An exorbitant possession-greed
Is destroying the world-joy.Only renunciation-light
Can illumine the world. ```The Compassion-Delight-Embrace
Of my Lord SupremeIs saving my life
At every moment. ```O my heart's aspiration-flame,
Do not waver any longer,For I must realise
My Lord Beloved SupremeVery soon.
Will this world ever be freeFrom the heavy chains
Of possession-greed? ```Do not stir up the mud of the past
If you want to be illuminedBy tomorrow's dawn.
```A doubt-enjoyer-mind
Is bound to failQuickly.
```O mind, if you live
In the misery-thickets of doubt,You will never be able to succeed
In any walk of life. ```What I need every day
Is a processionOf aspiration-dedication-activities
To please my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Soon, very soon,
My dream-building heartWill defeat
My reality-destroying mind. ```If you love the rainbow-dawn
Of every opportunity-day,Your heart will never suffer
From aspiration-shortage. ```God is more than eager
To crown your devotionWith His Infinity's Delight.
He is just waitingFor His choice Hour.
```Try to realise
That your God-obedienceIs your life's only
Safety-security. ```My Lord tells me
That if I have forgottenHow to cry for Him,
No harm.But I must not forget
How to smile at Him. ```To please God
In God's own Way,What I always need
Is a purity-fed love-heart. ```An unaspiring mind
And a sophisticated lifeWill never have
An iota of satisfaction. ```Not your face,
But your heartDecorate with smiles.
Then God will hastenTowards you.
```A true seeker knows
That each momentIs the very beginning
Of a newness-dawn. ```Surrender and gratitude
Are the two main pillarsOf my heart-temple.
```God can forgive,
God can tolerate,But He never cherishes
An ignorance-bound life. ```Each time I have
A profound meditation,My entire being beams
With a oneness-fulness-smile. ```Each time I have
A new divine thought,I enter into a new realm
Of wisdom-light. ```Only a life
Of unconditional surrenderCan own a peace-home.
```My mind is a peace-robber.
My heart is a peace-dreamer.My soul is a peace-bringer.
My God is the Peace-Distributor. ```What I desperately need:
My aspiration-heart-revival,And nothing else.
```Another name
For dedication-declineIs satisfaction-bankruptcy.
```God does not mind
Whether you are failure-proneOr success-prone.
He wants you only to beSurrender-satisfaction-prone.
```My Lord tells me
That I must not join my mindWhen it sighs.
I must join my heartWhen it flies.
```Oh what a futile waste of time
My life becomesWhen I feel that I am self-sufficient
And not God-efficient! ```I tell my mind
That it must never underestimateThe abundant power
Of a disciplined life. ```If you want to hear the whispers
Of your Absolute Lord Supreme,Then plant the seeds
Of unconditional surrenderIn your heart-garden.
```If you first become
The choicest instrument of God,Then it is easier to serve God
In God's own Way. ```My heart is more than ready,
More than willing,More than eager
To remain at God's FeetForever and forever.
```If you can greet each moment
With your gratitude-heart,Then God's Joy in your life
Will know no bounds. ```If you are not a God-lover,
Then you can never beA silence-peace-discoverer.
```What my mind desperately needs:
A tiny molecule of hope.What I sleeplessly need:
A giant God-manifestation-promise. ```O my mind,
Take God with youWherever you go.
You will not have any difficultyIn satisfying yourself.
```Life can change in an instant
If the heart is readyTo love and serve God
Unconditionally. ```A surrender-life
And a gratitude-heartAre two flowers
On the same oneness-branch. ```O my Lord Supreme,
I really needAn all-engulfing solitude
To help me masterThe slow, steady and gradual process
Of achieving perfect perfection. ```God before me
Is compassionate.God behind me
Is perfectionist. ```What I need
Is a mind electrifiedBy a new inspiration-light.
```Desire-weight we can lose
If we sincerely followAspiration-diet.
```God enjoys
More than anything elseMy heart's devotion-nectar.
I needMore than anything else
God's Forgiveness-Feet. ```The mind's willingness
Immensely increasesThe life's cheerfulness-flow.
```God wants me to run
With my heart'sLightning-purity-speed,
And I am doing it. ```The God-prayers of each heart
Can and do nourishOur life-roots.
```Soulfulness is the product
Of a rose-beauty-heart.Fruitfulness is the product
Of a rose-fragrance-life. ```Everybody can peacefully coexist
If they have a God-loving heartAnd a God-serving life.
```O my mind,
You are such a fool!You always allow doubt
To plunder your inner wealth. ```To build a major highway
In God's Kingdom,A surrender-life
Is a supreme necessity. ```My life's surrender-roadmap
Will definitely expediteMy life's journey
To God's highest Heaven. ```After winning a terrible fight
With my mind,I am now at perfect peace.
```Success is a mind-game
That has a very short breath.Progress is a heart-song
That never ends. ```Today I am enjoying
My soul's thrilling triumphOver my mind's ignorance-titan.
```My aspiration-heart-door
Has a secret alarm systemTo frighten away unwelcome
Thought-thieves. ```Every day I desperately need
A huge fire-extinguisherFor my mind's wildfire.
Lies in unity's multiplicityAnd nowhere else.
```My God-faith
Is infinitely strongerThan my failure-life.
```There is only one worthwhile discovery,
And that discovery is self-discovery.Self-discovery thrills
Both God and me alike. ```My God-fears are fading fast
Because I have increasedMy God-love immensely.
```Today's God-dreamers
Are tomorrow's world-lovers.World-lovers eventually become
God's manifestation-fulfillers. ```Heaven is built on many
Love, affection and sacrifice-earth-actions. ```To desire is to receive
From the deception-world.To aspire is to achieve
From the God-Kingdom. ```Our heart's vision
Is the fulfilment-promiseOf our soul.
```A peaceful man is always loved
By God's CompassionAnd man's affection.
```Speed up, my mind,
Speed up and runPast your hesitation-border.
```Each time I am happy,
I carry my heartTo new heights of illumination.
```It is far beyond
The utmost edge of possibilityFor an unaspiring mind
To be genuinely happy. ```Even a doubting mind
Can be conqueredBy a God-loving heart.
```Because of my unconditional surrender,
God has blessed meWith His Delight-flooded Breath.
```Aspiration-cries always ring
Most melodiouslyIn God's Heart-Garden.
```I went to God
To see God's boundless Palace.God came to me
To build His Cottage-Heart-Home. ```May my surrender-life
And my gratitude-heartForever remain
My cheerful companions. ```Unlike ours, God's Vision
Needs infinitely more accomplishmentsIn order to approach satisfaction.
```Every micro-second of man's life
Man can offerEither to God the Beautiful
Or to desire the ugly. ```May each prayer of mine
Be flooded withDivinity's Hopes and Promises.
```In God's Cosmic Game,
Our aspiration-heartPlays a part
Which nothing else can perform. ```God's Peace and God's Joy
Are the two travellersWho tirelessly journey
To the extremities of the world. ```O seeker,
Be extremely careful!When God-opportunities pass,
They are simply gone,Gone forever.
```What God does not
And cannot accept:My impurity-cherishing mind.
```When God punishes me,
He does soOnly as a last resort.
```Throw away your mind's
Ignorance-dust immediately,Not with one hand,
But with both of your hands! ```You must muster
All your inner strengthTo please God all the time
In your outer life. ```If you do not aspire,
An utter, inner failure-lifeIs all you can expect.
```My Lord Supreme cherishes
My heart-blossom-dreams.I cherish
My Lord Supreme's Nectar-Smiles. ```My pride knows no bounds,
For my heart's hopeIs at last beginning
To raise its head. ```With your mind's readiness,
Heart's eagernessAnd life's self-givingness,
You can accomplishEverything you want to.
```Before it is too late,
Let me once and for allSurrender to God's Will
Happily and implicitly. ```Although a host of problems
Still remains unsolved,I am extremely happy
That I am able to take shelterAt my Lord's Feet.
```What God has is Joy.
Where does He hide it?He hides it
Inside my heart-garden. ```God enjoys chatting
With my gratitude-heartInfinitely more than
With the cosmic gods. ```My Lord Supreme
Has happily and proudly installedMy aspiration-heart
Inside His Satisfaction-Heart-Home. ```My heart's eagerness
Prayerfully bowsTo God's perfect Perfection.
```Hope and promise
Are two very old friendsOf God and man.
```Every morning
My Lord Supreme blessingfully awakensAll my heart-garden-birds.
```Nothing can be more beautiful
And nothing can be more fruitfulThan my gratitude-heart-blossoms.
```God Himself celebrates
With tremendous joyMy heart's mounting
Aspiration-flames. ```God lavishes on me
The enormous wealth of His AffectionWhen He sees and feels
That I live only for Him. ```God watches
With breathless eagernessMy fast-blossoming
Gratitude-heart-smiles. ```Yesterday
I was a budding God-dreamer.Today
God has made meA fully-blossomed God-lover.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 4, Agni Press, 1996
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