My heart sleeplessly loves
God's Compassion-Eye.My life breathlessly needs
God's Forgiveness-Feet. ```God keeps His Oneness-Gate open
Twenty-four hours a dayOnly for God-dreamers and God-lovers.
```Earth received perfection,
The Heaven-honoured guest.Heaven received gratitude,
The earth-rejected guest. ```My soul wants to garner
Teeming surprisesNot by giving
But by becoming. ```In our spiritual life
A simplicity-mind and a purity-heartAre two choice instruments of God.
```Out of the depths
Of my unconsciously cherished ignorance,An all-illumining light has arisen.
```To my wide surprise,
An unconditional surrender-breathIs beckoning me
From the Beyond. ```O my mind,
Reach out, reach outAnd touch the heart of happiness
For your salvation. ```We can neither measure
Nor describeThe beauty of our aspiration-heart.
```May I be always found
On the pinnacle of my spirituality'sAspiration-mountain.
```No argument-mind
Will ever be foundIn our heart's oneness-smile.
```If you make the colossal mistake
Of thinking,If you make the colossal mistake
Of judging,If you make the colossal mistake
Of doubting,Your mind will always be found
In the thick of confusion-forest. ```If you are a seeker
Of eternal Life,Then at every moment
You will care for God-Satisfaction,And not for the fulfilment
Of your expectations. ```Do not repeat,
Do not repeatThe worthlessness and uselessness
Of yesterday's mind. ```If you can love and serve God
Unconditionally,Earth's beauty and Heaven's power
Will immediately be yours. ```My mind claims that it knows
Many, many things,If not everything.
My heart knows only one thing:That day and night
My Lord's Forgiveness-RiverIs flowing.
```In our aspiration-heart,
Purity is the divinityBeyond comparison.
```If you have a purity-mind,
Your aspiration will once more rise upAnd fly and fly.
```I love to live
Not in the body of realities,But in the heart of dreams.
```If I have a gratitude-heart,
Then the fragrance of my soulI shall be able to enjoy.
```May I be forever lost
In my soul'sSong-dance-smiles.
```O my mind,
If you do not aspire,You will never be able
To come out of obscurity'sDarkness and wildness-forest.
```In the small hours of the morning
I prayerfully move aroundInside my heart's blossoming garden.
```I know only two things
In my life:I need God desperately
AndGod loves me sleeplessly.
```My eyes adore
God's Feet.My heart kisses
God's Footprints. ```When I say I do not love God
And I do not need God,I immediately add two more insults
To the load God has been carryingSince my mind was born.
```O my mind,
How can you have freedomIf you do not love my oneness-heart
And fulness-soul? ```Who am I?
I am my Eternity'sGod-Crown-promise-fulfiller.
```Today my Lord Supreme,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Has freed me from my turbulence-mind.
```If you are a genuine God-lover,
Then God will give you the capacityTo outshine your yesterday's
Brilliance-wisdom-splendour-sun. ```If you are a lover of self-pity,
How can you beA receiver of God-Bounty?
```God's final words of advice to me:
"On you march,On you march,
On you march, My child." ```This world of ours is collapsing
At the feet of ignorance-giantPrecisely because it does not love
God's ever-blessingful Compassion-Eye. ```When I live
In the inmost recesses of my heart,God's Love and God's Pride
Most powerfully treasure me. ```My gratitude-heart
And my surrender-lifeAre two most beautiful gifts
Blessingfully offered to meBy Heaven.
```Be a self-giving life.
You will have an inexhaustible beautyWithin and without.
```Be not a hesitant heart
If you do not want fears, doubts and anxietiesTo swarm around your life.
```I need a child's heart
To become a perfect strangerTo the sad mistakes of my mind.
```If you claim to be
A genuine God-seeker,Then you must be conversant
In oneness-heart-language. ```My Lord speaks
From His own personal ExperienceWhen He says
That no human life can forever remainA total failure.
```My mind-fog shrouds my life,
I know.Why?
Precisely because I do not loveThe divinity of my heart's
Illumination-sun. ```Each time I utter my Lord's
Blessingful Name,A new beauty-smile
My heart becomes. ```An aspiration-heart
And a dedication-lifeCan never be accidental or unnatural.
```If you want to hear
God's Compassion-Language,Then you must use
Your heart's love-ears. ```My mind and my vital
Always thinkThat they have more wisdom
Than my heart has. ```If you live in the unaspiring mind,
Then your life will beAn endless misunderstanding-chain.
```No matter how hard you try,
You will never be able to escapeGod's Compassion-Eye
And God's Forgiveness-Heart. ```The breath of a sincere inner cry
Has asked me to leave unhappinessFar behind me.
```Before the final curtain goes down
On my life,I shall say to my Mother-Earth,
"My gratitude-heart is all for you,All for you."
```We do not come into the world
To become mind-mathematicians,But to become heart-physicians.
```If you have genuine aspiration-flames,
Then you will never be vanquishedBy desire-storms.
```Just a slight God-Touch
Can awakenHumanity's slumbering life.
```God has lauded
The breath of my surrenderTo the skies.
```You can cut jokes with God
Only whenYou are dying to be a partner
Of His self-giving Life. ```The mind does not care
Even about God's final resignation.But the heart sheds endless tears
When God mentionsThat He is going to resign.
```When I do not live inside the heart
Of my life's gratitude-blossoms,God fastens His Attention elsewhere.
```A doubtful mind
Will always be refused entranceBy the cosmic gods
At the gate of God's Palace. ```God's Forgiveness-Eye
Never complainsWhen I go to God's School late
And leave early, very early. ```I do not have to convince God
That I do not know anything.I do not have to convince God
That I know everything.I have only to convince myself
That I love God and I need God alone. ```Ignorance tells me that
It is not at all a serious crimeTo waste time,
For time is eternal. ```My Lord,
Do bless me with cheerfulness,Do bless me with self-givingness
Twenty-four hours a day. ```When you cry like a child,
God will definitely give you a glimpseOf His Heart's Peace-Garden.
```God has made
My oneness-heartA citadel-outpost
Of His own Heart. ```Each time I win a victory
In my inner life,I see a new Himalaya in front of me
To climb. ```God's final Triumph in my life
Will be my sleepless aspiration-cryAnd breathless dedication-smile.
```God has given us a surrender-heart
To turn our incapacityInto capacity,
And to turn our failuresInto successes.
```God tells me
That He does expectA miraculous transformation
Of my mind. ```You can have an interesting mind
And you can have an inspiring heart,If you can be a sacrificing life.
```No doubt the moment has come for me
To love God's Eye unconditionallyAnd sit at God's Feet unconditionally.
```My mind
Is always anxious and eagerTo kidnap my heart.
But my soulAlways protects my heart.
```Aspiration is the only currency
That the inner worldsAnd the higher worlds
All demand. ```God's infinite Compassion
God will shower upon youIf you can look at God
With the eyes of your gratitude-heart. ```Every morning
God comes and helps meTo cruise down my heart-river
And arrive atMy Golden Destination-Shore.
```Real spiritual life
Is not devastatingBut fascinating,
Around the clock. ```What does the mind do?
It talks and talks and talks to GodTo enumerate its countless good qualities.
```The mind's hypocrisy-roar
ConfusesThe aspiration-heart-traveller.
```O my Lord,
I cannot see Your Feet,But do help me to trace
Your sacred Footprints. ```Every day my heart makes devotion-garlands
To place at my Lord'sCompassion-Forgiveness-flooded Feet.
```You do not need holy company.
What you need is a pure heartThat takes delight in the spiritual journey.
```If you respect others' faith
The way you respect your faith,You are bound to accelerate
Your Godward journey. ```When I am in my God-surrender-heart,
God not only smiles at meBut also teaches me how to smile
With Him. ```When my heart smiles,
God gives my heart the capacityTo be in touch
With the abundance of happiness. ```The highest quest of man
Is his self-conquest,And nothing else.
```O world,
Call me by my true names:Gratitude-heart and surrender-life.
```In your spiritual life
If you want to live happily,Successfully and proudly,
Then breathe in peace, peace, peace —Universal peace.
```Each aspiration-life
Is indeedA work of God's
Fountain-Art. ```No blaming mind
Will ever help you.No loving heart
Can ever fail you. ```God dearly loves
The mind that hosts simplicity,The heart that hosts purity
And the life that hosts divinity. ```True, it is extremely difficult
To leave ignoranceAfter enjoying a long intimacy with it,
But try and try.You are bound to succeed.
```Just because you cannot recognise
Your Inner Pilot,Never, even for a moment,
Think that the Inner PilotDoes not exist.
```In my aspiration-life
I have many, many books,But I love my heart's
Devotion-dictionary most. ```Only those who are fluent
In the language of love, devotionAnd surrender
Are the supremely chosenInstruments of God.
```Each time I pray soulfully
And meditate self-givingly,I see myself smiling
In my soul's infinite delight-sky. ```Each time you allow a desire
To increase,You are entangling yourself
More and moreIn a strong, fruitless attachment-net.
```My mind needs many things,
But my heart needs only one thing:A glimpse of God.
```Nobody forces us.
It is we who allow ourselvesTo be assailed
By voracious ignorance-hunger. ```Cry like a helpless child.
God Himself will give you the capacityTo leave desire-forest
And enter into aspiration-garden. ```There is only one reason
Why the world is not spiritually progressive:The world wants to cherish material successes
More than anything else. ```May I have a new name,
My Lord?I want my name to be:
My soul's infinite and eternalSilence-peace.
```What does indifference do?
Indifference takes usTo the mind's abysmal abyss.
What does detachment do?
Detachment takes usTo our soul's infinite light and delight.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 1, Agni Press, 1996
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