Leonard Bernstein: How can you think that? It has to be the other way. You are the boundless energy and stillness all at the same time. How can you say that? I am the drop.
Sri Chinmoy: No, you are the ocean and I am the drop. Would it be possible for my students to have one or two pictures with you?
Leonard Bernstein: Of course!
Sri Chinmoy: Or is it forbidden by the secretary? They say that you do not want any photographers to come and take pictures.
Leonard Bernstein: Oh, of course you can! Am I allowed to drink alcohol? Am I?
Sri Chinmoy: You can do anything you like.
Leonard Bernstein: I did not expect that.
Sri Chinmoy: My oneness with you will never permit me to interfere with you in this way.
Leonard Bernstein: But maybe it will be a bad influence on your students.
Sri Chinmoy: That may be, but nothing will bother me.
Leonard Bernstein: I am ashamed when I have to have a drink. I love your face.
Sri Chinmoy: I love your soul and I love your entire existence on earth and in Heaven. You love my face. I love your soul, heart, mind, vital and body. I love your oneness with Mother-Earth and your oneness with Father-Heaven.
Leonard Bernstein: The flowers you brought me must be put in water. They are so beautiful. How I wish my wife were here! She would have been so moved. She died a few months ago. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, unique.
Sri Chinmoy: How old was she?
Leonard Bernstein: Forty-one. But she looked much younger and she was much younger inside. She was really a creature of God. I have this. I want to give it to you. It is an scarf I bought in India. I like it very much. I want you to have it. It is blue. [First Sri Chinmoy tied the scarf around his neck in what he later described as a "funny, crazy way." Leonard Bernstein did not say anything, but untied and rearranged the scarf, and then embraced Sri Chinmoy.]
Sri Chinmoy: Blue is spirituality. This colour blue represents spirituality and Infinity.
Leonard Bernstein: Would you wear this?
Sri Chinmoy: Certainly!From:Sri Chinmoy,Four Summit-Height-Melodies meet with Sri Chinmoy, Agni Press, 1995
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/fsh