Question: Is it possible that the United Nations will one day be a nucleus of world-wide spirituality?

Sri Chinmoy: That is not only a possibility. It is more than a possibility; it is an inevitability! The United Nations does not need to be in this building. This building need not be here at all. But the symbol, the truth, the light that the United Nations embodies is bound to cover the length and breadth of the world. The United Nations that we are seeing — the body and form — may not last. But the reality that is behind the United Nations, the dreams that each dedicated individual member has — not in his mind but in his soul — have to fulfil themselves. It may take fifty, two hundred, or four hundred years, but the dreams must eventually be fulfilled even if the outer form, the structure, does not remain the same. But the essential thing is the soul’s full blossoming into perfection, the expansion of “United Nations” into “Oneness-World”.

Previously there was the League of Nations, the dream of Woodrow Wilson. Now we see the United Nations. A few things are changed and modified and for the better. The League of Nations was Woodrow Wilson’s dream. It no longer exists. Instead, it has blossomed into another dream, a greater dream. The United Nations is also a dream. And this dream will eventually take a better and more fulfilling form also. At that time it will be Oneness-World.

A League of Nations is like a cluster of flowers. A United Nations arranges the flowers harmoniously. When we have a Oneness-World, at that time we will not see several individual flowers; we will see all as one whole. That also will take place.

This outer form may not last, but there will always be another way of approaching the reality. And that reality is bound to dawn. It will dawn and we will have Oneness-World. This is God’s Dream, God’s Vision of Perfection. The Kingdom of Heaven that we talk about, that we have heard about, is Oneness-World, nothing else. Oneness-World must dawn. And even Oneness-World is not the ultimate thing in God’s Vision. In God’s Vision, oneness need not and cannot be total perfection. In oneness there should be constant aspiration to transcend. There are twenty members of a family and they have become one. But if there is no aspiration to grow higher, to grow deeper, to grow better, then that is not perfection. Even when oneness is established, we can’t say that that is the end of the game. No, inside oneness there should be a continuous aspiration to go beyond, beyond, beyond. God’s Vision is always a Self-transcending Reality, so after oneness we still have the message of continuous transcendence, which is real perfection.

So, first there was the League of Nations. Now we see the United Nations. From the United Nations we shall see the Oneness-World, and inside the Oneness-World we shall see the song of self-transcendence, world-transcendence, universal transcendence. And inside that transcendence we shall see perfection, which is satisfaction.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Flame-Waves, part 7, Agni Press, 1976
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