My Lord Supreme,
May my aspiration-heartNever be an empty promise to You.
```My Lord, I keep You inside
My mind's huge bag.Where do You keep me?
"My child, I keep you insideMy Heart's most charming Pocket."
```When I offer my Lord Supreme
My life's unconditional breath,His entire Being brims with
His transcendental Pride for me. ```I have not come into the world
To derail ignorance-train,But to transform ignorance-train
Into God-Satisfaction-Perfection-Plane. ```When I was an ancient seeker,
I served God while loving.Now that I am a modern Avatar,
I love God while serving. ```A heart redolent with gratitude
Is a highly valuedGod-treasure.
```Not laughing at world-imperfections,
But spreading our compassionAll around
Is the right way to please our Lord Supreme. ```God the Perfection-Specialist
Every day offers HimselfTo save the imperfection-finalist.
```My Lord,
Do give me the soulful capacityTo enjoy the fragrance
Of Your Heart-Home-Garden. ```If you are nothing but
Self-giving love,How can you have any room
For a suspicious mind? ```My Lord, I want to be caught
Every day, every hour and every minuteIn the sweetness of my devotion-current.
```My Lord,
You have taught my heartHow to love You.
You have taught my lifeHow to serve You.
Can you not now teach my breathHow to fulfil You?
```No matter how I cry,
No matter how I smile,No matter how I try,
I can never receive enoughOf the Beauty
Of my Lord's Compassion-Eye. ```May my aspiration-heart
Be found on the fastest flight,On the very wings of angels,
To arrive at God's Heart-Kingdom. ```A heart-illumining thrill
Of divine expectationDoes expedite God's
Compassion-flooded Arrival. ```My Lord, do tell me frankly
What You and Your Compassion-EyeWere doing while my aspiring heart
Was deeply enjoying ignorance-sleep? ```O my heart,
Although the inner weatherIs often inclement
And the outer watersAre extremely rough,
On you must sailTo arrive at your God-Destination.
```What is intellectual prosperity
If not a totalSpirituality-bankruptcy?
```My Lord, I breathlessly cherish
Every little thing You do for me,But I sadly fail to cherish
Every big thing You ask of me. ```O my Lord Supreme,
Do bless my heartWith a free and easy access
To Your Compassion-EyeAnd Your Protection-Feet.
```O my haughty ignorance-mind,
Either you stop your empty boastingOr I shall imprison you immediately —
Here and now. ```My Lord, my heart's aspiration
Will never be able to breatheEven for a single day
Without Your Compassion-Oxygen. ```My Lord Supreme,
Why do You hide from meAll the time?
"My child,What else can I do
When I see your sleeplesslyIgnorance-cherishing mind?"
```A God-doubting mind
Is in serious dangerAt every moment.
```If we sleeplessly enjoy expectation,
How can we ever escapeFrom inevitable frustration?
```My life is satisfied only when
It is lovingly and affectionately touchedBy the smile of my heart.
```My Lord Supreme does not want
My aspiration-empty mindTo be more than
A world-stage-spectator. ```O seeker,
When your heart is empty of aspiration,You will never be able to succeed
In the inner world. ```There is no man-made religion
In Heaven.There is only God-made illumination
In Heaven. ```My mind does not care for directions
To Heaven.My heart needs directions,
And my soul gives directionsImmediately, lovingly and proudly
To my heart. ```What I need
Is a heart that has the capacityFor an instant aspiration-ascent
To God's Compassion-flooded Feet. ```Every moment can hold
The blessings of EternityIf we can live in the heart
Of God's Luminosity-Infinity. ```If we can conquer
The proud forces of ignorance-night,Then God will address us
As His Olympic heroes. ```You can be a choice instrument of God
If your heart's sleepless and breathless choiceIs God's Compassion-Eye.
```My heart's silence-language
Is the only languageThat God perfectly understands.
```O my heart,
Sit for perfection-examination.I am sure you will pass
Without any difficulty. ```My heart's inner happiness
Can easily dispel the heavinessOf my life's outer burdens.
```No matter how hard you try,
You can never tame the restless mindWithout the help of
Your silence-peace-heart. ```A God-curiosity-seeker
Is undoubtedlyAn ignorance-misguided life.
Secretly cherished desiresTomorrow
Will openly disappoint you. ```Mother-Earth secretly begs us
To live together peacefully.Father-Heaven openly commands us
To live together peacefully, lovinglyAnd soulfully.
```I know
Each aspiration-breathIs a God-manifestation-promise
On earth. ```A God-searching mind
Is meant to bloom.A God-aspiring heart
Is meant to blossom. ```My heart's aspiration-cries
Are always guarded and cherishedBy my illumination-soul.
```God always assures us
That we are definitely equalTo our God-manifestation-responsibilities.
```The speed of my Lord's
Compassion-EyeIs infinitely faster than
The speed of light. ```Aspiration-alarm rings
Not to frighten my mind,But to awaken my mind.
```Cast aside your mind's
Binding and blinding preconceptionOf God-satisfaction.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do stay a little longer in my heart-homeSo that I can cherish
The Dust of Your FeetAnd the Smile of Your Eye.
```Although God unconditionally
Grants my mind sanctuaryAt His Feet,
My mind vehemently rejectsHis Invitation.
```My mind is
An expectation-frustration-factory —Nothing less, nothing more.
```God asks me always to be careful
With my promises,But not with my hopes.
```My soul's fulness
Longs to bring my goalTo my heart's cries.
```Surrender is always
Spiritually superiorTo love and devotion.
```How can I expect to find the beauty
Of my heart's roseIn my ever-thickening jungle-mind?
```The Heart of God the Compassion
Has enabled my lifeTo be equal to its God-responsibilities
Here on earth. ```O my mind,
It is high time for youTo obey God's all-illumining
And all-fulfilling Decrees. ```I need only
My soul-associationFor my life-improvement.
```O unaspiring mind,
How can you ever be happy?O ungiving heart,
How can you ever be perfect? ```May my outer life
Be fearless.May my inner life
Be guileless. ```When I love my Lord Supreme
In His own Way,I see a million hearts soaring
With my heart. ```You must not reject
The physical worldIf you want to feed
The spiritual world. ```A mighty wave of joy
Caught my heartWhen I turned my life
Into an unconditional surrender-song. ```When God takes His morning Walk,
I feast upon the Beauty of His EyesAnd the Purity of His Feet.
```O truth-seeker,
Show God your happiness-face.He will immediately bless you
With His Fulness-Heart. ```It is a heart
Of unimaginable beautyThat lives to love
Only God's Compassion-Eye. ```The human in us wants God
To stop transcendingSo that it can capture
God's Forgiveness-FeetPermanently.
```A single Smile
From my Lord's EyeIs enough for me to recapture
The beauty and fragranceOf my aspiration-past.
```No human being
Can evade the powerOf God's Justice-Hour —
None! ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Please do me a big favour.Just devour, as soon as possible,
My heart's sweetness-devotion-smiles. ```Nobody needs God more
Than a sleepless aspiration-heartAnd a breathless dedication-life.
```My Lord commands me
Not to listen to my body'sUnfounded and ceaseless complaints.
```Alas, I do not remember
When and whereI ever pleased God
In God's own Way. ```God never listens
To my desire-mind.I must never listen
To my desire-mind either. ```He places his heart
In his prayerful eyesAnd on his soulful face.
```My earth-life will satisfy God
Only whenI can bring down God's Glory
Inside my heart-cries. ```If we can become
Our heart's mounting cry,Then we shall not remain
In age-long ignorance-slumber. ```If we do not love God the Creator
And serve God the creation,Then we shall always remain
Infant and orphan criesIn the bosom of ignorance-night.
```To revive our mind's lost inspiration
And our heart's lost aspiration,We must approach God's Compassion-Eye
With the blossoming heart-smileOf a child.
```God is always ready and eager
To obliterate our teeming disappointments,But are we ready in any way
To allow Him to doWhat He wants to do
In and through us? ```No heart can ever be
A stranger to peace.It is the mind that was and still is
A perfect stranger to peace. ```How can I please God
In God's own Way?Indeed, this is the question
That is uppermostIn my God-searching mind
And God-crying heart. ```I do not have to know
How I can gain entranceTo God's Heart-Abode.
God's Compassion-flooded EyeWill do the needful
When I become my heart'sCeaseless and helpless cries.
```O my mind,
Be ever watchful.O my mind,
Be ever prayerful.O my mind,
Be ever soulful.Lo, God's Pride is all yours.
```Who is God?
He is GodWho has unsolicited Compassion
For the future redemption of mankind. ```I must become a conscious receptacle
Of God's Compassion.If not, how can God ever fulfil Himself
In and through my life? ```The mind, which is stupidity incarnate,
Is always anxious and eagerTo dismantle the heart's peace-bridge,
Which leads to God'sNectar-flooded Kingdom.
```When I become
My morning heart-cry,God becomes
The fastest SprinterTo approach me.
```I feed and treasure
My desire-mind.God loves and fulfils
My aspiration-heart. ```A self-giving life is always inspired,
Not only divinely but also perfectly,By God Himself
To manifest God amazinglyOn earth.
```My Lord,
Why are You so unkind to me?Can You not see
That I am trying so hardTo rebuild my long-lost friendship
With You? ```The wall that separates
The heart from the mindIs the wall of ruthless misunderstanding.
```O my mind,
You think you areA messenger of light.
If so, why are you notFearless and spotless?
```My mind's self-indulgent thoughts
Were abruptly interruptedBy God's Thunder-Feet.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do give my heart love-lessonsSo that my heart can remain
Ever young, ever cheerfulAnd ever self-giving.
```Nobody can prevent
The inevitable collisionBetween the inner aspiration-world
And the outer desire-world. ```The smiles of Mother-Earth
Are always blossoming,But only the oneness-heart can see them,
Admire them, adore them and cherish them. ```The arrogance of the mind
Totally destroysThe tranquillity of the heart.
But the same arrogance-mindHelplessly trembles
At God's distant Thunder-Voice. ```When I love the world,
God asks me to come to Him.When I serve the world,
God Himself comes to me. ```With His Compassion-Eye,
God speaks to me.With my aspiration-heart,
I speak to God. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 11, Agni Press, 1996
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