God's Beauty. ``````
God's Wisdom. ``````
God's Smile. ``````
God's Song. ``````
God's Silence-Sound. ``````
God's Perfection-Height. ``````
God's Oneness-Delight. ``````
I do knowWho you are.
But will I everKnow
Who I am? ``````
I seeThe outer world
While smiling. ``````
I seeThe inner world
While crying. ``````
Run,You can easily
Shake handsWith
The fleeting time. ``````
Run,You can easily
ChallengeThe pride of
Frightening distance. ``````
At lastI have terminated
My long-standingFriendship
With the thought-world. ``````
Peace of mindAlways
Succeeds. ``````
Love of GodAlways
Proceeds. ``````
RegularityIn meditation
Comes from the seeker'sDetermination.
PunctualityIn meditation
Comes from the seeker'sPerfection.
Fulness-Smile. ``````
God-hungerIs the world's
Unparalleled victory. ``````
A stupid mindAnd
A futile lifeCan never live
Separately. ``````
You have the capacityTo reject.
That meansYou are great.
You have the capacityTo accept.
That meansYou are good.
You have the eagernessTo transform yourself.
That meansYou are supremely wise.
Who can escapeFrom hope-snares?
Indeed,An impossible task.
Gratitude-plantDoes not grow
On earth. ``````
Transformation-seedDoes not germinate
In Heaven. ``````
How can I blameThe good God
For my sad failure in life? ``````
How can I blameThe poor world
For my sad failure in life? ``````
Finally,What is the use of blaming
The usual fool in me? ``````
I am dying to hopeUnreservedly
In the outer world. ``````
I am hoping to liveUnconditionally
In the inner world. ``````
My perfection isAnother name for
God's TranscendenceIn me.
My oneness isAnother name for
God's SatisfactionIn me.
I love the outer world.But I wish to have
More faith in itsCapacity.
I love the inner world.But I wish to have
A listening ear with moreReceptivity.
My sound-life is myPreparation-struggle.
My silence-life is mySatisfaction-smile.
I adore. ```Goodness-God
I love. ```Fulness-God
I need. ```My aspiration-heart
Is a great helpWhen I am in trouble.
```My dedication-life
Is a great helpIn keeping me out of trouble.
```A great soul fights for
The decisive victoryIn the battlefield of life.
```A good soul unreservedly surrenders
To the Cosmic WillOf the Absolute Supreme.
```Darkness consciously
Frightens the human in us. ```Darkness unconsciously
Strengthens the divine in us. ```God hides His Face
Because He enjoys the Game:Hide-and-seek.
```Man hides his face
Because he fails to ignoreThe ruthless torture
Of strangling humiliation. ```My life is stationed
In betweenMy tearful heart
AndMy cheerful soul.
```The poverty of a saint
Chastens and enlightensMy mind.
```The wealth of a multi-millionaire
Frightens and weakensMy life.
```God is eager to help you
Constantly.Do not reject His Help
Carelessly, blindlyAnd
Deliberately. ```The outer man strikes.
The inner man getsThe benefit.
```God has challenged
Your ignorance-lifeOn your behalf.
Can you not for aFleeting minute
Think and feelThat He has done it
Unconditionally? ```My confusion-mind
Tearfully tells meThat my life has to proceed
From struggle to struggle. ```My aspiration-heart
Cheerfully tells meThat my life is proceeding
From strength to strength. ```Suffering is undoubtedly
An opportunityTo learn and unlearn.
```Why should I be angry with you
Since I know that I have the capacityTo love you
Always? ```How do I dare to be angry with you
Since I have no powerTo protect you?
```What my soul's Heaven has
Is promise. ```What my heart's earth is
Is hope. ```Obedience is joy.
Joy is Heaven'sProperty.
Joy is earth'sProsperity.
```Believe, you will know.
Believe, you will grow.Believe, you will become.
Indeed, you are NOWGod's chosen drum.
```Do you want to know
Why your faith is notInspiring you anymore?
Here is the answer:Your faith is either dying
Or completely deadIn the inner world.
```Be affectionate and compassionate.
Remember only one thing:Like you everybody
Is desperately fightingAgainst Ignorance-Night
In the battlefield of life. ```To forgive the outer world I need peace. To forgive the inner world I need perfection.
Forgiveness is the seeker's immeasurable accomplishment in both the world of self-giving and the world of God-becoming.
Forgiveness is man's happiness-house. Forgiveness is God's Oneness-Home.
If you are deplorably weak, then you will sleeplessly remember, strongly harbour and ceaselessly suffer. If you are soulfully brave, then you will immediately forgive, completely forget and unimaginably prosper.
Forget the injustice-world. Forgiveness-joy will be all yours.
Cry for the world. Look, forgiveness-light is within your easy reach. Smile at the world. Look, forgiveness-delight is preceding you and following you.
Forgive the world. The world will sit at your compassion-feet. Forgive yourself. God will be dancing inside your meditation-heart.Faithfulness is man's divine soulfulness, which completely satisfies God.
Faithfulness is the inner fulness, which does not need any outer help.
Faithfulness is God-satisfaction in man and man-perfection in God.
Faithfulness is the sunlit path. It most amazingly expedites our Heavenward journey.
Because of faithfulness there can be no ultimate failure here on earth, there in Heaven. This is the discovery, the infallible discovery, made by faithful seekers and soulful God-lovers.
God does not fail anybody. This is the most outstanding discovery of a faithful truth-seeker.
Faithfulness is ruthlessly challenged by difficulty. Faithfulness is unreservedly supported by necessity.
Faithfulness always succeeds and proceeds.
Faithfulness shines in our heart's aspiration-cry. Faithfulness shines in our life's dedication-smile.
Today faithfulness is my victory's goal. Tomorrow faithfulness shall be my self-giving role in man's heart, which will grow into the very image of God.A purity-heart does not worry. It does not hurry either. A purity-heart devotedly waits, soulfully watches and unmistakably acts.
Conviction's treasure-home: a purity-heart.
A purity-heart houses a very large amount of capacity. Therefore, it surmounts most of the difficulty-barriers in human life.
Purity is the life's achievement. Joy is the heart's commitment.
Purity's absence is the fast beginning of life's real bankruptcy.
Purity most rapidly increases in the seeker's inner obedience-life.
Rich in purity means rich in divinity. Rich in divinity means rich in perfection. Rich in perfection means rich in God-satisfaction.
A pure God-lover carries the crying earth up to Heaven in the morning and brings the smiling Heaven down to earth in the evening.Who has time? I. I have time to perfect myself.
Time is the colleague of happiness and the fever of laziness.
The laziness in man usually hates the promptness of time. The divine in man sleeplessly loves the readiness, steadiness and promptness of time.
My failure-life is not the fault of my lack of time. My failure-life is the fault of my mind's lack of awareness, my heart's lack of wakefulness and my life's lack of soulfulness.
Every day time sings for me only one song — the same song — "pull and push." Time inspires me to pull Heaven down gently and push earth up powerfully.
While doing a little thing I smile at time. While doing a great thing I cry for time. While doing the right thing I love the unconditional arrival of time.
The heart of time embodies ceaseless industry. The eye of time reveals soundless eloquence.
Time touches the God-lover in me to inspire my slow body, my weak vital, my unconscious mind and my uncertain heart all at once.Pride can befriend only those who are short in their inner heights and inner depths.
A man of pride is an "I" specialist. A man of humility is an "I" perfectionist.
Preference and indifference are the obverse and reverse of the pride-coin.
You are admiring yourself to such an extent that you have made it clear that you do not need even God's Admiration.
You are full of yourself. Poor God sincerely tells the whole world that His Heart is too small for you.
Your excessive love of yourself destroys you not only beyond your realisation but also far beyond your imagination.
Your body is proud of its simplicity. Your vital is proud of its vitality. Your mind is proud of its majesty. Your heart is proud of its humility. Your soul is proud of its luminosity. And finally, your God is proud of His unity in multiplicity.God forgot my name because I was disproportionately proud. God gave me not only His Name but also His God-capacities because I was sincerely humble.
A humble seeker-soul accepts both God's Compassion-Height and Justice-Light equally, happily, soulfully and unconditionally.
Humility-foundation holds the realisation-palace.
Excessive humility is impressive unreality and compulsive insincerity.
When you pray to God for humility, God grants you humility plus His own Appreciation-Heart.
Pride left him hurriedly and helplessly the day he realised God.
Humility has been living permanently with him and in him since the day he came to know that what he has is a tiny ant-capacity.
Because of my sincere incapacity, humility and its closest friend, divinity, have become my intimate friends.My generosity is not an unavoidable responsibility. My generosity is an invaluable opportunity.
Generosity is the willing heart's capacity which conquers the unwilling mind's incapacity.
Generosity is at once man's loving promise to God and God's saving promise to man.
Generosity smilingly consumes selfishness-fire.
Only a generous heart does not rob or exploit the poverty-stricken humanity.
Some people trust God because they think that God can and will eventually grant them salvation. But they are not generous in trusting God with their wallets and pocketbooks, for they think that God may distribute the contents of their wallets and pocketbooks lavishly and unscrupulously!
Generosity is from the descending God, for the ascending man.
Generosity comes from the present God-Tree to the future God-Leaves.
A generous soul gives to mankind what he has and gets from God what He Himself is.
Generosity increases human capacity, strengthens divine Unity and satisfies the supreme Reality.The human in us secretly expects the worship of patronage-fulness. The divine in us sincerely waits for the right moment to expect fellowship-oneness.
Worship man. Imperfection-frustration will chase you. Worship God. Opposition-destruction will surrender to you.
We worship. Unconsciously we worship fear-torture. Consciously we worship courage-rapture.
We worship. Unconsciously we worship jealousy-seed. Consciously we worship friendliness-fruit.
We worship. Unconsciously we worship doubt-kingdom. Consciously we worship faith-freedom.
We worship. Unconsciously we worship ignorance-night around us. Consciously we worship wisdom-light within us.I love you
BecauseYour life is Eternity's
Compassion-flow.I love you
BecauseYour heart is Infinity's
Perfection-glow. ```Ambition
Is usually shadowless.Determination
Is amazingly faultless.Realisation
Is eternally priceless. ```They say: the morning is
Beautiful.I say: your blossoming
Eyes are infinitelyMore beautiful.
They say: the evening is
Beautiful.I say: your falling
Tears are infinitelyMore beautiful.
```I am not afraid of
The blackness of darkness.I am not afraid of
The blindness of darkness.But
I am afraid ofThe emptiness of darkness.
Man's need was an iota ofFaith.
Man's need is a smallChallenge.
Man's need will beAn acknowledged
Victory. ```When slowly
And soulfullySincerity shines
Within,Quickly and powerfully
Beauty shinesWithout.
```My Lord Supreme
Granted meWhat I anticipated:
His Justice-Sun.My Lord Supreme
Shall grant meWhat I am hoping for:
His Compassion-Sea. ```My Lord Supreme, You blessed me with an inspiration-bird in the month of January. I am now offering You my gratitude-heart.
```My Lord Supreme, in the month of February You blessed me with a flame of aspiration in the depth of my heart.
```My Lord Supreme, in March You taught me how to be faithful, cheerful and soulful in my life of dedication.
```My Lord Supreme, in April You took away from me my impurity-breath and my insecurity-life.
```My Lord Supreme, in May I placed at Your Feet my entire ingratitude-world.
```My Lord Supreme, out of Your infinite Compassion, in June You said to me: "My son, failure is not your name. Your name is constant attempt."
```My Lord Supreme, in July You forced me to stop drinking doubt-poison and You helped me drink faith-nectar.
```My Lord Supreme, in August You illumined me by saying that I must not miss any opportunity, either in the inner world or in the outer world.
You said to me, "To miss an opportunity, My child, is to be farther than the farthest from Me."
```My Lord Supreme, if I have an iota of gratitude, then I place it at Your Compassion-Feet, for it is You who saved me from the utterly destructive month of September.
```My Lord Supreme, in October You gave me the capacity to love You sincerely, to devote myself to You unreservedly and to surrender my life to You constantly.
```My Lord Supreme, in November You said, "Don't think, My child. I shall think for you. Don't fight, My child. I shall fight for you. Only try to love Me more in your sleepless hours and in your sleeping hours."
```My Lord Supreme, today is the first of December. Today You are blessing me with a unique message: "My child, each second in your life of aspiration and dedication is as precious as Heaven's descending Blessing and as precious as earth's ascending cry."
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Four Hundred Gratitude-Flower-Hearts, Agni Press, 1979
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/fhg