Every soul from ant to angel
Carries only one essential message:God's sleepless and breathless Victory.
```God's Compassion
Is always hungryFor our heart-tears.
```The love which seeks
No rewardIs God's peerless Pride.
```My aspiration-empty mind
Is ruthlessly shackledBy the iron chain of world-desires.
```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo enjoy the fragrance
Of my sleepless surrender-life. ```There is only one ultimate solution:
Love God the CreatorAnd serve God the creation.
```The bliss of the heart
And the pleasure of the mindAre not at all the same thing.
They are like North Pole and South Pole. ```May my heart's aspiration-cry
Make friendsWith sleepless nights.
```Each time I have a deep meditation,
I free myselfFrom earthly attachment-pains.
```My soul's
Favourite instrumentIs my heart-violin.
```I do not need
A freedom-loving soul.What I need is
A peace-blossoming heart. ```A truth-seeker's only concern
Is his constantGod-satisfaction.
Self-giving and unconditionalIs the only love
That God proudly treasures. ```God's Compassion-Eye
Embodies God's all-lovingAnd all-fulfilling Smile.
```No thrill is as illumining
And as fulfillingAs one's own self-transcendence-thrill.
```When a seeker's life
Becomes empty of hope,His heart's God-realisation-cry ends.
```I do not want to be
An independent mind.I want to be
A God-dependent child. ```Two friends
Who consciously and proudly love each other:Desire and bondage.
```A perfection-life
Is indeed livingA philosophy of the Beyond.
```If you do not have a searching mind
And a crying heart,Then your life will be shrouded
In veils of illusion and delusion. ```God's Heart
And God's Heart-SchoolAre open
To all and sundry. ```My heart's God-longing tree
Must grow high and wideAt every moment.
```A satisfaction-heart
Belongs equallyTo both Heaven and earth.
```My enthusiasm-mind
Must become once more youngTo sing and dance with God's
All-illumining and all-fulfilling Heart. ```How can a God-willingness-heart
Be emptyOf God-manifestation-strength?
No, it is impossible. ```Today I will make a huge effort
To unite my inner-world smilesAnd my outer-world tears.
```My self-effacement
Is another nameFor my God-enlightenment.
```My mind's
Misunderstanding-nightmareHas shaken my world
To its foundations. ```I assure my aspiration-heart
That there can never be any shortageOf God-Peace-supplies.
```Heart's gratitude
And life's surrenderAre two infrequently trodden paths.
```God's Compassion-Eye
Enjoys its authorityOver God's Justice-Hand.
```A surrender-heart
Completes the Heaven-climbing journeyIn half the usual time.
```The heart is always
A promise-fulfilling God-satisfaction-studentIn life's aspiration-dedication-school.
```An unconditional surrender-life
Is always blessed with a plethoraOf God-manifestation-opportunities.
```Long before God's choicest Son,
Peace,Arrives for good in the earth-arena,
The unwillingness of the mind must resignOn the grounds of old age and incapacity.
```I do not blame anybody on earth
For not enjoyingThe frightening anecdotes
Of my doubting mind. ```God commands my heart
Not to take any serviceFrom my God-displeasing mind.
```God lovingly and proudly
Takes my surrender-heartInto His Confidence-Delight.
```Is there any human mind
That is not a victim-slaveOf expectation-master?
```There was a time
When I was a great friendOf my doubt-specialist-mind.
Now I am proud to beThe most intimate friend
Of my faith-specialist-heart. ```O my mind,
When are you going to stop gatheringDangerous world-gossip-thorns?
```The heart of Mother-Earth
Lives always in anticipationOf the arrival of God's
Peace-Infinity. ```My heart's gratitude
Must pervade each and every aspectOf my life.
```Like my soul,
My heart also accepts God's WillAs eternally indisputable.
```God's Compassion-Eye
And God's Perfection-LifeAre not different.
They are one and the same. ```In the spiritual life
The obedience of a oneness-heartIs of supreme importance.
```My heart's mounting cries
Have gladdened God's HeartFar beyond my mind's
Imagination-flight. ```God's Justice-Hand
Can abandon my disobedience-mind,But not God's Compassion-Eye —
Never! ```My heart's sleepless
God-satisfaction-cryHas liberated me from my mind's
Earthbound fear. ```The beauty and fragrance
Of an aspiration-heartFar surpasses all.
```O my doubting mind,
No matter how many times you criticiseMy ever-blossoming heart,
You cannot decrease the beauty and fragranceOf my heart-flower.
```O insecurity,
O jealousy,O impurity,
I am determinedTo conquer you all
Before I makeMy final God-satisfaction-journey.
```O my complete God-surrender-heart,
Your perfect perfection-lifeIs within your easy reach.
```God and God's Compassion-Eye
Have entered into my mind-poisonTo transform my mind-poison
Into God's own Heart-Nectar. ```The path of the surrender-heart
Is always the right pathFor each and every aspiring soul.
```God and Heaven have chosen this day
To bless my lifeWith the beauty and fragrance
Of an unconditionally surrendered breath. ```God was, God is
And God will forever remainThe loving Companion
Of my heart's soaring hopes. ```My peace-loving heart-book
God has read many timesFrom cover to cover.
```My God-manifestation-task
Has been assignedBy the Absolute Lord Himself.
```When ignorance begins
To talk about the truth,Run away as fast as possible!
```Gratitude and surrender
Are two transient visitorsTo this earth-planet.
```It seems that God
Will never be tired of praisingMy aspiration-heart
And my surrender-life. ```As it is simply impossible
For my heart not to meditate,Even so is it impossible for God
Not to forgive. ```When my mind
Wants to tell God a few stories,God says that He has no time.
When my heartWants to sing its heart-songs,
God immediately listensWith rapt attention.
```God drove His Compassion-Heart-Car
At full speedTo save my aspiring heart
From my doubting mind. ```When my heart's hope-buds
Begin to flower,My life will be blessed
With unfathomable happiness. ```My heart's failure-cries
God's Ears may not hear,But His Heart will definitely hear.
```Neither God nor I
Shall ever mourn the lossOf my mind's ignorance-night.
```When I live in my mind,
I want God's Presence here and nowOnly for me.
When I live in my heart,I want God's Presence
Not only here, but also there and everywhere,And for all.
```If you consider yourself to be
A supremely chosen child of God,Then you must keep all your God-secrets
As your most precious possessions. ```Yesterday I was
A God-inspiration-mind.Today I am
A God-aspiration-heart.Tomorrow I shall be
A God-dedication-life.The day after tomorrow I shall be
A God-manifestation-breath. ```O my heart, be careful.
The suspicion-mind's darknessCan easily eclipse
Your aspiration-sun. ```Let the sorrow
Of your purity-heartBe the source
Of your progress-delight. ```I am so proud of my mind
Because it no longer cherishesAny desires.
```This is no empty boast:
God has given me the capacityTo sit at His Forgiveness-Feet.
I shall prove it by my actions. ```Unconditional surrender
Earns instant recognitionFrom the Lord Supreme.
```My suspicion-mind
And my aggression-vitalBoth are hurled into the very abyss
By my Heaven-climbing aspiration-heart. ```Poor God!
He never thoughtHis Compassion-Heart-Telephone
Would ring incessantly. ```Only a pure and self-giving heart
Can hear God-MelodiesFrom God Himself.
```Each time
My aspiration-heart breathes,It breathes in
God's Love-Fragrance. ```The meditation of the soul
Can synthesise and harmoniseThe mind and the heart.
```When I pray to God
For His own Victory,He blesses me with a beauty-garland
Of divine fragrance. ```A mind devoid of doubt
Is God's next-door neighbour.A heart full of faith
Is a member of God's immediate Family. ```He who listens
To the earthbound mindWill never be invited to participate
In God's Cosmic Game. ```My Lord,
You can blame me,You can sue me,
But please, pleaseDo not forget to use me.
```If your heart telephones God,
His Line will never give your heartA busy signal.
```Day in and day out
I pray to my Lord SupremeFor the collapse of my mind's
Unfounded authority. ```A self-serving seeker
Is indeed an utter failureIn the world of aspiration.
```Those who do not believe in fate
Will sooner or later findThat their fate is inescapable.
```When I live in my God-doubting mind,
I fail to possessEven a glimmer of sweetness-hope.
```May my heart
Sleeplessly and breathlessly be boundTo my Lord Supreme's Compassion-Feet.
```My heart-room's light
Shines constantlyFor the transformation of my mind.
```Not anything else
But God's Compassion-Magnet-EyeHas drawn me close, closer, closest
To Him. ```O my mind,
Make your speech egoless.Then everyone
Will appreciate, admire and adore you. ```Each soul
Is born to illumine.Each heart
Is born to love.Each mind
Is born to search.Each life
Is born to serve. ```My mind wants to become
A miracle-monger.My heart wants to become
A God-dreamer,A God-lover
And a God-achiever. ```God has bound my heart
Not with His omnipotent PowerBut with His omnipresent Love.
```O my mind,
Can you not see that you have becomeThe shocking betrayal
Of your God-manifestation-promiseOn earth?
```My heart's willingness
Shall always be equalTo any world-assignment.
```God deeply loves my gratitude-heart,
But He lovesMy cheerfully unconditional surrender-life
Infinitely more. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 10, Agni Press, 1996
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gar_10