My soul is advising me
To astound my Lord SupremeWith my heart's aspiration-leaps.
```What I need
Is not a doubt-destroying light,But a doubt-illumining
And faith-fulfilling light. ```How can a reasoning mind
Ever be happy?How can an aspiring heart
Ever be unhappy? ```If you do not wake up
At God's choice Hour,Then you will be
The inevitable loser. ```Although we are mortal,
God has given usAmple capacity and opportunity
To sing immortal songsTo please Him.
```The life's simplicity,
The mind's sincerityAnd the heart's purity
Are fellow pilgrims upon the pathThat leads to God's Kingdom.
```God descends
With His Compassion-FeetTo rescue each aspiring human soul
From the chains of ignorance-night. ```My heart sings
With the rising sun.My heart dances
With the rising sun.My heart pleases God
With the rising sun.My heart fulfils God
With the rising sun. ```This world of ours
Can truly progressOnly on a tidal wave
Of self-giving lives. ```Aspiration always has
A cheerful, full-time job:To bring us to the goal
At a very fast speed. ```The delight of the soul
Takes birth on earthTo manifest God's Light
And to challenge death's supremacy. ```Alas, I sometimes forget
That my heart has wingsTo fly to God.
```My heart always writes
God-lettersOn its beautiful and soulful
Surrender-gratitude-stationery. ```The pride of disobedience
Is indeed the worst possibleInner calamity.
```My life is blessed because
My God-manifestation-dreamHas now become
An unmistakable reality. ```The power
Of each God-fulfilling breathWill always remain
Unfathomable. ```Every day
God enters into my heart-gardenTo collect
My gratitude-heart-flowers. ```You are indispensable to God
Only if you feelThat you are dependent upon God
At every moment. ```An unaspiring mind
Is nothing other thanA complete failure
In God's Cosmic Game. ```A self-giving heart
Is indeed a blessingful giftFrom the highest Heaven.
```May the fragrance-heart of Mother-Earth
Every day purifyMy heart, my mind, my vital and my body.
```The wisdom of a oneness-heart
Is undoubtedlySweeter than the sweetest honey.
```To please God
CheerfullyAnd to love God
UnconditionallyIs to satisfy and fulfil God
Completely. ```Is there any mighty soul
Whose life has not sufferedFrom sad experiences?
```There is no need of rest
For a truly God-serving life.There is no need of rest
For a truly God-fulfilling heart. ```God's Compassion is ever ready
To help me meet HimInside His Heart-Home.
```When I please God
In His own Way,He blessingfully invites me
To play in His Heart-Garden. ```What can silence your mind?
Your heart can.Just give your heart a real chance.
```To reach the Highest
You must unconditionallyHelp the lowest.
```Selfishness belongs
To the stone age.Self-givingness belongs
To the divine age. ```Perfect teaching
Is nothing other thanSharing with others
The knowledgeThat we claim as our own.
```The more
I soulfully meditate,The more
I unreservedly love God. ```When my aspiration seriously decreases,
My days and nights are nothingBut constant and hopeless torture.
```When I do not inspire the world,
When I do not aspire for the world,My life becomes a series of ego-disasters.
```May all my days and nights
Become world-salvationAnd world-liberation-longing.
```The journey from the body to the soul
Is indeed a very long one,But we can shorten the journey
By loving God the creationInfinitely more
Than we have been doing. ```When God whispers,
Man's mind gives no response.But man's heart gives an immediate response.
Therefore, man's heart is always cherishedBy God.
```Do not remain
In your mind's unhappiness.Your mind's unhappiness
Will ruthlessly torture your life. ```God does not want me
To fly His Victory-Banner in Heaven.He wants me
To fly His Victory-Banner on earth,Here and now.
```More than anything else,
God wants me to beHis proudest Smile.
```True, there is an abundance
Of false teachers,But who asked you not to use
Your heart's wisdom-lightTo find a true teacher
Who can illumine your life? ```There are many pathways to God,
But I have chosenThe unconditional love-pathway to God.
```There was a time
When I worshipped GodIn the hope that
He would make me happy.But now I love God
Only to make God happy. ```When we live in the mind,
Our mind can at most give usTransient happiness.
When we live in the heartAnd for the heart,
Our heart gives usEver-blossoming happiness.
```A God-inundated heart
Each human being needsTo make himself really,
Divinely and supremely happy. ```O my Lord,
I am praying to YouTo grant me the adamantine will-power
To completely loosenMy mind's possession-grip.
```God can easily remain forever untouched
By man's ignorance-eye,But His Compassion-Heart allows
Man's ignorance-eye to touch HimWhenever it wants to.
```The wiser man becomes,
The easier it is for GodTo give to man,
And the more man can receiveFrom God.
```Who can satisfy
A selfish person?No, not even God Himself.
```I do not need
A thought-provoking mind.I need
A God-invoking heart. ```If we really want to make God happy,
Then we have to make a daring attemptTo scale God's Perfection-Peak.
```My Lord,
I pray to YouTo make me my Master's
Constant joy-fountain-smile. ```There is a grand staircase
Between Heaven and earth.You are allowed to use that staircase
Only when your life becomesAn unconditional surrender
To God's Will. ```My Lord Supreme
Definitely lovesEven my bullock cart-speed-progress.
```Indeed a major surprise:
Even my mind is nowEntirely dependent on God.
```My jungle-mind
Has surprisingly enteredInto my heart-garden-home
To sincerely becomeA member of its family.
```The more
Man speaks unkindlyAbout God's creation,
The lessGod listens.
```A sleeplessly God-loving heart
Is fully responsibleFor my mind's radical and magical
Miracle-transformation. ```O my heart,
At every momentKeep yourself away from the vital's
All-poisoning God-resentment. ```Each morning when I awaken,
I ascendTo a new God-fulfilling beginning.
Each morning I am pleasedTo fulfil God
Only in God's own Way. ```My heart's confidence-strength
BlossomsOnly in my life's
Surrender-length-increase. ```Each forgiveness-prayer
Is the beginningOf a perfection-dreaming life.
```Sincerity belongs to divinity.
Divinity belongs to God'sAll-illumining Compassion-Eye.
```God breathed a sigh of relief
When I told HimThat I was finally ready to please Him
Always in His own Way. ```The mind and the mind's path
Will definitely endIn utter confusion-country.
```God is both anxious and eager
To attend humanity'sGod-fulfilling willingness-festival.
```Twin brothers: life and death.
Life tells me:"You can; you certainly can.
Therefore, do not give up."Death tells me:
"You cannot; you certainly cannot.Therefore, take rest."
```The delight of the heart
Has the power to bringThe distant near
Sooner than the soonest. ```Today my ignorance-mind-cloud
Has covered my entire being,But tomorrow my entire being
Will bask in the sunshineOf my soul's freedom.
```For an ordinary life,
Ups and downs are a requirement.For an aspiring life,
The story can be totally different. ```The fragrance
Of a gratitude-heartForever remains unsurpassable.
```When I meditate,
I see a peace-birdFolding its wings
Over my heart-nest. ```In vain my noisy mind
Tries to claim a monopolyOn my Lord's Attention.
```Today the human life
Is a chorus of helpless tears.Tomorrow the same human life
Can be a chorus of endless smiles. ```Since nothing human is everlasting,
O stupid mind,How do you dare to think
That your pride can be everlasting? ```God wants my gratitude-heart
To plant His Victory-BannerIn my own oneness-life,
And nowhere else. ```A completely God-surrendered life
Can never be hiddenBy time and space.
```A devotion-magnet-heart
Is a never-ending delightTo both the seeker
And the Lord Supreme. ```God's Peace
Is in search of a helper.A God-server
Can come to its rescue. ```The garden of the heart
Is always frequented by God.The jungle of the mind
Is never visited by God. ```God is never fond of
The mind's oldness.God is always fond of
The heart's newnessAnd fulness.
```Cultivate a devotion-flooded heart.
Your life will be able to reapA bumper crop of satisfaction.
```No, nobody can prevent me
From keepingMy God-manifestation-promise.
```An aspiring heart has the capacity
To enhance the qualityOf each blossoming moment.
```O my heart,
Dive deep withinAnd be the discoverer
Of your God-fulfilment-dawn. ```When I do not aspire,
My life helplessly becomesAn endless night of despair.
```O my heart,
Touch and feed the worldWith your golden smile.
Lo, the world is advancingFast, very fast,
Towards the destined Goal. ```Wisdom-light
And nothing elseIs the seed
Of every virtue. ```My vital hopes
To feel excitement.My heart hopes
Not merely to be enlightened,But to become enlightenment itself.
```May my mind constantly dance
With divine eagerness-impatienceTo see the Feet
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```I thought God was
A strict disciplinarian,But now I see that God is
A constant and compassionate entertainer. ```God wants you to give Him
Your silence-heart,Which is His Heart's
Proudest Palace. ```Each child
Is a new wonder.Each child
Is a new discoverer.Each child
Is an ever-new dawn-harbinger. ```To my extreme joy,
My Lord has given me the capacityTo say a final good-bye
To two of my old friends:Insecurity and selfishness.
At times the stupidity-mindIs shamelessly proud
Of its own incapacities. ```The mind-world hungers
For God's Power-Sun.The heart-world hungers
For God's Love-Moon. ```My heart's hope
And my life's promiseCan never be at variance
With each other. ```I run after
A brilliant mind.God runs after
My pure heart. ```If you have
A single-minded devotion,Then there is nothing
That you cannot achieve in life. ```When I pray to God
Self-givingly,He blesses me by granting me
The loving depth of His Compassion-Eye. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 7, Agni Press, 1996
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