I make progress fast
When I amA professor of peace.
I make progress faster
When I amA teacher of peace.
I make progress fastest
When I amA student of peace.
```I make progress fast
When I see a flower.I make progress faster
When I feel the beautyOf a flower.
I make progress fastest
When I breathe the fragranceOf a flower.
```I make progress fast
When my mindCheerfully loves God.
I make progress faster
When my heartSoulfully serves God.
I make progress fastest
When my lifeUnconditionally obeys God.
```To make progress fast
I uproot my heart's ego-plant.To make progress faster
I cut down my mind's ego-tree.To make progress fastest
I destroy my life's ego-seed. ```O my insecurity-heart,
Leave me alone!I want to make progress fast.
O my impurity-mind,
Leave me alone!I want to make progress faster.
O my complexity-life,
Leave me alone!I want to make progress fastest.
```I make progress fast
When I do not expectCompassion from God.
I make progress faster
When I do not expectLove from God.
I make progress fastest
When I do not expectConcern from God.
```With my mind's faith-flames
I make progress fast.With my heart's love-lamp
I make progress faster.With my life's surrender-sun
I make progress fastest. ```Ego no more!
Therefore,I am making progress fast.
Unwillingness no more!
Therefore,I am making progress faster.
Expectation no more!
Therefore,I am making progress fastest.
```God has given me
A newness-mindTo make progress fast.
God has given me
A soulfulness-heartTo make progress faster.
God has given me
A oneness-lifeTo make progress fastest.
```God has given me
A certitude-mindTo make progress fast.
God has given me
A gratitude-heartTo make progress faster.
God has given me
A beatitude-lifeTo make progress fastest.
```I have given God
My nectar-dreamsTo make progress fast.
I have given God
My bitterness-realityTo make progress faster.
I have given God
My surrender-smilesTo make progress fastest.
```Good-bye, my self-imposition!
I want to make progress fast.Good-bye, my self-deception!
I want to make progress faster.Good-bye, my self-glorification!
I want to make progress fastest. ```When I do not confine God.
I make progress fast.When I do not define God,
I make progress faster.When I do not entwine God,
I make progress fastest. ```To make progress fast,
I live a doubt-free day.To make progress faster,
I live a complaint-free day.To make progress fastest,
I live a temptation-free day. ```I make progress fast
When I do not look downOn those who do not aspire.
I make progress faster
When I pray to GodTo forgive them.
I make progress fastest
When I compassionately,Soulfully and lovingly
Inspire them to aspire. ```I do not enter into
My mind's hesitation-room.Therefore, I make progress fast.
I do not enter into
My heart's expectation-room.Therefore, I make progress faster.
But I do enter into
My soul's satisfaction-room.Therefore, I make progress fastest.
```When I pray to God
To increase my love for Him,I make progress fast.
When I meditate on God
To increase my devotion to Him,I make progress faster.
When I contemplate on God
To increase my surrender to Him,I make progress fastest.
```When my mind
Looks at God's Eye,I make progress fast.
When my heart
Looks at God's Heart,I make progress faster.
When my soul
Looks at God's Feet,I make progress fastest.
```Doubt is no longer my boss.
Therefore, I make progress fast.Jealousy is no longer my boss.
Therefore, I make progress faster.Insecurity is no longer my boss.
Therefore, I make progress fastest. ```When God thinks of me
Compassionately,I make progress fast.
When I meditate on God
Soulfully,I make progress faster.
When I serve God sleeplessly
And tell Him thatAlthough I serve Him sleeplessly,
I shall not mindIf He wants to think of others,
Meditate on others,Love others,
And fulfil others in His own Way,I make progress fastest.
```Only when I am in
A very high consciousness,I come to learn why
My Lord Supreme does not listenTo my mind-demand-prayers
And why He treasuresMy heart-surrender-meditations.
```Alas, will there be a time
When my Supreme LordWill find my mind-line free
So that He can compassionatelyAnd affectionately
Instruct my mindAbout soulful aspiration
And fruitful dedication? ```My dear Supreme,
My sweet Supreme,My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme and IAre most eagerly looking for
The returnOf my long-lost aspiration.
```This morning my sweet Supreme
Not only blessed meWith His Heart-Clock
But also struck powerfullyMy heart's aspiration-hour.
```O my disobedience-mind,
Be careful!I am telling you once and for all
That soon you will have to standBefore God's Absolute
Justice-Light. ```My Lord's
Oneness-Heart-SmileAnd my heart's
Insecurity-blindnessCan never establish
Even a fleeting friendship. ```My Lord of Compassion infinite,
Please grant me the capacityTo take every morning
The gratitude-short-cutTo Your Satisfaction-Highway.
```Every morning
There is a serious battleBetween my heart's eagerness
And my mind's unwillingness.To my extreme joy,
Every single dayMy heart's eagerness wins.
```God does not ask us
To do many things for Him.He asks us to do only one thing:
To demolish completelyOur mind-made ignorance-fort.
```My Lord asks me not to be afraid
Of my desire-nights.He asks me only to increase
My heart's burningAspiration-flames.
He tells me thatMy heart's burning
Aspiration-flamesWill soon be able to devour
All my desire-nights. ```I am so happy
That even my doubting mindIs struggling hard to reach
My heart's faith-oasis. ```Every day I need
A new wave of enthusiasm-lightTo speed up my purity-heart's
Heavenward aspiration-journey. ```Every day I must strengthen
My aspiration-heartWith a new supply
Of confidence-delightSo that my heart does not suffer
From security-shortage. ```This morning
My heart's aspiration-boxerHas knocked out
Easily and permanentlyMy confusion-mind.
```Not from any human being
But from God HimselfI have learned how to throw
My mind's unwillingness-insectsInto my heart's eagerness-fire.
```My Lord tells me
That it is onlyMy complete satisfaction-heart
That has the divine rightTo kindle my life's
Self-transcendence-flames. ```Alas, why am I so helpless
That I am compelled to hearMy mind's nothingness-story
Every day? ```Slowly, steadily
But unmistakablyI have unloaded
My mind's doubt-excess. ```Just yesterday I gave away
All my old ignorance-toys.Today my Lord Supreme
Has given me His ownEver-new and ever-beautiful
Love, Joy and Peace-Toys. ```Alas, there are so many
Burning hope-heart-countriesIn this world,
But whereIs the peace-ambassador,
Where? ```My God-fulfilment-
Confidence-promise-heartIs from my sleeplessly
Faith-trained hero-life. ```Only my soul's promise-eye
Has the God-commissioned rightTo light
My God-manifestation-torch. ```Beautiful, supremely beautiful,
Was my aspiration-journey's start.Powerful, unimaginably powerful,
Was my Supreme Lord's Compassion-Blessing-Rain. ```Every morning without fail
My Beloved Supreme asksMy gratitude-heart
To read out His ownTranscendental Victory-Speech.
```I simply do not know
And certainly do not want to knowWhen and how
I cut off completelyAll my uncomely and powerful
Bondage-thought-chains. ```Mine is the life
That will never surrenderTo ignorance-tyranny.
Mine is the mindThat will never surrender
To agitation-turmoil. ```Each purity-thought of mine
Is a silver-moon-beautyOf my Lord's Heart.
```My outer life succeeds
And my inner life proceedsPrecisely because
My Beloved SupremeHas kept my aspiration-heart
In betweenHis own Compassion-Heart
And His own Encouragement-Eye. ```Because He enjoys
His own Silence-Delight,My Lord Supreme
Gets tremendous satisfactionWhen my body, vital, mind
And heartMonopolise their conversation
With Him. ```Divinity's transcendental peak
You are bound to ascendIf you have become a sleepless
```When I live in the very depths
Of my Lord's Compassion-Eye,My life's success-speed
And my heart's progress-speedAre so fast
That not even the cosmic godsCan adequately time them.
```My concentration-warrior-eye
Is sleeplessly and breathlesslyDetermined to dethrone
My confusion-mind-king. ```O my seeker-heart,
Sincerity-flames are calling you.Arise, awake!
```This morning,
With each soulful breath,My aspiration-heart accepted
My Lord's blessingful Invitation. ```Peace-fulfilment-songs
Are sung onlyBy the God-singing souls.
```Every morning I make a solemn promise
That I shall not answerMy mind-desire-phone.
Alas,Every day I badly fail.
```Be not afraid
Of your desire-nightmares.Your heart's aspiration-fire
Can and shall devour themAt God's choice Hour.
```Each aspiration-heart
Is bound to liveIn a progress-paradise.
```The temptation-disaster
May challengeThe meditation-protector,
But it will always lose. ```My heart's aspiration-morning
Never seesA hesitation-day.
```My God-meditation-captain
Puts my soul, my heart, my mind,My vital and my body
Every day in lineBefore they receive
Transcendental BlessingsFrom my Beloved Supreme.
```"My child, my child,
Do not be afraid of your mind'sVolcano-confusion.
My Compassion-EyeAt My choice Hour will devour
Your mind's volcano-confusion." ```"My child, my child,
Every morning you must wake upWhen I ring My Heart's
Universal Oneness-Bell." ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Fast, faster, fastest progress, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/fff