I am great,
Not because I sincerely pray to God,But because God, out of His boundless Bounty,
Has given me the unparalleled opportunityTo live in His Vision-Eye.
I am good,
Not because I soulfully meditate on God,But because God, out of His boundless Bounty,
Has given me the unparalleled opportunityTo live in His Compassion-Heart.
```If you are leading a human life,
Ordinary and unaspiring,Then expectation is your morning illusion
And evening frustration.If you are leading a divine life,
Simple, sincere and pure,Then aspiration is your morning joy
And evening peace. ```O Lord Supreme,
A beautiful day has dawned for us.Please tell us what we should do
During the entire day.“My sweet children,
You are now praying to MeAnd meditating on Me
Devotedly and soulfully.The entire day try to think and feel
That you are eternally of Me aloneAnd eternally for Me alone.”
```My Lord,
How can my mind think of YouWhen it is suffering so much?
“My child,
Tell your mindThat it does not have to think of Me.
It only has to think of My Peace.” ```My Lord,
How can my heart feel YouWhen it is suffering so much?
“My child,
Tell your heartThat it does not have to feel Me.
It only has to feel My Bliss.” ```My Lord,
How can my vital know YouWhen it is suffering so much?
“My child,
Tell your vitalThat it does not have to know Me.
It only has to know My Oneness.” ```My Lord,
How can my body have faith in YouWhen it is suffering so much?
“My child,
Tell your bodyThat it does not have to have faith in Me.
It only has to have faith in My Compassion.” ```I do not want to know
How I have failedAnd why I have failed.
I only want to knowHow I can succeed,
For I know that I shall definitely succeed.When?
Soon, very soon! ```Since your heart is
Exceedingly beautiful,It will not take much time
For you to make your lifeSupremely fruitful.
```My Lord Supreme,
I have given YouMy aspiration, dedication and surrender.
What else do You want from meSo that I can be a perfect instrument
Of Yours?“My child,
Be constantly pure in your aspiration.Be constantly humble in your dedication.
Be constantly sincere in your surrender.Then I shall claim you
Not only as a perfect instrument of MineBut also as My own, very own.”
```My Lord Supreme, I know, I know,
My insincerity, my impurityAnd my doubt hurt You.
Is there anything else that hurts You?“Yes, My child, there is something else.
Your unwillingness to change your natureHurts Me infinitely, infinitely more
Than your insincerity, impurity and doubt.” ```“Children, My dear children,
I shall every day give youWhat I have:
My Infinity’s Love.I shall every day give you
What I am:My Eternity’s Compassion.”
Father, dear Father,
We shall every day sleeplessly give YouWhat we have:
Our insecurity-lives.We shall every day soulfully give You
What we are:Our gratitude-flames.
```My sincerity tells me
God is.My purity tells me
God does.My receptivity tells me
God is for me,For me always.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do tell me the easiest wayTo please You.
“My child, from today on
Think of yourself infinitely moreThan you think of others,
Until the time comesWhen I ask you
To think of Me infinitely moreThan you think of yourself.
This is the absolutely easiest wayTo please Me.”
```To become a perfect instrument
Of your Beloved SupremeYou need only two things from Him daily.
During the dayYou need His Compassion
So that in the battlefield of lifeYour searching mind can succeed
And your crying heart can proceed.During the night
You need His ForgivenessBecause unconsciously, if not consciously,
You make friends with ignorance-sleep. ```Soulfully give what you have.
You will realiseThat you have given nothing.
Consciously become what you are.You will realise
That you have become everything:A perfect instrument
Of your Beloved Supreme. ```Not only every day but at every moment
Your Lord Supreme does somethingVery special for you.
When you are lethargic,He stands behind you
And pushes you forward.When you are energetic,
He stands before youAnd pulls you forward.
```Since I have taken my duties
Seriously and soulfullyAnd I have fulfilled my obligations,
Inner and outer,Nobody will be able to delay
My Heaven-bound journey. ```It is unmistakably obvious
That nothing great, nothing goodAnd nothing abiding
Can ever breathe outside the love-citadelOf one’s own inner being.
```His heart he spends in discovering
The beauty, purity and divinityOf love.
His life he spends in manifesting
The promises of his Heaven-freeSoul-reality.
```Nobody can stop me!
In the inner lifeMy heart is my own revolution.
In the outer lifeMy mind is my own determination.
```Keep your heart’s door closed.
You will see that your own successIs no success at all.
Keep your heart’s door open.
You will see that the success of othersIs also your success.
```If you cannot expand your heart
And establish your onenessWith your highest Self,
Then in God’s EyeYou will be totally lost.
```He was dearest to God
Because he offered to help othersWithout being requested.
He was dearest to God
Because when others requested his helpHe felt they were carrying
Nothing other than God’s Message. ```The determination in your heroic effort
Will permeate your mind and heartEven after your success or failure
Is long forgotten. ```To please God in His own Way
You know what you are supposed to do:Just live in the heart
And not in the mind. ```Whenever you do something
Great and good,Your Master feels he has done it.
Whenever your Master does somethingGreat and good,
Try to feel you have done it.Then the mutual joy in your hearts
Will last eternally. ```The dark ignorance-tunnel
May seem endless to you,But he who has already passed through it
Knows it is only a matter of timeBefore you will also emerge
Into the effulgence of God’s infinite Light. ```Although you are experiencing
Repeated defeats and failures,Do not give up!
Always rememberThe Golden Shore is waiting
For nobody else but you. ```The nature of divine friendship:
If one friend loses,The other’s oneness-heart will break.
If one friend wins,The other’s oneness-heart will make him feel
It is he who has won. ```Although God is prepared to fail
Every day, every hour and every minuteWhen he deals with our human nature,
He knows that His is the ultimate Victory. ```Human fear is absolutely useless!
Why be afraid of anybody or anything?Cherish only the divine fear
That you may do somethingWhich will bring suffering
To your Beloved Supreme. ```If you can identify
With your friend’s achievements,You will share his happiness.
If you cannot identifyWith your friend’s achievements,
You will act like his worst enemyIn the inner world.
```If you cannot conquer
Your outer greed,You will never be blessed
With an abiding inner hunger. ```Determination is the first rung
On the evolution-ladder,Not only for unaspiring people
But also for thoseWho have wholeheartedly accepted
The spiritual life. ```Because he was failing badly
In his life-examination,He was a disgrace not only to his soul
But also to his heart,Which was sincerely aspiring
To make him a good truth-seeker. ```Although I see failure
All around me,I shall always strive to maintain
My inner oneness with God. ```If you have the capacity
To please God for one day,Then, without fail,
You have the capacityTo please Him always.
```Your empty heart
Is the beginningOf your silence-delight-experience.
```I have only one prayer,
And that prayer is simple and constant.What do I pray for?
Purity’s oneness-lightWithin and without
At each human breath. ```If you want to realise who you are,
Then start acting likeA representative of God
And not a representative of ignorance. ```The real in you
And the unknowable in youAre always the same.
Do not separate themIf you want to live
In the oneness of self-perfectionAnd God-satisfaction.
```Curiosity cannot create
Positive energy.Sincerity can not only create
Positive energy,But can also offer it to others.
```If you do not renounce
Your negative thinking habits,Then the darkness-forces will announce
Their destruction-victory inside you. ```What can you expect
From poor GodIf you wilfully resist
His unconditional Compassion-Arrival? ```Struggle!
Struggle vehemently against darkness!Your soul, the blue bird inside your heart,
Desperately wants from youThe transformation of your earth-life.
```Be careful!
Your shameless mind’sHeartless resentment
Can indefinitely delayYour soulful heart’s
Supreme enlightenment. ```Since your vital is not ready
To give up the idea of hiding,How can you expect the world
To give up the idea of exposing you? ```Your unwilling mind knows
What resentment is.Your loving heart knows
What oneness is. ```God granted him
His own Self-Transcendence-SmileBecause he was unreservedly for those
Whose needs came to his notice. ```Since yours is a calm and serene mind,
Your hope of promoting world peaceShall not remain an unfulfilled dream.
```I hate your complex mind
Beyond my imagination.I love your simple heart
Beyond your imagination. ```If God’s strictness
Is not to your taste,Remember that your life’s barrenness
Is not to God’s taste. ```If you really want to accomplish
Something great in life,Then be quick to battle against ignorance
And, if needed, exercise your divine authority. ```He who is an unconditional God-lover
Is a spark of God’s special LightAnd the centre of God’s special Love.
```He has satisfaction.
He is perfection.Therefore, he has fulfilled
His two Himalayan commitments. ```The entire length
Of your life’s God-manifestationIs founded upon the strength
Of your heart’s God-vision. ```When I pray,
I start with a beggar’s nothingness.When I meditate,
I start with a true God-lover’s stillness. ```There can be no real agreement
Between what my vital wantsAnd what my heart needs.
```Do you know
That your faith has enough strengthTo carry even your impurity to God?
```Your aspiration-light
Must always stand aboveYour previous desire-night
In its determination-strength. ```My human nothingness
Does not change me.My divine willingness
Can and does change me. ```My crying heart
Is an inexperienced child.My doubting mind
Is an experienced fool. ```O my body,
Everybody knows that you areThe great sleeper.
Can you not prove to the worldThat you are something else as well:
A sacred temple of the evolving God? ```When God’s Breath touches my sleep,
Two things I immediately see:God’s Compassion-Tree
AndMy own gratitude-plant.
```You have danced in the desire-world
For many, many years.Do you not believe in
The ecstasy-breath of newness?Can you not see
That you have a free accessTo the aspiration-world as well,
And that this aspiration-worldIs your only reality-world?
```Dive deep within.
You will see a lionIn its own lion-poise.
The day is fast approachingWhen this lion will roar and roar,
Announcing the VictoryOf your Lord Supreme.
```Anxiety and worry,
You are total strangersTo my aspiring life.
I can be of no help to you!Therefore, why do you not leave me?
```When you speak ill of others,
You have already exposedYour own inner weakness
To the outer world. ```Unless I become a sleepless dreamer
Of God-Dreams,My heart shall remain a fount
Of orphan-tears. ```The mind says to the heart,
“I am not readyAnd I may never be ready
To pray to God,But I have a strong curiosity
To see God.Therefore, will you not take me
In your boatAnd pilot me to the Golden Shore?”
```When I disappoint my soul,
I not only weaken my lifeBut also sadden
My Lord’s Compassion-Heart. ```If you are not sincerely aspiring,
Then remember,The unkindness of the world
Is no match for your own unkindnessTo your all-loving soul.
```Tell me, my friend,
What you think of yourself,Not what you know about yourself,
For that is whatWill definitely inspire me.
```If I do not prevent
Discouraging thoughts from attacking me,That means I am allowing
Someone to threaten meWith a taut and strangling rope.
```Since truth has repeatedly told you
That you are its great friend,Why do you need falsehood
To befriend you? ```Everybody knows
What the universal disease is:Doubt.
But does anybody careFor the real medicine,
Or for any medicine at all? ```The enlightenment of a seeker’s life
Is nothing other thanA very pleasant entertainment
In God’s Heart-Garden. ```To love the purity of silence-delight
Is to divinely enjoyA God-manifesting leisure activity.
```I always belong
At my Lord’s Forgiveness-Feet:This is my absolutely
Unmistakable conviction. ```I appreciate your mind
Because it sincerely pursues.I admire your heart
Because it richly achieves. ```My vital does not want
To hear the truth from you,For it feels that truth is punishment.
My heart wants to hear
Only the truth from you,For it feels that truth is not punishment
But illumination. ```God is not an outsider.
God is an insider,Closer than the closest,
The only one who protectsAnd illumines you.
Why, then, are you afraid of Him?Why are you so unkind to Him?
Why do you not love Him?Why do you feel
That you do not need Him? ```Who told you
That God is an intruder?He is not!
He is only the greatest Perfection-LoverAnd Satisfaction-Promoter.
```The ultimate meaning of human life
Lies in the sleepless thrill of self-givingTo the world of aspiration-heart.
```I had a long talk with God.
He told me two most important thingsAbout the mountain-smile
Of my aspiration-heart:It has conquered the division-mind
Of the world,And it has welcomed God the Doer
SecretlyAnd God the Lover
Openly. ```What you have is a blundering mind.
What you are is a forgotten hope.What you want to be
Is the question of questions,Which God alone can answer.
```If your mind loves
Indisputable sincerity,Then your heart will quickly become
The master of your life. ```O my mind,
My heart is so well-likedBy my Lord Supreme!
Therefore, do you not see that it isAn unforgivable insult
When you criticiseMy pure and self-giving heart?
```I wanted to admire
The beauty of Infinity.Alas, my mind’s incapacity
And my mind’s impurityHave forced me to surrender
To strangling Eternity. ```Since you are quite comfortable
With your mind’s frequent inconsistencies,How can anybody teach your life
Success-progress-stories? ```Unless I become a positive voice
To myself,My heart shall remain
An utterly disappointed hope. ```Where is God’s Compassion-Light?
It is inside the soundOf my prayer-dream.
Where is God’s Satisfaction-Delight?
It is inside the silenceOf my meditation-mountain.
```His spiritual life was stung
By a piercing criticism-arrow.Therefore, he deliberately shrouded his life
In top secrecy. ```You want to know today
Where my teeming doubts are.Well, I have found a suitable place
For them to stay.They are in the cemetery of yesterday.
```A vast inspiration flashes across my mind:
I shall weep until my heart-birdReceives from Above
Two ecstasy-wings. ```Now that he has achieved perfection
In his own obedience-life,His heart is swimming
In the sea of delight. ```Man’s love for the unnatural life
And for the finite realitiesHas created death
And its good friend, ignorance. ```The outer beauty prays to God
For more beauty.The inner beauty prays to God
For more responsibility. ```Hope lights the candle of delight
Inside the temple of my silence-heart today.Once more I am able to claim my Lord Supreme
As my own, very own.From today on I shall be
The sunshine that crosses my path. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 98, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_98