity’s Road.Tomorrow I will have another chance
To do the right thing.” ```I was supposed to be granted
God-Victory’s transcendental Glory.Alas, what have I done?
I have allowed myself to be piercedBy the poison-arrow of self-doubt.
```Courageously surmount each obstacle
On your spiritual journey,And continue to walk, march and run
Along the sunlit path. ```Although you make deplorable mistakes
Time and again,You are not a hopeless case.
You will be givenOpportunity after opportunity
To transcend and illumine your mistakes. ```Your undivine life
Is a thing of the past.You are no longer
The same spiritual infantWho once enjoyed that childish life.
In you wisdom-lightHas finally dawned.
```Start doing the right thing!
Lo, you have made considerable progressIn your human life,
Not to speak of your divine life. ```O my soul,
If you want to come down,Then come down with your
Eternal moon of love.O my body,
If you want to go up,Then go up with your
Eternal sun of strength. ```Work cheerfully, soulfully
And devotedlyWith a spirit of oneness.
That is true spiritual service. ```When each day dawns,
Meditate on what is most difficultFor you to achieve in your spiritual life,
For each day bringsA new opportunity
For you to achieve that very thing. ```Choose the right medicine:
Doubt-diseaseNeeds faith-medicine;
Impurity-diseaseNeeds purity-medicine.
```Alas, my two age-old enemies,
Doubt and impurity,Are destroying my hope
Of ever achieving conscious onenessWith my Beloved Supreme.
```If doubt enters your inner life,
See yourself as a little childWho is all faith.
If impurity enters your inner life,
See yourself as a beautiful flowerWhich is all purity.
```In the Universal Consciousness
Of the Supreme,Everybody has always existed,
Everybody always existsAnd everybody will always exist.
Therefore, you need not wait for othersTo accept the spiritual life.
Just run the fastestTowards your destined goal.
```Because he has a heart
Larger than the largest,The Supreme has given him
His own God-Wisdom to use. ```If you want to love God,
First you have to get that loveFrom God.
If you want to give joy to God,First you have to get that joy
From God. ```On your inner journey
Wait only for thoseWho are just one step behind you.
```Your Master is the sacred bridge
To help you cross the turbulent life-riverAnd reach your destined goal.
```Never feel
That you have received everythingFrom your inner life.
Never allow
Relaxation to beYour inner or outer name.
```Practise spirituality soulfully:
It is your immeasurable inner gain.Practise spirituality mechanically:
It is your inconceivable inner loss. ```Do not look backwards
Or even sideways!You will stumble
And slow your aspiration-pace.Run forward
With one-pointed concentrationTowards your destined goal.
```Spirituality is the life
Of your choice.God-realisation will be the fruit
Of your hard work. ```Make your choice!
Choose conscious union with GodOr be forced to face
Cold oblivion-night. ```I am a tiny drop.
At last I am readyTo throw myself into the ocean.
But let me not look around!Let me be absolutely blind
Or I shall immediately seeThat other drops are also
Ready to jump.O my stupid insecurity!
```Do not remember
Your ancient scars.Otherwise you will continue to meet
With ever-new disasters. ```Offer your heart’s gratitude
To the soul of your country.Not by chance were you born there,
But to fulfil God’s special Purpose. ```Every morning I pray to God
To forgive my doubtful mind.Every evening I pray to God
To forgive my ungrateful life. ```Once your inner sun
Comes to the fore,Your spiritual life
Will be all sunshine. ```In the sky you see only one sun,
But inside your being there are many suns.The light from even one of these inner suns
Can easily illumineThe darkness of your lower self.
```My Lord Supreme,
What do You do with thoseWho do not please You?
“My son,As long as they do not
Deliberately displease Me,I just keep silent.”
```Loneliness is not
A sign of greatness.Loneliness is not
A sign of goodness.Loneliness is your ignorance-life’s
Self-styled reality. ```True, you are a good seeker,
But that does not meanYou should not sincerely and soulfully
Try to become better. ```Make a desperate effort
To go beyondWhat you have already
Received and achieved! ```The path of unconditional surrender
Always remainsUnfrequented.
```Although he was an advanced seeker
With much inner wealth,He regularly withdrew from his heart-bank
Until ultimately he becameSpiritually poverty-stricken.
Although she was a new seeker
With no inner wealth,She regularly deposited
Into her heart-bankUntil eventually she became
Spiritually wealthy. ```However great your inner capacity may be,
Continue increasing it.The Supreme will be
Much more pleased with youThan with those who have
Even greater capacityBut are not using it.
```Visible man
With Eternity’s hunger.Invisible God
With Infinity’s Feast. ```O concentration-weakening thoughts,
I shall conquer you and your prideWith my Lord’s all-conquering
Compassion-Waves. ```If the Supreme is confident
That you will not go backTo your life of doubt, insecurity
And impurity,Then He will choose you
To come back into the worldTo hold aloft His Victory-Banner.
```Those who do not please the Supreme
Will come again and againInto the world,
Not to manifest Him,But only to free themselves
From the fetters of ignorance. ```My Lord Supreme,
My life has no joyBecause I am listening
To my earth-bound mindAnd not to my Heaven-free heart.
“My child,
Since your heart is so pureAnd your mind is so impure,
Why do you care for your mindMore than you care for your heart?”
```To train your eye
So that it can seeThe birth of Truth,
What you need firstIs God’s Compassion-Eye
Inside His Forgiveness-Heart. ```God’s Compassion-Magnet
Is always ready to drawBoth our good qualities
And our bad qualities. ```On the strength of our surrender
We become happy.When we are happy,
We become perfect.This is our self-discovery
And our God-satisfaction. ```Ego is like a balloon.
How easy to burst a balloon!Just grab it and break it.
Ego is like a firecracker.
It makes a dazzling display,But how long does it last,
And why do we need it? ```God is waiting for us.
Either we have to open ourselvesSo that He can come in,
Or we have to empty ourselvesSo that He can fill us.
```A spiritual Master is not God,
But he is trying to beGod’s devoted and obedient dog.
```He who cheerfully and devotedly
Serves the SupremeInstead of meditating
Can receive more inwardlyThan he who outwardly meditates for hours
While inwardly remaining fast asleepIn ignorance-night.
```God-realisation and God-manifestation
Are destined, true.But how often the tempting earth-ignorance
Unnecessarily delays them! ```Everyone has a good soul,
But some souls, like unfortunate parents,Have mind-children and vital-children
That will not listen to them. ```Do you know when I get
The most special Love from God?Not when I have a fearful heart,
Not when I have tearful eyes,But when I have a self-giving heart
And two smiling eyes. ```Life is a divine game.
Truth-seekers are the aspiration-team.Their Captain, none other than
The Supreme Himself. ```Which kind of freedom is desirable?
The freedom that can declare:“I am God’s
Supremely chosen child.I am eternally His.
Sleeplessly I shall beFor Him alone.”
No other freedom is realSave and except this one.
```Who can dream?
Who is dreaming?Who will always dream?
Only the God-loverIn the seeker’s aspiration-heart.
```If your mind doubts
God’s Compassion-Heart,Then satisfaction
Will never take birthInside your life.
```Because you are consciously spiritual,
On each of your birthdaysYour soul comes to you to energise you,
Inspire you and give you additional strengthTo go forward in your aspiration-life.
```Indifference is the best weapon
Against cynicism,For no matter how much
Kindness and forgivenessYou offer to a cynic,
You will not be able to change him. ```The braver you are
In telling the worldWhat you are and what you stand for,
The greater will be the world’sAppreciation for you.
```No matter where you go,
No matter what you do,You can always carry with you
The inspiration and light you receiveFrom your inner life.
```The very nature of kindness
Is to spread.If you are kind to others,
Today they will be kind to you,And tomorrow to somebody else.
```Two questions have stung me:
Why have I not told GodThe entire truth?
Is there anythingThat I have learnt
Which it would not be betterIf I unlearnt?
```A single blessingful Smile
From his Beloved SupremeCan make a sincere truth-seeker feel
That he has finally reached Heaven. ```There is not a single seeker
Who cannot inspire others.There is not a single seeker
Who cannot be inspired by others. ```Your Beloved Supreme
Is all gratitude to youBecause you have the courage
To show your inner faithTo the outer world.
```His aggression-vital came to the fore
To challenge the world.But, alas, when the world
Accepted his challenge,His coward-vital was frightened to death.
```It is not such a difficult task
To be the torch-bearerOf a new creation.
Start right from this very momentBy intensifying your aspiration-life.
```Not in vain
Did you enter the BoatOf the Supreme.
Not in vain
Have you stayed in His BoatFor so many years.
Not in vain
Are you going to stay in His BoatFor all Eternity.
```If you really want to continue
Walking along Eternity’s Road,Who can prevent you?
If you really want to make
The fastest progress,Who can prevent you?
```He is always successful
Because beauty-blooms and purity-bloomsHave soulfully and powerfully starred
His aspiration-dedication-path. ```Increase, always increase
Your aspiration-cry.If you allow your aspiration
To decrease,It will be your real disgrace.
```An unavoidable necessity
Can quite often beAn unexpected opportunity.
```If you do not value
Your spiritual life,How can you expect
To get much benefit from it? ```The longer he followed
The spiritual life,The weaker became his aspiration
And the stronger became the disappointmentOf his Beloved Supreme.
```You feel you are always pleasing God
No matter what you do or say,But this is all deception —
Not God-deception but self-deception. ```The heart and the soul
Are friendly neighbours.Whenever the heart wants
To become one with God’s Light,It just knocks at the soul’s door
And enters. ```The prayer of a conditional seeker:
“My Lord Supreme,I have pleased You
For quite a few years.Is it not time
For You to please me?”The prayer of an unconditional seeker:
“My Lord Supreme,Through Your boundless Grace
I have been able to please YouFor so many years.
If such is Your Will,I will continue pleasing You forever.”
```When he ascended, he did not feel
Immediate satisfactionAccording to his expectation.
Therefore, deliberately and vehementlyHe chose to descend.
```His Inner Pilot repeatedly asked him
To pray more intensely,To meditate more soulfully
And to serve more unconditionally.Finally he listened
And became the perfect instrumentOf his Pilot’s choice.
```He started his inner journey
With no love,No devotion,
No surrender —Only sheer curiosity.
But now, years later,He is running fast
Along his inner roadOf love, devotion and surrender.
```God alone knows
When the Kingdom of HeavenWill finally descend on earth.
In the meantime,God is begging His aspiring children
To try to createAt least a tiny island
Which He can call Heaven on earth. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 93, Agni Press, 1983
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