God blessingfully tells
The tired eyes of my hopeThat it will energise them to look at
A new, illumining and fulfilling dawn. ```O my mind,
I shall never allow you to participateIn ignorance-sponsored competition.
```If you can shed
Devotion-flooded tears,Then God will immediately claim you
As His own, very own. ```Each good thought
In my mindIs a God-playmate-friend.
```My Lord Supreme
Happily and proudly salutesMy forward progress-march.
```The problems of a doubting mind
Can never be solved by the mind.They always remain devastating.
```There was a time when my name
Was aspiration-fluctuation.But now my new name
Is aspiration-perfection. ```My Lord does not care for
My mind's strength.He cares only for
My heart's length. ```When we are in the heart,
We are all winners.But when we are in the mind,
We are just survivors. ```I came into the world
To serve God,Not to dominate the world.
```I wish to live
Either in my heart's gratitude-tearsOr in my soul's plenitude-smiles.
```My life's dedication-smiles
Are adorningGod's Illumination-Flower-Feet.
```O God-seeker,
Since you have come to me,Let me immediately show you
My God-garden-heart. ```My doubting mind lives
In a barren desert.My aspiring heart lives
In the thunderous Applause of God. ```A God-dreamer,
A God-loverAnd a God-server
Live in God'sSatisfaction-flooded Affection-Ocean.
```My mind's doubt-boat
Is alwaysOn the verge of sinking.
```My mind's outer story
Is always boring.My heart's inner song
Is always soaring. ```I never thought
That my aspiration-heartWould be powerful enough
To make the hostile forcesTotally and helplessly nervous.
```Your sleepless love of God
Is the only passportThat can expedite
Your upward journey. ```Out of His infinite Bounty,
God has completely detached my mindFrom impurity-magnet.
```My meditation-life
Has finally initiated meInto the ever-blossoming mysteries
Of the Beyond. ```God's Compassion-Eye
And my gratitude-heartAre two eternal friends.
```God sadly and helplessly looks
From one seeker to the nextTo discover a God-surrendering life.
```A single Tear
From God's EyeHas finally perfected my mind.
```God has many times mentioned
The fragrance of my gratitude-heartIn His Autobiography.
```O my mind,
When did God ask youTo count the misdeeds
Of the world? ```I need a mind
That is always hungry to learn.I need a heart
That is sleeplessly and breathlesslyEager to run.
```Each heart-runner
With his devotion-speedCan arrive at the destination
Long before he expected. ```God never interferes
With your ego-life.Why do you interfere
With God's happy Manifestation-Life? ```What God wants me to forget:
My life's failure-cries.What God wants me to remember:
My heart's victory-smiles. ```Alas, I do not know why
My willingness always tends to beLethargic and unaspiring.
```The confidence of the heart
Is always attainable —Just try.
```The one thing
That gives God ceaseless painIs my unwillingness-mind.
```God never wants me to have
A roaring vital.He only wants me to have
A soaring heart. ```O my mind,
Do me a colossal favour:Do not look at my aspiration-heart
With only your curiosity and stupidity. ```A smiling heart is the royal road
That leads toGod's Delight-Kingdom.
```O my Lord Beloved Supreme,
It is getting so late!Do come and rescue me and my heart
From ignorance-oblivion. ```I must help my soul
By showing my sincere eagernessTo arrest my ego-thief.
```Though I do not know
Where this next step leads,I do know
An unseen handWill guide me blessingfully
To my destination. ```The Patience of my Lord Supreme
Has now becomeA tormenting sadness.
```My entire life
Is indebted to God,Especially to His Forgiveness,
For many things. ```My prayerful and soulful heart
Is indeedMy Lord's first and foremost Blessing.
```To preserve our heart's spirituality-mountain
From ruin,We need God's Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-Heart. ```God tells me
That He does not know when and howHe became the victim
Of my unready and unwilling mind. ```Every morning
God awakens my aspiration-heart-birdTo sing and dance
With the rising sun. ```At long last
The Hour of God has struckFor me to enjoy the fragrance
Of my God-surrender-heart. ```We can never go beyond
The limits of truth,But we can and we must go beyond,
Far beyond,The limits of falsehood
To satisfy our Lord Supreme. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do bless my heartWith ever-increasing sincerity-cries
And sincerity-smiles. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do bless me with a heartThat will keep on blossoming and blooming
Like a little child. ```O my mind,
Can you not seeThat God is not paying any attention
To your ego-performances? ```If the world tells me
That I look beautiful today,It is all due to my prayerful mind
And soulful heart. ```There is only one place
To find peace,And that place
Is in our life's oneness-dream. ```The mind dances
With the old familiar stories.The heart dances
With the unheard God-songs. ```My Lord, until I become
Your Satisfaction-Reality,I would like to remain
Your Satisfaction-Imagination. ```Every morning God blesses me
With the Oneness-SmileOf His Sweetness-Heart.
```To live inside
An unaspiring mindIs to breathe in
A God-empty breath. ```O my heart,
To successfully runGod-satisfaction and God-fulfilment-races,
Remain always happy and self-giving. ```To solve the riddles
Of life and death,Self-doubt must be banished
Forever and forever. ```Today,
Why am I so happy?Today,
Why am I so proud of myself?I am happy and proud
Precisely because I clearly seeThat God's Compassion-Heart
Is navigating my life-boat. ```I try to surprise my Lord
With my ever-new face.God surprises me
With His Eternity'sAll-embracing and all-fulfilling Heart.
```My doubting mind
Was finally expelledFrom God's
Dream-Reality-Perfection-School. ```My heart vehemently dislikes
My soulless jungle-mind-noise.My soul painfully dislikes
My heart's hesitation-delay. ```Before I entered into the spiritual life,
I was a mind-traveller.But now
I am a heart-messenger. ```Before God appoints me to serve Him
All day and night,He wants to examine
My silence-peace-credentials. ```I do not know how long
I shall remain an unopened budOf earthly hope.
```In the solitude of my heart
I see nobodySave and except God the Smiler.
```The meditation of the heart
BeginsWhen the domination of the mind
Ends. ```There can be
No compensationFor missing a God-service-day.
```My Lord's Forgiveness-Heart
And His Compassion-EyeGuard my days and nights.
```To my great surprise
I find myself mirroredIn God's Satisfaction-Heart.
```God tells me that
Each and every prayer of my heartMust be saturated
With deepest love. ```Our strongest adversary
Is our unwillingnessTo love and serve God
In His own Way. ```Each time I offer God
A soulful smile,His Beyond beckons me.
```My heart's devotion
Inspires my mind's enthusiasm.My mind's enthusiasm
Makes my vital dynamicAnd my heart alert.
```A cloud of mind-confusion
Is covering my eyesBecause I am not feeding
My aspiration-heart. ```I finally escaped
From my mind-prisonTo enjoy a vacation
In my heart-garden. ```"God, give me what I want"
And"God, make me what I want"
Are indeedTwo worthless and useless prayers.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do shower Your choicest Blessings upon meSo that I can easily move out of
My self-indulgence-neighbourhood. ```I must put
God's NameAlways before
My fame. ```I need a mind
That challenges the prideOf uncomely thought-intrusions.
```My Lord Supreme,
I am telling You most sincerelyThat I do not want to neglect
My heart's aspiration-plant. ```Today I am determined
To snap allMy earthly temptation-ties.
```It is an unaspiring mind
And never an aspiring heartThat can be mesmerised by fame.
```I shall continuously pass on
The oneness-torch.This is the only way
My selfless service-lifeWill always remain unlimited.
```This morning I entered
Into my mind's cave.I was astonished to find
A staggering amount of ignorance therein. ```My Lord,
It is so good that You exist.Otherwise, whose Compassion-Hand
Would navigate my life-boatThe way You do every day?
```No more shall I permit my heart
To be blinded by false words,False teachers and false truths.
```The life of aspiration
Does not come fromThe mind's emptiness,
But from the soul's fulness. ```There is no power on earth
That can permanently blockHumanity's salvation-road.
```Alas, I do not know
How my mind has left my heartAnd disappeared into the arms
Of ignorance-night. ```I have drunk deep
The sorrowsOf an unsearching mind
And an unaspiring heart. ```May my God-realisation-hope
Spread from meTo each and every human heart.
```No one can prevent you
From leaving your mind's prison cellIf you want to leave.
```With any forward step you take
You are bringing yourselfNearer to God.
```How I wish I could have
The electrifying beautyOf a purity-heart!
```My heart-tears
Have always resolvedMy mind-problems.
```I am praying and praying
To my Lord SupremeTo bless me with
A roaringPerfection-manifestation-life.
```The power of concentration
Can easily silenceAll the clamours of the mind.
```I enjoy it immensely
When my gratitude-heartAnd God's Compassion-Eye
Have their endless conversation. ```God and God's Compassion-Eye
Will never leave anything divine on earthUndone.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 5, Agni Press, 1996
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gar_5