Only our heart's surrender-joy
Feeds God's burning HungerFor our nature's complete transformation.
```I am supremely blessed
With tears that flowTowards God's Compassion-Sea.
```Not the dictatorship of the mind
But the oneness of the heartWill conquer
The life of the world. ```Every morning
God blessingfullyAnd self-givingly
Winds my life-clock. ```O my mind,
Listen carefully with rapt attentionTo what my Lord has to say
About you. ```Each time I meditate,
I try to become a fulness-waveOf my soul's silence-peace-sea.
```If a seeker is divinely and supremely sincere,
Then he can easily develop the fastest speedIn his life's progress-race.
```A powerful meditation
Can easily clearThe mind's thought-jungle.
```My heart's gratitude cherishes
God's Heart's ForgivenessInfinitely more than anything else.
```When you are in the doubting mind,
It is impossible to choose anything.When you are in the aspiring heart,
It is so easy to choose the right thing. ```As there are a thousand seekers,
Even so there are a thousand paths.But the seeker in me loves only the path
Of my constantly sleepless God-loving breath. ```The mind made of curiosity
Feels no real needFor God-sublimity.
God passed His Peace-Book to meAnd asked me to read it
Page by page,Lovingly, devotedly and self-givingly,
To humanity. ```Alas, I have come to realise
At long lastThat my mind's disobedience
Is nothing other thanA haunting, challenging
And devastating nightmare. ```Only those especially invited by God
Can enjoyGod's Ecstasy-Heart-Delight.
```God's Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartAlways play together
With carefree abandon. ```O my determination
To realise God,Be as firm as the backbone
Of Mother-Earth. ```Each human heart is uniquely gifted
To love God's HeartAnd to serve God's Life
In God's own Way. ```Eternity's peace-silence
And Infinity's peace-silenceHave come from a very great distance.
I must welcome themHappily, proudly and self-givingly.
```God never likes
My dedication-maximum-speech,But He dearly loves
My aspiration-maximum-silence. ```In spite of all opposition,
I am determined to arriveAt my God-Destination
In this very life. ```God arrived just in time,
When I was about to give upMy God-satisfaction-hope.
```I shall no more allow my mind
To tyrannise and dictate toMy snow-white heart.
```In the early days
Of life on earth,Simplicity and sincerity-blossoms
Were found everywhere. ```God's Duty
Is to warn meWhen I am about to make
A Himalayan blunder.My duty
Is to do the divine thingAnd become the perfect person.
```God always steps forward
To blessingfully assist me.But alas, my stupidity-mind
Prevents meFrom accepting His Assistance.
```Alas, alas, the disobedience
Of the unaspiring and haughty mindHas enslaved the entire world.
```Because you fear
The result of failure,You miss the joy of life
Unnecessarily and untimely. ```Each and every human doubt
Will tumble downTo its own living hell-torture
At God's choice Hour. ```God's Peace is sleeplessly
Sending out invitations,But alas,
Only a few God-loving soulsAccept.
```The time for introspection
For each human mindHas already arrived.
```As the human mind
Compels us to sink,Even so the divine heart
Helps us to riseTowards Infinity's Height.
```Alas, when will I be
Ashamed of my inconsiderateness?Can I not see my Boatman
So eagerly waiting for me? ```We have to surmount
Each and every temptation-test in lifeBefore we realise God.
```The mind sleeplessly and shamelessly
Cherishes its own importance.The heart breathlessly and self-givingly
Cherishes its own oneness. ```God tells me
That He has always hadA very special Fondness
For my heart'sSmall and humble way
Of pleasing Him. ```In the outer world
There is always an employment crisis.In the inner world
There is always employment opportunity. ```The door of silence-peace
Will always remain openTo my heart's
Prayerful and cheerful approach. ```A genuine aspiration-heart
Learns God's Oneness-Language wellWith no difficulty.
```A God-surrender-heart
Has the capacityTo run the fastest
In every field. ```What the world needs
Is an incorruptible mindAnd an unswerving heart
To run the fastestIn the God-realisation-race.
```God sees the unspoken question
In my eyes and says,"You will realise Me
Long before your expectation." ```My mind wants to become
A peace-ambassador.My heart wants to become
A peace-student.My life wants to become
A peace-servant. ```I do not like God.
I do not need God.These are the two
Oldest and saddest blundersOf humanity.
```Until peace becomes
A part of our existence,We shall never be able
To claim satisfactionAs our own, very own.
```My mind cherishes stupidity
Unconsciously.My heart cherishes sincerity
Consciously.My soul cherishes divinity
Sleeplessly. ```If we do not set foot
Upon spirituality's path,Then God-realisation-attainment
Will remain a far cry. ```The transformation of life
Takes place far, far beyondThe mind's territories.
```My mind has all warlike intentions
To conquer the world.My heart has only one intention:
World-peace-oneness-love. ```God finds it a big joke
When I tell HimThat I shall not make any more attempts
To please Him. ```One question returns again and again
To the mind:"Does God really love me?"
```Sweeter than the sweetest
Is the voice of obedience.Shriller than the shrillest
Is the voice of disobedience. ```God asks us never to take
Our ignorance-cherishing mindSeriously.
```Our soul inspires us
To embark uponA daring God-research project.
```To long for God-realisation
Is to have a special feelingOf God-oneness-intimacy.
```What is there to worry about?
If you love God sincerely,God will always take care of you
In His inimitable Way. ```Nobody conquers another
By fighting.Only by loving
Can one conquer. ```I must achieve God-Satisfaction
In each and every departmentOf my life.
```God tells me
That He does not wantTo be familiar any more
With my ingratitude-heart. ```It is high time for me
To open wide my heart-doorAnd close down my mind-shop
To realise my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Alas, why do I not see
That my mind has already reachedThe fulness of its stupidity?
```Hope and promise
Are the two most beautiful flowersIn God's Heart-Garden.
```God's Dream is at once
Unimaginably prescientAnd immeasurably patient.
```When I sit for my life's
Transformation-examination,God definitely expects
Some positive results. ```To realise God,
Aspiration is necessary.To realise God,
Surrender is indispensable. ```God was sadly amused
When He read my mind'sRecently published
God-unwillingness-stories. ```When you are wanting
In aspiration,Your heart's peace-shore
Will be invaded by doubt-storms. ```Alas, alas,
The unwillingness to serve GodIn mankind
Is permeating the entire human race. ```God's Hands stretch
Lovingly and compassionatelyOver my aspiration-future.
```To know better God's Philosophy,
We must dwell at every momentIn our own heart-home.
```God tells me
That He may come backOnce again
To visit my unwillingness-mind,But He is not absolutely sure.
```No matter how many
Thousands of centuriesIt will take me to realise God,
I shall never, never give up! ```The future of the whole human race
Will not dependOn man's mind-made power,
But on God's Heart-made Love. ```Impatience
Is the greatest hindranceTo any success-mind
And progress-heart. ```If you are not thrilled
By God's Presence,How can you dare to think
You will run the fastestIn the God-realisation-race?
```May my Lord's Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-HeartAlways be found
Inside my heart's gratitude-garden. ```I am determined to learn
The song of lifeAs sung by my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```I shall not fight against
The human mind that contradicts me.I shall only pray to my Lord Supreme
For its immediate illumination. ```We must know
That indifference is always alienTo God's Temperament.
```My heart-poems
Are precious to my soul.My heart-songs
Are precious to God.But my heart-cries and heart-smiles
Are God's veritable treasures. ```Not only my heart,
But also GodCannot believe
What a doubt-cherishing mindI have!
```My soul has whispered a great secret
Into God's Ear:I am all ready for my unconditional
God-surrender. ```If you do not aspire regularly,
Then definitely depression-emptinessWill yawn before you.
```My soul's divinity
Is indeed a prominent authorityOn the subject of world-peace.
```Your greatness might
But your goodness will notCause any heart to sink.
```From birth to birth
And death to death,My life will only evolve
Forward and upwardAnd not revert
Backward and downward. ```Why is surrender
First in everything?Because surrender alone
Claims God as its very own. ```God's Compassion
May become tired of me,But God's Forgiveness
Will never be tired of me. ```My inner eagerness
And my outer readinessHave the capacity
To defy my fate. ```Love is the eye that the soul uses
To see the world.Oneness is the heart that the soul uses
To feel and become the world. ```I pray to God
To give me the capacityTo unlearn everything
That my mind has taught meOver the years.
```My God-surrender-life
Is walking, marching and runningFaster than the fastest
Towards my Beloved Lord Supreme. ```My heart's peace-garden
Has been well-nurturedBy God's Compassion-flooded Eye.
```I am so happy
That my mind is willinglyAnd my heart is eagerly
Turning towards God's Will. ```The Pathway that is God's
Has to beMy eagerness-life's path
As well. ```God blessingfully tells
My aspiration-heartThat one day it will definitely
Be able to please HimIn His own Way.
```O my mind,
Do not blame God for your failures.Blame yourself.
Blame your stupid unwillingnessTo accept God's Light.
```To Infinity's peace
My aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life
Have together turned. ```Negativity
Is a fast-acting doubt-poisonTo destroy
Our God-realisation-hunger. ```O my life's wailing wings of sorrow,
God's fast-descending Compassion-FeetWill soon console you.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 3, Agni Press, 1996
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