So, when many individuals get together to come to a decision, if right from the beginning they feel that they are one, then once the truth is seen by any member, spontaneously the others will also see it and try to achieve it. If oneness is already felt and established on the inner plane, then on the outer plane all will try to aim at the same goal. When an individual offers his suggestion, if the individual is sincere, simple and truth-loving, and if others have any feeling of sympathy, concern and oneness with him, then automatically all will go to the same source, which will be satisfaction, constant satisfaction. No matter who sees something before the rest of the members of the family, it will make no difference. Seeing itself is the decision. And while others are participating in or becoming one with or seeing eye to eye with the decision, they are also expediting it. So, if each member can feel that the others are not going to deceive him, if each member will accept every other member as a real friend, it does not matter that only one has got the message. From one it will spread to two, and eventually all will be travelling to the same destined goal.
If we start on the basis of division, then there can be no proper guidance or divine assurance, and no decision can be taken. But if there is oneness, the oneness itself can go to the source, which is divine satisfaction; and from the source we will get the message as to which decision to take.
In the inner world we have to know what we are and what we are supposed to do. Then the capacities and realisations of the inner world we have to bring forward. That is the only way that each seeker-server and lover of the United Nations can contribute the utmost to the fulfilment of the United Nations world-embracing and world-illumining vision.From:Sri Chinmoy,Flame-Waves, part 11, Agni Press, 1978
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