God's Compassion
Every day descendsTo water the blossoms
Of my heart-garden. ```No matter what we think,
No matter what we say,God enjoys watching
Our sincere attemptsTo eradicate our ego.
```O my mind,
You must know by this timeThat God never appreciates
Your self-styled isolationFrom world-society.
```Life is not a heavy burden
Of unfulfilled desires,But an ignorance-challenging promise
Of God-fulfilment. ```When God and God's Smile
Open your aspiration-heart,You can rest assured
Your complete God-satisfaction-dayIs fast approaching.
```I enjoy my Mother-Earth's
Endless beautyInfinitely more than I enjoy
My Father-Heaven'sCeaseless power.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do make my heart an expertAt aspiration-multiplication.
```An implicit obedience
To the dictates of the Inner PilotIs the first duty of a God-lover.
```O my stupid mind,
It is high time for you to becomeA world-peace-maker
Instead of remainingA world-grudge-holder.
```When I take my heart to God
For repairs,He gives it His immediate Attention.
```If you say that your surrender
Is a skill you have developed,You are totally mistaken.
Your surrender is a Delight-GiftFrom God Himself.
```When God dictates,
My soul takes notes,My heart watches,
My mind sleeps and snores. ```No matter how hard I try
To obliterate my deplorable past,My past remains
My present ghost-torture. ```Shameless temptation
Beckoned my heart,But my heart wisely
And immediately declined. ```God always keeps
A watchful EyeOn my heart's mounting cries.
```Where else is the abode of silence,
If not insideMy God-cherished and God-cherishing
Aspiration-heart? ```The heart must eventually conquer
The constant distractionsOf the mind-market.
```He who chooses
The imperfection-worldEventually becomes
A Heaven-loser. ```God's Compassion-Eye
Will always help my helpless bodyTo catch up with my guileless soul.
```God is
His Sadness-HeartWhen I am
My badness-mind. ```God's unconditional Compassion
Is expanding my heartWith astounding rapidity.
```A perfection-life
And a satisfaction-heartWill always remain unparalleled
In this world of ignorance-night. ```God's Compassion
Has equipped me wellFor my Heavenward journey.
```The shameless mind has circulated
A number of blatant liesAbout poor God.
```Does God like to play?
God not only likes to playBut also wants to remain
Eternally a Heart-Player. ```For its fastest progress
In the spiritual life,My heart loves only those
Who sleeplessly need only GodAnd who breathlessly love only God.
```Between my Compassion-Lord
And my frustration-mindI have already made the perfect choice
With my God-invocation-heart. ```When I resist God's Compassion-Eye,
My life becomes a never-endingWorthless and useless story.
```Since my mind compelled me
To waste many years,Let me now value the breath
Of every second. ```My only business is to discover
Not what I need from God,But what God wants from me.
```My heart is desperately trying
To fill inMy mind-deficiency-gaps.
```Those who study
God's Compassion-CourseWill be invited,
At His choice Hour,To God's Satisfaction-Heart-Home.
```Only a self-giving heart
Can be a faultless authorityOn God's Life-Stories.
```O my stupidity-mind,
Why do you indulge in tryingTo explain the inexplicable:
God's Love for mankind? ```Unless my heart, like my soul,
Is infatuated with God's every Breath,How can I swim in the sea
Of God-Ecstasy? ```I dearly love
My learning heart.And I love
My unlearning mindEqually.
```The mind's impurity
And the heart's insecurityAlways sail in the same sinking boat.
```The stupidity-mind fears
God's Compassion-EyeInstead of treasuring
God's Compassion-Eye. ```If you choose
The temptation-world,Then you lose
The illumination-Heaven. ```An unaspiring mind
Is doomed to beA long-time resident
Of ignorance-island. ```My Lord Supreme
Simply devours the pagesOf my heart-songbook.
```God tells my surrender-life:
"My child, I shall always support you,I shall always feed you,
I shall always illumine you,For you are My own, very own."
```When I silence my fantasy-mind,
God immediately teaches meHis Heart's Ecstasy-Song.
```Even my God-doubting mind
Is deeply impressedWith my God-loving heart.
Can ever deprive TruthOf its ever-fragrant beauty.
```My mind chooses greatness,
My heart chooses goodness,And I choose oneness.
```The human life
Is nothing other than a feeble attempt.The divine life
Is indeed an enduring success. ```My Lord Supreme shed bitter Tears
When He sawThe most deplorable condition
Of my spiritual health. ```Childhood
Is a beautiful dream.Youth
Is a powerful reality.Age
Is a soulful surrender. ```Action instigated by power
God never loves.Action inspired by love
God not only lovesBut also treasures.
```Alas, in vain I look for God's Presence
In my mind's frustration-marketInstead of my heart's aspiration-garden.
```Alas, I do not know
How my mind can be so convincing.Alas, I do not know
How my heart can be eternally charming. ```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo carry the fragrance
Of my heart-beautyWherever I go.
```God desperately needs
Your heart's sincerity,And not your life's severity.
```To please God in God's own Way,
I need a learning lifeAnd a yearning heart.
```My Lord tells me compassionately
That every day is the right dayFor my mind's spiritual check-up.
```Rest assured,
Whatever is manufacturedBy the doubting mind
Is venomous. ```God will share His Divinity with you
If you are sincerely sickOf your mind's stupidity.
```Fortunately my heart
Still loves God,And God's Heart
Still needs me. ```When my mind starts
Analysing God,It immediately paralyses
My heart. ```May my life travel forward
Every dayAt my heart's God-eagerness-speed.
```A God-willingness-runner
Easily breaksHis own past inner records.
```I am so delighted to see
My heart's aspiration-flamesDancing
In my soul's illumination-eye. ```The hesitation-mind
Is an unsuitable instrumentFor God-manifestation on earth.
```God does not want me
To remember my age.He wants me only to remember
The fragrance of my gratitude-heart. ```My life's self-giving
Is undoubtedly the homeOf all my virtues.
```What is earthly fame?
It is nothing but a shallow inscriptionOn man's grave.
```I came into the world
To seekWhat is always pleasing to God.
```Obedience to the Highest
Has a heart of gold.Disobedience to the Highest
Has feet of clay. ```Faith embraces
The heart of Truth.Doubt embraces
The body of falsehood. ```My heart's excellence
Is neither competitiveNor comparative,
But God-affirmative. ```The experience of the mind
Can and does often err.The realisation of the heart
Can never, never err. ```To participate consciously in God's Game,
I must embrace with all my heartThe motto of my soul:
God for God's sake. ```An unaspiring heart
And an unsearching mindAre indeed two colossal life-disasters.
```I shall always reject
My mind's arrogance-flooded ignorance.I shall always accept
My heart's illumining truth-light. ```My Lord,
I give You at every momentAn ocean of sorrow
From my heart.In return, can You not give me
A sky of DelightFrom Your Heart?
```My mounting aspiration-heart-flame
Is my immediate liberationFrom my life's crippling fear.
```My mind's hidden desires
Slowly but unmistakablyWant to poison
My heart's open aspirations. ```Those long dead
And those yet unbornAll equally share
My God-aspiration-criesAnd my God-manifestation-smiles.
```Do not wait for the mind's perfect time
If your heart really wants to participateIn God's supreme manifestation
On earth. ```When two minds
Talk to each other,God is embarrassed to hear
Their conversation. ```When two hearts
Talk to each other,God and God's Pride deeply enjoy
Their conversation. ```My heart prayerfully listens
To my soul's sermon.Therefore, my wise heart
Is increasing in wisdom. ```Do not follow
Your desire-deer.You will never be able
To catch it. ```A single glance
From God's Compassion-EyeHas illumined my entire life
Forever. ```My Lord Supreme
Is His constantly whisperingCompassion-Heart.
```The human mind
Is a cheerfully willing prisonerOf unhappiness.
```God is His Compassion-Eye.
ThereforeWe human beings
Can dare to hope and dream. ```O my mind,
Let us sit down togetherAnd amicably solve
All our untold problems. ```Alas, I am doomed to disappointment
BecauseDaily I seek a happiness-mind
And not a fulness-heart. ```O my mind,
You must listen to my heartUntil you have fully understood
Its soulful wisdom. ```My mind's hesitation
Suddenly changed intoMy heart's eagerness
When God's all-illumining HandsBeckoned me.
```What did the ancients see
In mountain-high aspiration?What do the moderns see
In ocean-deep frustration? ```Only one flag
Flies above all the rest:The flag of universal oneness.
```My Lord tells me
That my frustration-worldWill not leave me alone
Unless and until I welcomeMy soul-illumination-world.
```Not by denouncing the world,
Not by renouncing the world,But by accepting the world
And working for its divinityCan we attain salvation.
```What my heart has
Is a deathless cry.What my soul is
Is a deathless smile. ```My God-loving heart
Is never afraid of stayingIn the lap of God's Thunder-Justice.
```God was so pleased with me
When He heard that I had madeA solemn promise
To reform all my tomorrows. ```To love God in God's own Way
Is to breathe the airOf God-Immortality's Freedom.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 12, Agni Press, 1996
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gar_12