My world-service-capacity
Springs fromMy God-devotion-depths.
```God Himself
Gives His Heaven-FruitsTo my heart's soulfulness
And sweetnessTo eat.
```My Lord, may my life have
Every dayThe blossoming sweetness
Of a rose-heart. ```A self-giving life
Is indeedA huge banyan tree
That shelters all God-seekers. ```My heart's Heaven-free aspiration
Is saving and illuminingMy life.
```O my mind,
Why are you so stupid?Why do you want to kill me
With your earth-bound limitation-life? ```O my unaspiring mind,
Because of youAt every place,
At every moment,I am utterly helpless.
```God assures me
That my climbing devotion-aircraftWill never stall
If I continue loving HimIn His own Way.
```I always study
In the self-giving-school,And not
In the self-proclaiming-school. ```Do I call Him
My Father or my Friend?I call Him both.
He is my FatherWhen I need something from Him.
He is my FriendWhen I need to be with Him.
```Each aspiring soul
Is indeedHeaven's God-revelation-fragrance.
```I get infinitely more joy
By looking at my Master's FeetThan by looking at His Eye.
```O my aspiration-heart,
Dive deep within to discoverHow beautiful you are,
How pure you are,How sweet you are!
```The definition of spirituality is:
A constant Heaven-climbing heartAnd God-surrendering life.
```I never thought that my Lord Supreme
Would make me a soul-singerTo love and please Him
In His own Way,But lo, to my wide surprise,
He has done it! ```Who has ever
Conquered the world permanentlyBy using the mind?
Only by using the heartCan we conquer not only the life
But also the heartOf the entire world.
```May the patience-wings
Of my determination-birdNever grow tired.
```There is not a single day
When I do not invite my Lord SupremeTo become part and parcel
Of my daily thoughts. ```The mind's happiness blossoms
Only to witherIn the twinkling of an eye.
```You create your own misfortune
By thinking thatYou are always misunderstood.
```The Masters are calling
Through the ages,But where are humanity's ears,
And where is humanity's heartTo respond?
```The mind loves independence.
The heart loves interdependence.The soul loves dependence
On God alone. ```Morning itself
Is a clarion callTo all the world's spiritual seekers.
```Because the mind
Wants to maintain its supremacy,It is impossible for the mind
To love God for God's sake. ```When our mind
Wanders aimlessly,Our life
Helplessly follows. ```Alas, death scares
His unaspiring mind,And Immortality scares
His unaspiring heart. ```God sits by His Heart-Window
And enjoysThe sincerity, beauty and purity
Of all pilgrim-seekers. ```A real God-expert
Is he who has masteredThe art of sleepless surrender.
```If you have a prayerful heart
And a soulful voice,Then you can easily
Be a neighbourOf God the Compassion.
```Nothing can carry me
To my Lord SupremeAs easily as my inner poise.
```I came into the world
To serve earth's crying heartAnd Heaven's smiling Eye.
```God will be delighted
If you can enter His KingdomEven in your sleep.
```When I see God in my dreams,
He is so beautiful.When I see God in my reality,
He is so powerful. ```God's Compassion
Is unbelievably fascinatingTo both earth and Heaven.
```It seems that
God's Compassion-EyeWill never be able to enjoy
Retirement. ```O my gratitude-heart,
In you God seesMy perfection;
In you God feelsHis Satisfaction.
```The stupidity-mind races
Up to the steepestNothingness-edge.
```When my love of God
Is pure and sincere,I fly into
God-Infinity's Peace. ```When I do not pray and meditate,
I feel myself alone,Helpless, worthless and useless
Upon the shores of the world. ```God's Compassion-Victory
Over my stupidity-lifeIs a frequently repeated episode
In God's Autobiography. ```The mind's constant reluctance
To receive God's LightIs devastating to the heart.
```A heart of peace
Is always the bestProblem-solver.
```God's divine Pride knows no bounds
When He sees the endless horizonOf an aspiration-heart.
```God-realisation is not
World-negationBut the world's total
Transformation. ```A heart of God-surrender
Can easily hearThe whisper of the remotest
World-illumination-galaxies. ```A desiring mind
Is destined to walk helplesslyAcross life's barren deserts.
```Every seeker's motto
Must ultimately be:God-realisation is for
God's sake. ```God has chosen you
To be His closest associatePrecisely because
Your surrender is completeAnd unconditional.
```Peace was definitely present
At the world's birth,But, alas, we do not know
Where it is helplesslyRoaming now.
```The Hand of Heaven
Is always ready to be involvedWhen you soulfully cry
For Heaven's help. ```O my aspiration-heart,
Be patient.The time is fast approaching
When God will definitely decreeThe final departure
Of your ignorance-night. ```I am more than eager
To confrontHumanity's unaspiring future.
```In my surrender-heart to God's Will,
I becomeGod's full Manifestation-Promise
On earth. ```A mind clothed in fantasy
Can never enjoyGod-ecstasy.
```In this lifetime
God wants me to be involvedSeriously
In my self-masteryAnd God-discovery.
```There is only one way
To capture GodAnd God's Peace,
And that is the wayOf constant surrender.
```Anything good that comes
From the realm of imaginationWill eventually blossom
Into reality-realisation. ```The endless torture
Of ignorance-nightCan easily be changed
And need not be endured. ```A peaceful world
Is an immediate, utter and absoluteNecessity.
```My life's hope-horse
Gallops towardsMy golden future.
```God is unmistakably present
In all our actions,But He prefers to remain
Invisible. ```The gratitude of the heart
Can never be limitedBy any mind-made boundaries.
```In vain
My doubting and suspecting mindTortures my heart.
In vainIt tries to imprison my heart,
In vain! ```As birds need no passport
To fly in the firmament,Even so, my aspiration-heart
Needs no passportTo visit God's Heart-Kingdom.
```Each heart
Has to be braveTo cross the scorching desert
Of the mind. ```The mind is always noisy
With desires.The heart is always busy
With aspiration. ```O my mind,
Do not frighten your body.Enlighten your body!
For you desperately needYour body's assistance
To achieve anythingWorthwhile.
```God's Forgiveness
And God's CompassionAre my everyday essentials.
```To my extreme surprise,
UnconditionallyMy heart is rooted and solid
In my love of God. ```If the choice is offered to me
Either to learn fromOr to teach the world,
I shall definitely takeThe opportunity to learn.
```Unlike my mind,
My heart is always willingTo be a beginner
In every aspect of life. ```If you do not have
A mountain-heart-cry,Then definitely
You are not going to reachThe Golden Shore.
```The mind that does not search
For God's LightEventually is left with only the debris
Of scattered thoughts. ```May my aspiration
Always followA one-way street.
```God-obedience always wins
God's brightest Crown.God-surrender always wins
God's highest Throne. ```May I always find
My Lord Beloved SupremeEither inside my life's surrender
Or inside my heart's gratitude. ```Hear the heartbeat of the earth!
It is unbelievably painful.Hear the heartbeat of Heaven!
It is unimaginably delightful. ```Train and perfect your sight
By constantly looking outward.Train and perfect your God-vision
By constantly looking inward. ```It is obligatory
For my mind's desireTo take a back seat
To my heart's aspiration. ```Alas, I am doomed!
My self-giving heartIs now totally out of practice.
```My prayer
Is my life's anchor.My meditation
Is my life's compass. ```Each day
I faithfully anchor my life-boatTo my Lord Supreme's Will.
```God-dreamers are many,
But God-lovers and God-serversAre few and far between.
```O my heart,
The entire universeHas invested in you
Its hopes and promises.Do not disappoint
The universe! ```Each God-realised soul
Is indeedA world-peace-freedom-beacon.
```My Lord Supreme does not want me
To keep any souvenirsOf my past ignorance-life.
```The powerful eagerness
Of my heartIs at last awakening
My mind. ```Each heart
Is a unique DreamOf God's
Ever-blossoming Vision. ```O my mind,
Can you not seeThat some individuals on earth
Are happy?You can also be one of those.
Why not? ```Your unsearching mind
And your unaspiring heartWill definitely take you
To the marketplace of sorrow. ```A sleeplessly self-offering heart
Is always the greatest masterpieceOf all time.
```We all must learn
To cure world-problemsAnd not to obscure world-problems.
```O my pioneer-dreamer-heart,
My mind, my vital and my bodyLove you, treasure you and need you
Sleeplessly. ```No fool can bluff his way
Into Heaven!He who wants to go to Heaven
Must needs have an inspiration-heartAnd a dedication-life.
```What I need is a God-loving,
God-serving surrender-smileAnd not a God-winning smile.
```You have cultivated
A callous mind.How can you value
Your precious heart? ```Each human life
Is nothing butAn unconscious display
Of weaknesses. ```Imagination spreads its wings
EverywhereAnd announces the arrival
Of reality. ```Only our inner vision
Can see the Truth,Feel the Truth
And become the Truth itself. ```In the morning,
God's Compassion-Eye beckons me.In the evening,
God's Forgiveness-Heart beckons me. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 6, Agni Press, 1996
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