Question: Is it a good idea to use our intuition in our daily tasks?

Sri Chinmoy: As soon as we start using our intuition, we have to know that we are doing the right thing. But just because we are doing the right thing today, we can’t say that immediately we are going to get the result. We have to continue doing the right thing for two days, ten days, two months, three months. It is like a seed. The seed does not germinate all at once. It takes some time for the seed to germinate. Then it grows into a tiny plant and a sapling, and finally it becomes a huge banyan tree. Today’s intuition-power is also something that grows. Today’s intuition-power need not and cannot be all-pervasive; like a muscle it can be developed. It can become stronger and more fulfilling.

He who has intuitive power should feel that this power has dawned on him in order that he can serve those who have less intuitive power, who have less capacity, who have less wisdom-power. If he serves his brothers and sisters on earth, then he is bringing about lasting peace, lasting happiness on earth.

When you have intuitive knowledge you can feel that you are already advanced. You can lead others; you are proceeding and people are behind, following you. But you have to know that your power of intuition has come either from the inmost recesses of your heart or from a very high plane of consciousness. And you have to feel that this power has come to you not so that you can lord it over others, but so that you can serve others. You have to feel that because this intuition has entered into you, you are the elder brother of the family. You have a few younger brothers and you have to show your younger brothers the way to the destination with love, with concern, with oneness.

When intuitive power comes, you just enter into your task. You have something to do and you get a flash. At that time you have to enter into it. While you are entering into it, please feel that you are entering into the task not to show the world what you have accomplished, but to show the world that you have seen something new, which is of immediate use. To whom? To you yourself and to the rest of the world. When you use intuition, you immediately feel the necessity of dedication. Intuition you have got; and what do you use it for? For dedication. Enter with your intuition-power into the subject or task that you have; and from there come out triumphantly to dedicate your discovery to those who have not yet discovered the light that you have discovered. So the best use for intuition is to constantly dedicate it to the reality that you discover while using it. Dedication is the best way to use the power of intuition and dedication is the real satisfaction from intuition.

Intuition shows us how to start, how to continue and how to end. The word “end” is not the right expression to use when we speak about the search for eternal happiness. There is no end. We are always transcending our previous goals. Today’s goal is tomorrow’s starting point for an ever-higher goal.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Flame-Waves, part 8, Agni Press, 1976
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