A self-giving thought
Beautifies our heart immensely,Plus immediately.
```The aspiring heart's
Silence-seaCan easily calm
The mind's turbulence. ```Infinity's Delight sprouts from
Sleepless and breathlessGratitude-heart-seeds.
```When my mind's willingness
And my heart's eagernessConverse together,
I swim in the sea of ecstasy. ```I love observing
My Lord's and my soul'sMorning colloquies
Infinitely more than I loveAnything else.
```Our insincerity-minds
And our impurity-heartsAre the world's age-long,
Darkness. ```A true hero-champion
Is not he who says,"I can do it,"
But he who says,"I have already done it.
I have already satAt the Feet of my Lord Supreme."
```Your mind may offer
An endless stream of excuses to God,But God will never accept
Even one excuse from youFor not loving and needing Him.
```What I need
Is a God-hunger-torn heartTo sleeplessly weep for God.
```Every time I tell God
That I love Him onlyAnd need Him only,
He blesses meWith His Pride-Satisfaction-Sun-Smile.
```Run, run, with your soul's
Dynamism-river-flow.You are bound to succeed
In everythingThat you want to do
And everythingThat you want to become.
```I went to life's market
To buy beauty and happiness.Alas, I bought unhappiness
And ugliness instead. ```Cry like a child;
Smile like a child.You will be able to arrive
At perfection's pinnacleSpeedily and unmistakably.
```If you play
Your mind-disobedience-game,Happiness will always remain
A far cry for you. ```You reveal your heart,
But conceal your mind.This is not the way
To arrive at your destination.Reveal your mind
The way you reveal your heart.Lo, this is the safest and bravest way
To arrive at your destination. ```Without concentration and commitment
There can beNo permanent and real victory
In life. ```If you are a real God-seeker,
Then you must haveA sense of humour,
For God is the Supreme Humorist. ```I have at last revived
My old belief,That I can love God
For God's sake. ```When I offer my Lord
My purity-heart,He surrounds my life
With His Divinity'sAnd Immortality's halo.
```God and I believe in each other
CompletelyWhen we say we shall fulfil
Each other. ```My mind itself is not appalling,
But my mind's greedy desiresAre always appalling.
```There was a time when I loved
My story-teller-mind,But now I love and need
Only my God-singer-heart. ```Nothing perfect,
Nothing permanentCan ever be accomplished
By sheer luck. ```My soul wants me to need
Only one thing:God's constant Nectar-Affection.
```Your belief in the manifestation
Of the Light of the BeyondHas taken you a very long distance
In your spiritual life. ```O my mind,
If you do not startLoving God unconditionally,
You are bound to remainEnslaved, tortured
And humiliated. ```Only courage
Born of faithCan save this world.
```I thought God's Justice
Would do all the talkingIn my life,
But to my wide surprise,God's Compassion and Forgiveness
Have done all the talking. ```A self-giving life
Is indeedThe gateway to Heaven.
```We can be shattered in body,
But we can never be shatteredIn spirit
While loving God. ```The doubt-monster
Does not want to shareIts sovereignty
With anybody else. ```In order to keep
Failure at a distance,Live an obedience-life
All the time. ```Breathe the fragrance
Of your aspiration-gratitude-heart,And you will always be
Spiritually triumphant. ```The mind chooses
Its own path.God chooses the path
For the heart. ```With whom does God
Lovingly commune?No, never with my mind,
But ever with my heart. ```Every day
A seeker must marshalSufficient enthusiasm
To achieve victory for GodHere on earth.
```If you want to become
A choice instrument of God,A sleepless God-surrender
Is at once invaluableAnd indispensable.
```You can at times be independent
Of the outer sun,But you cannot be independent,
Even for a fleeting second,Of your all-illumining
Inner sun. ```Let us go forward
Into the heart of the futureBravely and self-givingly.
Lo, the Golden Destination-ShoreIs beckoning us.
```We can never be happy
If we close our eyesTo life's difficulties.
We can only be happyBy challenging and conquering
The pride of difficulties. ```Who said that we do not know
What precious blessings we possess?We do know that our God-hunger
Is the most precious blessingIn our life.
```No matter how strong
Our weaknesses are,We must conquer them,
Or we shall never be able to arriveAt our God-Destination.
```When we live in the cruelty-mind,
We definitely liveIn a state of deplorable barbarism.
```Not because God is indifferent to us,
But because He is dreamingA very special dream
In and through us,We frequently meet with
Calamities and misfortunes. ```My heart begs God for news.
God's Heart begs meNot just for news,
But for good news. ```When next God and I meet together,
I shall tell GodThat I am all ready to become
A God-Dream-server-heart. ```My soul is God's assistant.
It spends all its timeOpening and locking God-Gate
For humanity's upward and inward progress. ```There is not a single day
When God does not visitMy ignorance-mind-prison
With His Compassion-Heart-Eye. ```When I do not pray and meditate
Beautifully and soulfully,I see my entire life
Wrapped in a haze of uncertainty. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme
Is sure that I will not objectTo His early Arrival on earth.
```Alas, why do I meddle
In God's Affairs,Since I do not have the capacity
To create a perfect solution? ```Not only the light of your future,
But also the light of your presentWill shine all-where
If you have a God-surrendered heart. ```I am so proud of my heart
That it is always eagerly willingTo offer what it has and what it is
To my Beloved Supreme. ```The mistakes of yesterday
Make us feel we are useless,Although we are not.
The perfection of tomorrowIs beckoning us at this very moment.
```Do not lose faith,
Either in God or in yourself,If you want to succeed in life
With absolute certainty. ```The lower you look,
The farther backwardYou go.
```The spiritual inheritance
That we have received from the pastIs never and can never be adequate
For our God-realisation. ```A true God-lover's life
Is a constantGod-Victory-Song.
```Just by ceaselessly repeating,
"I am of God and I am for God,"I am marching fast, very fast
Towards my golden future. ```I fail
Each and every time,When I allow myself to be guided
Only by my mind's stupid logic. ```An unconditionally surrendered heart
Is the most precious giftThat God can bequeath
To a God-lover. ```My heart's gratitude-smile
Occupies the centreOf my Lord's Attention.
```A life with no aspiration
Is indeedA life of constant and ruthless
Frustration. ```Not humanity's desire-life,
But humanity's aspiration-heartIs bravely and successfully
Leading humanity to a higher goal. ```What I need
Is an insatiable hungerOnly for my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```I always give God the very best
Of my heart's love,And that very best is gratitude.
```I always tell my heart
That it must challengeMy mind's doubts
And defeat them once and for all. ```In the heart of each flower
There is only one thing I notice:God's Beauty-Fragrance.
```O my heart,
Even for a fleeting second,Do not allow disobedience
To immobilise you,For you know that God
Sleeplessly loves you. ```To deny
God's unconditional CompassionIs to deny
God Himself. ```Although we do not care for peace,
Peace is desperately trying to enterInto our heart-home.
```O Lord, O Lord,
Do ask Your PeaceTo penetrate
My mind's thick forest. ```O my mind,
Love God sincerelyWhile there is yet time.
O my heart,Love God unconditionally
While there is yet time. ```God's unconditional Compassion
Cares abundantly moreFor man's satisfaction
Than for his perfection. ```My mind's hope
And my heart's promise,Alas,
Have become unaspiringWorld-travellers.
```My Lord and His ever-descending
Torrent of ForgivenessAre inseparable.
```At every moment
Our hope turns its eyesPrayerfully and soulfully
To Heaven. ```Peace
Is God's only AmbassadorTo instruct the human mind.
```May my heart's
Sleeplessly eager willingnessTo love and serve my Lord Supreme
Speed like the wind. ```God has not yet made up His Mind
Whether He will give my mindAnother chance
To pass the examinationOf doubt-liberation.
```The mind's negativity
Is destined to vanishWhen the heart's purity and divinity
Together shine. ```The mind will never be able to offer
An adequate answer to GodAs to why it does not need God.
```God measures and treasures
Not what I have said about Him,But what I have done for His creation.
```God has uttered
One more surprising prophecy:I shall be an unconditional God-lover.
```Only when we have purity in our mind
Can we enjoy our heart-excursionsInto the depth of peace.
```Our mind's hope-flower
And our heart's promise-fruitWill always remain
Our common yet unique ancestors. ```Cheerfulness and oneness
Are not only religiousIn the pure sense of the term,
But also contagious to the extreme. ```Every morning
I bathe in the stream of hopeTo become an unconditional
God-lover and server. ```To touch the peace-shore I need
A new God-searching mind,A new God-loving heart
And a new God-offering life. ```No negativity of my mind
Will ever be ableTo drown my heart
In ignorance-sea. ```My gratitude is always ready
To light the lampOf my God-realisation-hope.
```As God walks along my life-shore,
I become at onceMy heart's beauty
And my soul's fragrance. ```Do not seek to embrace
The outer worldUnless you are graced
By the inner world. ```God tastes my gratitude-heart
And my surrender-lifeAnd finds them extremely good.
```God's Heart has been aching
For such a long time.Alas,
How is it that my mindIs still fast asleep?
```To ease a little of God's excruciating pangs,
I have decided to increaseMy aspiration-hours and dedication-hours.
```What is self-offering?
It is something thatThe more you give,
The sweeter you become. ```Man's hope-birds are crying.
God's Promise-BirdsAre not only consoling
But also illumining. ```Like God,
God's ForgivenessAlso never goes to sleep.
```Every evening
God garlands my gratitude-heartWith boundless Delight.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 2, Agni Press, 1996
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gar_2