Don Pablo: Of course, I would be delighted. [Don Pablo and Sri Chinmoy sit facing each other.] I must understand every word you say.
Sri Chinmoy: It is so kind of you. Kindly keep your eyes open. The rest I shall do. I shall pray to God, to the Almighty, for peace, light and bliss and you will kindly keep your eyes open. [Mrs. Casals translates into Catalan.] Kindly breathe in slowly.
[Sri Chinmoy and Pablo Casals meditate together.]
I am most grateful to you for granting me the opportunity to meditate with you. It is most kind of you to allow me to meditate on you, on your great, noble soul. [Mrs. Casals translates into Catalan.] You are extremely great; you have a most powerful soul. I am a spiritual seeker. On the strength of my spiritual realisation, I am telling you that you are extremely great, not only in the world of music, but in the world of spirituality as well. That is why, while I was meditating on you, your soul immediately recognised my soul. We knew each other before, long before. Previously I knew you, your soul.
I wish to say that you are a most developed, mature, spiritual soul. The world has recognised you as the greatest musician. But a day will come in your future incarnations when the world will recognise you as a spiritual Master also, because your soul is now ready to launch into the spiritual life. In your future incarnations you will do the most splendid work. You will do something unique in manifesting the eternal God, God's Light, through your creation, and for that I am so happy, so delighted, so proud to be here in your physical presence.
Mrs. Casals (in Catalan): Do you understand?
Don Pablo: Yes, I understand. Now I have the idea of playing on the cello. [Don Pablo plays a beautiful piece of music on the cello.]
Sri Chinmoy: I am so grateful to you for playing. For the first time in my life I am hearing you play. Before, I only heard from other people about your music, but now my soul, my heart, my mind — everything — has heard you play, and for that I am very grateful. You are the real creator of music, and to the creator I offer my deepest love and gratitude. You are an eternal child of God. Each time you play on your instrument, it is a new creation — you create God and manifest God in a unique way. Each time you touch your cello, you bring a new life into existence. And this life is the divine Life that comes directly from Heaven through your music.From:Sri Chinmoy,Four Summit-Height-Melodies meet with Sri Chinmoy, Agni Press, 1995
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