O my heart’s Pole-Star,
I meditate on You,Cherishing the lofty hope
That someday my life shall blossomIn excellence supreme.
```Today if you are
All gratitude and surrender,Your heart will remember
Yesterday’s happy songsAnd grow into
Tomorrow’s happy dances. ```Destroy your self-importance.
God will immediately grant youHis own Omniscience-Light
And His own Omnipotence-Delight. ```You do not need any skill
To enjoy the flightsOf God’s Vision-Transcending Smile.
Just surrender your willDevotedly and soulfully
To His Will alone. ```Hate-night is personal.
Love-day is never impersonalBut is ever universal.
```The oriental gods came to me
With the messageThat silence is satisfaction,
Silence is all.The occidental gods came to me
With the messageThat sound is more than satisfaction,
Sound is more than all. ```He who needs
Is ultimately called.He who is called
Is ultimately perfect. ```When I go to visit my soul
Inside my heart’s silence-beauty,I see an Eye that invites me to visit
My own transcendental palace. ```Those who have denied themselves
Will be able to carry a world-messageThat will awaken
Slumbering humanity’s life. ```If you live only in the heart
And nowhere else,Then you will never have to experience
The brutal tortureOf earth’s frightening bondage.
```Try to be conscious
Of your imagination-power,For this power is nothing short of
God’s Promise-HourIn you and for you.
```Since you unconsciously enjoy
A pleasure-life,Can you not consciously try to make your life
A climbing and glowing prayer-tree? ```I need only one assurance from my Lord,
And that assurance is that He will give meThe capacity to please Him
In His own Way. ```My Lord Supreme has repeatedly told me
That no blunder of mineWill ever dishearten Him.
Each blunder will onlyIndefinitely delay my God-realisation.
```My curiosity-teacher has taught me
For a long time.What I now need inside me
Is a necessity-studentAnd a sincerity-teacher.
```When he ceased his forward journey
Along Eternity’s Road,It was nothing other than
His soul’s defeat. ```Here on earth
God plays in and through His representatives,The human champions.
There in HeavenNobody need represent God,
For God Himself is the ChampionIn everything.
```Love is the birth
Of newness,And newness is the birth
Of fulness. ```The supreme message
Of the spiritual heart:Man’s utter helplessness
Will be transformedInto perfect fulness.
```The freedom-right of the vital
Is the slavery-night of the manWho has developed a true hunger
For illumination-light. ```Written words may not be immortal,
But a giving lifeShall always remain immortal
Inside humanity’s gratitude-heart. ```If you surrender
To your future temptations,The chaos of the seven lower worlds
Will immediately start frightening your heartAnd threatening your life.
```To obliterate my painful and baneful past,
What my life needs nowIs a tornado-speed
To look forward,Run forward
And become one, inseparably one,With my ultimate destination.
```It is I who embrace my silent death
By pretending to knowWhat I should never know
And by pretending to becomeWhat I must never become.
```To plumb the depth of delight,
Never entertain a wait-and-see attitude.At every moment
You have to sing, play and danceIn the core of silence-light.
```Do not fear dark misfortunes,
Do not cherish wild regrets,If you really care for
An auspicious heartAnd a spacious life.
```God is waiting at your heart’s door
To support your hope’s beautyAnd your life’s perfection-promise.
```Each time I soulfully pray,
A new world unfolds itself,A new dimension fills me with astonishment
And I discover startling truths. ```Two are the questions
That remain always unanswered:Does God actually need me?
What will happenIf I become another God?
```All his life he has been feeding hope:
The beauty of hope,The purity of hope
And the divinity of hope.Hope is his all.
```If you do not believe
In the power-splendourOf your heart’s beauty,
The cries of the finiteShall always follow you.
```God will inform you
Of His imminent arrivalOnly when He sees
That you are readyWith your heart’s soulful
And innocent smile. ```To cure falsehood,
Earth needs him.But, alas, earth has nothing
To pay him.To distribute truth,
Heaven needs him.But, alas, Heaven is not giving him
Enough gratitude-power-light. ```Destruction’s feet are challenging you
Because your desire-life fearsAnd is not ready to receive
A delight-flooded life. ```If you are a perfect devotee
Of the pleasure-life,You will not be allowed
To see God’s Eye,Although it invisibly lives
Inside your very breath. ```In the morning
Earth is my suffering-sister.At noon
Earth is my hope-builder.In the evening
Earth is my surrender-splendour. ```O my heart,
If you excuse my mindTime and again,
Then you will, without fail,Be blamed by your superior,
My soul. ```My heart’s ancient realisation:
Death is not deathBut a new life
With a new purpose —To please God.
```To you, O earth,
A mere suggestion:Be constantly conscious
Of what you are not receiving soulfully.To you, O Heaven,
A mere suggestion:Be constantly conscious
Of what you are not giving cheerfully. ```If you do not brave
The life of failure-sighs,Then you can never expect
The infinite and immortal Satisfaction-SkyOf God’s Heart.
```My Eternity’s hungry heart
Is God’s unhorizoned Choice.At last I swim
In the sea of wisdom-delight. ```God does not mind at all
If I use His EyeTo see each and every human being.
On the contrary,He deeply appreciates
My wisdom-light. ```This world may damage everything
That belongs to him,But it can never damage
His God-given self-esteem. ```O hostile forces,
Your cannons are roaring,Your bayonets are flashing
And your drums are rolling,But I shall not surrender.
At God’s choice HourI shall conquer you all
With no exception,Without fail.
```When I swallow my tempest-pride,
God immediately grants meHis own Tongue to use freely.
```Each time my mind wants to escape
From the reality-life,My heart sees nothing
But the cruel torture of death. ```You must never think
That your life is made ofHopeless hopes.
No!Your life is made of
The ever-illumining sunAnd the ever-fulfilling sky.
```What I need from my present life
Is a smile from God.What I need from my future life
Is a dance from God. ```To make myself really happy,
I shall empty myself of ignorance-night.To make my Lord astonishingly happy,
I shall empty myself of myself. ```You are consciously on the way
To your goal.That means at long last
Your soul is going to beTriumphant.
```Everybody is longing for happiness,
Even God.Although He is all Happiness,
He wants to be even happierBy transcending Himself.
```You are nothing but an insignificant creature
When you do not please GodIn His own Way.
You are dearer than the dearestIn God’s Heart
When you please GodIn His own Way.
```You can achieve something worthwhile
Either for God or for yourselfOnly by virtue of
Your adamantine determination.Without determination,
Your life is worse than useless. ```He had no idea how sad God was
At his lack of determination.His life’s failure gave God
A most deplorable experience. ```There is always room for improvement.
Improvement is the mind’s enlightenmentAnd the heart’s fulfilment.
```If you have to make any mistake,
Then do it in the higher world,Not in the lower world.
If you make a mistake in the lower world,You will be destroyed.
If you make a mistake in the higher world,You will be given a chance
To rectify it. ```Through meditation, dedication
And a prayerful inner life,Let us see how far, how deep
And how high we can go. ```He was chosen by the Supreme Himself
To manifest the heightsOf spirituality and divinity.
But unconsciously, if not consciously,He was unwilling to fulfil
His God-ordained tasks. ```When he hesitated to fulfil
The Mission of his Lord Supreme,The Supreme chose a new instrument
To awaken the slumbering world. ```O sincere seeker,
Listen to your heartWhen it tells you
That you are pleasing God,For then you will be able
To please Him more. ```He may not be a tall man,
But his ambition-mountainIs unimaginably high.
He may not be a promising soul,
But his hope-seaIs very deep.
```A child’s question
Can be answered in one sentence.The same question
Asked by an adultRequires a thesis as an answer.
```When dire necessity commands me
To immediately changeThe face and fate of mankind,
I vehemently stand againstMy own old friends:
Concern, compassion, closeness and oneness. ```My Lord Supreme
Has given me chance after chanceTo please Him,
Yet I have not been ableTo build a heart-temple
Inside my life-house. ```You do not belong to Heaven.
If you belong to Heaven,Then where is your heart of delight?
You do not belong to earth.
If you belong to earth,Then where is your face of beauty?
```If man wants to worship
The perennial Truth,He can.
But usually he prefers to worshipThe eclipse of Truth.
```When I choose
To forgive the world,My divinity-sun immediately increases
Its unhorizoned power.When I choose
To live the life of oneness-love,My humility-moon immediately increases
Its beauty’s light and purity’s height. ```Darkness knows how to thicken.
Light knows how to brighten.Earth knows how to bind
The divine in man.Heaven knows how to liberate
The human from the animal. ```If your mind wants to challenge something,
Then let it challenge peace.If your heart wants to challenge something,
Then let it challenge love.If you want to challenge something,
Then challenge perfection. ```When God allows you to fail,
He does not want you to feel humiliated.Since you are His chosen child,
God wants you to knowThe experience of humility
And not the experience of humiliation. ```Both your lethargic body
And your aggressive vitalMust be transformed, without fail,
Into a dynamic life. ```Your mind thinks
That God is unreachable.Your life believes
That God is quite distant.And what does your heart feel?
Does it feel God is distant?Does it feel God is unreachable?
Or does it feel God is where it is itself? ```The aspiration-flames of our inner life
Can win the life-and-death battleWith the desire-night of our outer life
If we need our Supreme Pilot only,Every day, every hour,
Every minute, every second. ```If I put my Beloved Supreme
Always first in my life,When I pray to Him
To fulfil my undivine desires,First He delays
And then He forgets to fulfil them.When I pray to Him
To fulfil my divine aspirations,He not only fulfils them
Infinitely sooner than my expectationOr even my imagination,
But He also fulfils my innocent desiresWith utmost Joy.
```What are weaknesses,
If not unlit rooms?You will be happy
Only when all the roomsIn your life-home
Are fully illumined. ```My heart’s latest discovery:
God’s Heart is forMy own hidden larger self,
Humanity. ```Before the soul completes
Its final journey,It manifests its divinity
On earth,And this divinity is nothing else
But God’s Compassion-LightAnd Satisfaction-Height.
```My Lord,
Why are You staying insideMy frustration-vital
And not insideMy satisfaction-heart?
“My child,
Your heart-room has pleased me.Now I want to live in your vital-room.
I shall illumine your vital-roomThe way I have illumined your heart-room.”
```You must watch your words.
Each word can reverberateInside your heart’s purity-temple
Or inside your vital’s impurity-cavern. ```Allow not your mind to enjoy
The complicated affairs of lifeIf you want your heart’s beauty
To grow deeper and deeperAnd your life’s duty
To go higher and higher. ```God is my known Friend:
This is the rich feelingOf my heart.
God is my unknown Friend:
This is the vague opinionOf my mind.
God is my unknowable Friend:
This is the totally helpless convictionOf my life.
```The strength of passion-torture
And pleasure-tortureAre inseparable.
The love of illumination-perfectionAnd satisfaction-perfection
Is indispensable. ```Always mix with a true God-lover.
It is he alone who can help youHave a God-adoring heart.
```You say you do not believe
In God and His Compassion-Game.Do you expect me to believe
That you are your ownSelf-created vision-flames?
```Smaller than a mustard seed
Is man’s sacrifice-drop,But it has the power
To bring to man eventuallyThe ecstasies of both
The inner world and the outer world. ```His vital and mind together sobbed
When he lost the outer race.His heart and soul together sobbed
When he lost the inner race. ```The inner world was indifferent to him.
The outer world challenged him.Helpless, he surrendered
To the dictates of ignorance-night. ```You do not know yourself,
So why not trust him?He will tell you
How you can see GodAnd how you can touch God’s Feet.
```I prefer the heart
That creates purityTo the mind
That creates obscurity. ```The doom of the doubt-life
Is not only inevitableBut also visible.
```An instant touch
From the inner worldCan easily cure
Your fractured trust. ```My mind cannot afford
To enjoy the luxuryOf baneful doubts.
```A God-realised soul
Not only feeds his own inner hungerBut also sleeplessly tries to feed
The inner hunger of God’s entire creation. ```Inner stillness
Has a volcano-power.It destroys the smouldering anguish
Of the human heart. ```To make my dry mind happy
What I need is newness.To discipline my vital
What I need is either strictness or soulfulness. ```Time is sacrificing itself every day
So that the aspiration-lifeCan be bettered at every moment.
```The world’s deep midnight-silence
Has seen him not only meditatingBut also playing hide-and-seek
With his Lord’s Vision-Eye. ```God’s Silence preceded God’s Sound
Amazingly.God’s Sound is preceding God’s Manifestation
Slowly, steadily plus convincingly. ```You can never reach complete satisfaction
In your heavenward journeyWithout your heart’s aspiration-cry.
```Only an inch separates
My gratitude-heartFrom God’s Satisfaction-Heart,
And I shall bridge that final inchWith my heart’s purity-surrender.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 97, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_97