The only company
My heart needsIs the fulfilling company
Of my illumination-soul. ```May I be every day
My God-pleasingSurrender-heart-rose.
```I know that
God's Compassion-EyeIs never finished working for me.
How I wish thatMy God-satisfaction-heart
Will never stop fulfilling GodIn God's own Way.
```God and God's infinite Compassion
Always promptly answerMy heart's Heaven-climbing prayers.
```My Lord, You have given me
A heart of love.This heart of love must needs
Follow Your FootstepsWith devotion-magnet.
```My Lord, I am turning my life
Into an ever-green heartTo love Your Compassion-Eye
And serve Your Forgiveness-Feet. ```My Lord,
Out of Your infinite Bounty,You have transformed
My inner heart.Will You not also transform
My outer face? ```O my stupidity-incarnate mind,
You do not knowOr you do not want to know
How lucky you are.Sleeplessly God and God's Life-Breath
Are playing inside youAnd around you.
```My soul's ancient dreams
And my life's modern realitiesAre shining side by side
In my heart-eye. ```Time, you will always remain
My heart's oneness-friend.Time, you will always remain
My mind's worse-than-the-worst enemy. ```My Lord Supreme,
Our lack of aspiration displeases You.Our lack of dedication displeases You.
My Lord, is there anything we haveThat does please You?
"Yes, My child,Your heart's soul-flooded smile."
```The mind is the power
Of its imagination-flight.The heart is the tower
Of its illumination-height. ```I am absolutely certain
That each gratitude-breathOf my heart
Is an unparalleled paradise. ```My Lord Supreme commands me
To grow and glowWith the life-breath of the Life universal.
```I am so proud of my soul,
For it enjoysThe immeasurably longest
And the intimately closestCompanionship
With my Lord'sTranscendental Will-Power.
```O my doubting mind,
Do not try to bind the flightOf my Heaven-soaring hope.
```God loves me
In my wakefulness.I love God
In His ever-new Fulness. ```God proudly salutes
His great guest:The ever-climbing aspiration-heart.
```When our Mother-Earth
Was newly blossomed,God danced His Infinity's
Ecstasy-Dance. ```My mind loves God
The cosmic Magician.My heart needs God
The cosmic Healer. ```At every moment
My gratitude-heart is prayerfully enjoyingThe universal Melody
Of God's Compassion-floodedLife-Breath.
```No human mind will ever be able
To minimise or annihilateThe perfection-beauty of the soul.
```God renders Himself accessible
Only to those whose hearts pineFor His Compassion-Eye.
```My simplicity-life
Is always radiantWith God's own
Unimaginable Lustre. ```God has unconditionally given
My aspiration-heartThe job of unfolding
All His Heaven-cherished Secrets. ```God deeply appreciates
My struggling life's sincere eagernessFor His complete manifestation on earth.
```Even an iota of unwillingness
Brings disgraceTo the sincere seeker.
```When my Lord's Victory-Song
I singIn my heart's silence-depth,
God immediately shows meThat I come from
His Infinity's Peace,And I am heading towards
His Immortality's Bliss. ```Each aspirant has to cross beyond
The sound-life-horizonTo enter into the silence-kingdom.
```O my mind,
Do you know why you are so unhappy?You are unhappy because
You do not even want to knowHow to doubt your doubts.
```Each heart is a hope-flower
That blooms and blossomsAt God's choice Hour.
```Nothing can make God smile
As quickly and wholeheartedlyAs my enthusiasm-mind.
```God's love for your aspiration
Is so deepThat God has opened for you
A galaxyOf God-manifestation-opportunities.
```O my mind,
I am telling you the absolute truth:Our Compassion-Lord becomes
Whatever we truly need. ```I have become
My heart's constant prayerTo open God's sacred Heart-Door.
```O my mind, be patient.
Continue your self-research.Your total illumination
Is inevitable. ```The difference between
My mind and my heart is this:My mind questions God's Justice;
My heart bathes in God's Compassion. ```How does one become spiritual?
Not by exercising his mind'sIndependence,
Not by exercising his heart'sInterdependence,
But by exercising his life'sGod-dependence.
```God came and gave him
The strongest EmbraceWhen God saw him embracing
The world's suffering-night. ```My heart's secret and sacred
Friendship with GodHas made my soul
Unimaginably happy. ```When my heart's aspiration-flames
Dance continuously,God invites me to His Palace
To dine with Him. ```A unconditional surrender-life
Is the most significant achievementIn spirituality.
```I must fulfil God
Instantly and constantlyTo claim Him as my own,
Very own. ```Only when my heart cries
Desperately and helplesslyDoes God appear
Blessingfully and proudly. ```God's smiling Eye in my life
Is my boundlessGod-manifestation-capacity.
```The poise of my God-loving heart
Can definitely silenceMy mind's doubt-hurricanes.
```If I do not aspire,
My life is bound to be hauntedBy my own failure-calamities.
```O doubt,
The very thoughtOf your imminent death
Is pleasing my heartBeyond description.
```A God-smiling heart
Is indeedThe greatest of all givers.
```If I am not meant to win,
So what?As long as I am meant to fight,
I shall fight for God's Victory. ```God is always
Extremely pleasedWith my heart's humility-light.
```You must invoke
Either God or your own soulTo free you from
Your mind-prison. ```I like the God
Who tells meI am an ambassador of peace.
But I love the GodWho tells me
I am an eternal student of peace. ```God tells the world
That only a self-giving heartIs needed
For true God-manifestationOn earth.
```To enter into the Kingdom
Of Peace, Light and BlissIs the real purpose
Of our aspiration-life. ```Treasure the beauty of hope
And the fragrance of promiseAt every moment.
With hope and promiseWe fulfil the Message
Of our Lord Supreme. ```Our mind's individuality
And personality-cloudsAre bound to disappear
In our soul's universality-sky. ```O truth-seekers and God-lovers,
You are the childrenOf the ever-illumining Body of the Supreme,
The ever-glowing Heart of the SupremeAnd the ever-flowing Soul of the Supreme.
```The mind has taken doubt as its guard,
To open and shutIts iron non-progressiveness-gate.
```When God comes to visit
My heart-home,The only refreshment He expects
Is my gratitude-heart-tears and smiles. ```When I look into my heart-mirror,
I see only GodAnd the Beauty of God's
Compassion-Eye. ```O my heart,
Do not act like the foolish mind.Do not gamble away
Your God-realisation-opportunities. ```My mind is always
Its false majesty.My heart is always
Its true humility. ```When you hear God's Voice
Echoing and re-echoingInside your heart-garden,
Your God-realisation-dayIs fast approaching you.
```O my mind,
With your very last breath,Soulfully sing a gratitude-song.
```Alas, my recent aspiration-famine
Has seriously alarmedMy God-loving heart.
```An unaspiring life
Will always remainA God-question mark.
```My aspiring heart
Will always adoreMy God-devotion-days and nights.
```I bring my aspiration-heart
To God,Not for my fulfilment
But for my enlightenment. ```I keep only a collection
Of God's divine qualitiesIn my heart-museum.
```O my mind,
Do not be jealous.Come and join
My heart's peace-celebration. ```One drop of pleasure-poison
Is enough to destroyThe beauty and purity
Of my aspiration-heart. ```My aspiration-heart
And my dedication-lifeAre always pleasing and fulfilling God
In myriad ways. ```What I desperately need
Is a God-belonging heartAnd not
A world-possessing mind. ```Why do I love God?
I love God because He isMy life's all-fulfilling
Silence-flooded Partner. ```Every day
If you do not dive deep withinIn your God-discovery-expedition,
How can you ever beThe darling of Heaven?
```Just as day
Claims our beautiful eyes,Even so, night
Claims our soulful heart. ```The mind has two exceptional qualities
Which the wise heart does not want to share:It loves to debate;
It loves to berate. ```The heart has two exceptional qualities
Which the doubting mind cannot appreciate:It loves to surrender;
It loves to sing a oneness-song. ```Wherever I go,
I carry my God-oneness-heart-thrill,Not proudly
But self-givingly. ```My heart never needs
A recommendation from anybodyTo visit God.
```My mind-life
Is full of contradiction.My heart-life
Is full of illumination. ```My Lord Supreme's
Compassion-EyeQuite often works in and through us,
Even uninvoked. ```Train your mind
For transformation.Train your heart
For contemplation.Train your life
For perfection. ```When God's Heart cries,
Nobody knows.When God's Eye smiles,
Everybody knows. ```I offer my Lord
My life's trials and tribulations.God gives me
His Life's inner PeaceAnd His Heart's inner Bliss.
```I tell all my aspiration-comrades
They can reach me lovinglyOnly at my heart-home-address.
```God definitely needs more teammates.
Therefore, my heart's aspiration-criesAnd my soul's illumination-smiles
Are trying out for God's Team. ```Each time my mind
Has a pure thought,I see God enjoying
His Happiness-Heart. ```My Lord's Compassion-Eye
Is always anxious and eagerTo be my life's sole spokesman.
```My mind literally loves
Earth's colourful confusion.My heart sleeplessly loves
Heaven's powerful illumination. ```The day I start my morning
Without a prayer,I become a hopelessly lost child
The entire day. ```It is our heart's wisdom-light
That tells us to remain alwaysOutside our mind-gate.
```My soul tells me
That my aspiration-journeyIs a one-way trip.
```When we quote
Our Lord Beloved Supreme perfectly,His Joy knows no bounds.
When we misquoteOur Lord Supreme consciously and deliberately,
His unhappiness, too, knows no bounds. ```When I am in my heart,
I like to be as playful as a child.When I am in my mind,
I like to be as prayerful as a saint. ```My Lord's Compassion-Eye
Sleeplessly feedsHumanity's light-hunger-cries.
```When I please God
In God's own Way,The Beyond beckons me
With unbounded pride. ```A soulful aspiration-heart
Is indeedA piece of the highest Heaven.
```My Lord Supreme,
Are You not displeasedWith my quantity-hunger-mind?
"My child,I am not at all displeased
With your quantity-hunger-mind.Your quantity-hunger-mind
Is helping Me in a unique wayTo swim in the sea
Of ever-increasing Delight." ```My Lord Supreme,
I vividly saw Your Compassion-EyeAt my marathon journey's start.
My Lord Supreme,I throbbingly feel Your Satisfaction-Heart
At my marathon journey's close. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 13, Agni Press, 1996
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