Keep your heart
Purer than the purestIf you want to swim
In God's Ecstasy-Sea. ```A real renaissance man
Is heWho awakens the mind
Of humilityAnd feeds the heart
Of humanity. ```I cry with humanity's tears
When I speak to GodOn man's behalf.
I smile with Divinity's SmilesWhen I speak to mankind
On God's behalf. ```Only the life that can smile and dance
With a childlike heartCan make progress sleeplessly,
Faster than the fastest. ```I rely only
On one all-important thing:God's Compassion-life-preserver.
```An unseen Smile of God
Guides my outer lifeAnd illumines my inner life.
```My aspiration-heart
Is always availableTo be my soul's
God-interpreter. ```O my mind,
Do not be fooledBy the world's ever-growing,
Ever-heightening, ever-spreadingTemptation-tree.
```God wants me to learn
At every momentThe wisdom of a willingness-mind
And the wisdom of an eagerness-heart. ```My gratitude-heart
Is my Lord's Satisfaction-VictoryIn and through me.
```My soul's smiles
Are infinitely more powerfulThan my heart's deepest meditations.
```My heart begged and begged God
To revokeMy mind's self-indulgence-license.
FinallyGod listened to my heart's prayer.
```God's Compassion
Has completely swallowedMy failure-life of the past.
```My mind's enthusiasm
And my heart's eagernessAre always found
Playing together. ```There was a time
When I did not knowTo whom I belonged,
But now I knowThat I belong only to God,
And God alone. ```My heart never disappoints God
Intentionally,Whereas my mind does it
Not only intentionallyBut also repeatedly.
```Without a moment's hesitation
My heart is fortifiedWith God-manifestation-resolution.
```O my aspiration-heart,
Do not worry.The doubting mind will be compelled
To attend its own funeralBefore long.
```Dearer than the dearest
To God's HeartIs my heart
Of cheerful self-giving. ```God's foremost treasure on earth
Is my ever-blossomingGratitude-heart.
```Each human life can be flooded
With God-manifestation-possibilitiesIf the life has a burning
God-aspiration-cry. ```I must become one, inseparably one,
With my heart's all-illumining lightBefore I can enjoy the illumination
Of my mind's present ignorance-night. ```This world will remain miserable
As long as it cares moreFor God the Power
Than for God the Love. ```God tells me
With utmost confidenceThat I shall, before long,
Smash asunder the prideOf ignorance-night.
```God proudly calls my soul
By its first name:Illumination.
```Only after your God-realisation
Will you be able to knowWhence you came
And whither you go. ```I left ignorance far behind
Precisely becauseI was able to grow into
My Lord's Compassion-Smile. ```The mind's disobedience
Thinks that it is alwaysQuite safe,
But it is absolutely mistaken. ```God has tried again and again
To teach ignorance,But ignorance is still not ready
To learn anything from God. ```I never realised
That my devotion-heartIs full of unimaginable sweetness.
```When God tastes
My disobedience-mind,He tells me it is always
Extremely, extremely bitter. ```I have always known
That my godless mindIs indeed a most painful experience
For my heart of ceaseless prayer. ```My love of obedience
Pleases GodFar beyond my imagination.
```God reminds me every day
That it is high time for meTo leave once and for all
My mind's darkness-ignorance-prison-cell. ```Never depend on chance,
But depend onGod's unconditional Compassion.
```God invites me and my heart
Every dayTo dine with Him,
But He never invitesMy mind.
```I do not know why and how
My vital so often walks alongMy mind's tortuous and twisted path.
```Today has something
Very special to tell me:That I shall soon become
A choice instrument of God. ```In my life,
Nobody else has countedThe failure-years
That have passed by.Why should I
Be an exception? ```Poor God!
He came, only to findMy willingness-heart
Fast asleep. ```God's God-Songs
Echo and re-echo soul-stirringlyThrough Eternity's Silence-Heart.
```Because of God's unconditional
Compassion for me,My heart is still pure
And my life is still secure. ```My stupidity-flooded
Disobedience-mindNever wants to believe
That God can be really serious. ```My aimlessly wandering mind
Never realisesThat there shall come a time
When God's Compassion-EyeWill force it to stop its wandering.
```My constant, sleepless friendship
With ignorance-seaHas made my Lord's Compassion-Eye
Absolutely miserable. ```I am of God
And I am for GodEternally:
God whispered this to my soulOn the day of its creation.
```O unaspiring mind,
If you are always consumedWith envy and hate,
How will you ever enjoyThe beauty and fragrance
Of God's Universal Heart? ```When I live
In my aspiration-heart,I clearly see
That I am infinitely luckierThan I can ever deserve to be.
```My Lord Supreme,
I am praying to YouTo make my life
A world-server,And not to make my mind
A world-saviour. ```God's unconditional Grace
Has made my waning aspiration-lifeOnce more beautiful and fruitful.
```Not now, but someday later:
This is the wisdomOf the unaspiring mind.
```O my heart,
Go forward with hope.O my mind,
Go forward with cheerfulness.Lo, the destination itself
Is fast approaching you. ```God Himself has chosen
The surest way for me,And that way is the way
Of constant, sleepless and breathlessSelf-giving.
```No matter how disobedient
My mind is,My mind knows
That it is not beyondGod's Compassion-flooded Protection.
```The mind has willingly become
The slave of ignorance.The heart has self-givingly become
The child of God. ```My love of God
Is the only thingThat will not disappoint me.
Everything else will endIn utter disappointment.
```My mind is always eager
For more success.My heart is always eager
For God-SatisfactionIn God's own Way.
```There is no need for me
To search for a better path.My God-surrender-path
Is, and will always remain,By far the best for me.
```God blessingfully and proudly accepts
Each and every giftOffered by my heart.
```The unwillingness of the mind
Is bitterly and unimaginablyCold and destructive.
```At long last
My division-mindHas fully surrendered
To my oneness-heart. ```I am now
Truly proud of myself,For I am no longer confined
By my mind's unwillingness. ```My life's perfect perfection
Is God's newestAnd most inspired Dream.
```Everything in me that participates
In my mind's unwillingness-gameIs destined to be
Slowly and unmistakably transformed. ```The heart is always saturated
With spirituality.It is the mind
That vehemently protests. ```My Lord, do bless me
With YourSelf-Transcendence-Dream-Life.
```The heart has the capacity
To cherish a secret and sacredGod-fulfilling hope-dawn.
```If you are seeking God
In books,You will be disappointed badly.
If you are seeking GodIn your heart-garden,
Then your God-searchIs bound to be crowned
With success. ```Finally
My mind's God-willingness-doorIs all wide open.
```You are misguided
If you want to findGod's Compassion-Eye-Delight
In your mind-directory.You will never find it there.
```You will be fulfilled
Only when you realiseThat your constant expectation
Is your worst enemy. ```Once you make your life
The unconditional breath of surrender,Then you become
The Supreme's Victory-Lion-Roar. ```The cosmic gods
Give a round of applauseWhen I completely dissociate myself
From ignorance-hunger. ```If you are
A genuine God-seekerAnd God-lover,
Then your life must beA world-server.
```God's Ecstasy-Heart
Abides only in the breathOf the seeker's aspiration-life.
```An uncomely thought
Of the mindHas the capacity
And is the capacityTo eclipse the fully blossomed beauty
Of the heart. ```We are such fools!
Why do we waste our precious timeTrying to decipher
Our God-failure-past? ```No, not even the unwilling mind
Will be able to resist foreverThe magnetic pull of the soul.
```Alas, my mind's disobedience
Has completely destroyedMy heart's tiny and beautiful
Enthusiasm-flower. ```Alas, even God's Compassion-Eye
Has finally grown tiredOf waiting for me
And my useless mind. ```To my surrender-heart,
Everything is sweet, sweeter, sweetest;Every individual is good, better, best.
```The spiritual life
Is not for the faint-hearted.The spiritual life
Is for supreme hero-soldiers. ```Pray soulfully,
Meditate sleeplesslyEvery day,
For do you not knowThat life is uncertain,
Life is precarious,And progress is precious?
```To please God
In God's own WayIs the dream-fulfilment
Of a lifetime. ```When the mind speaks fearlessly,
That does not meanThat the mind is right.
No, the mind can beAbsolutely wrong
Even when it speaksWith utmost confidence.
```Alas, I do not know why
My human mind consciously enjoysGod-eclipsing undivine thoughts.
```If you live constantly
Inside your heart,Then yours will be a life
Sweetened by the embraceOf your soul's silence-light.
```Satisfaction you need?
Then you must haveAn unswerving reliance
On God's Compassion-Eye. ```If it is a true aspiration-heart,
Then it will always pay attentionOnly to God's point of view.
```An aspiration-heart
Is always enrichedBy a surrender-life.
```An unconditional surrender-life
Is the acmeOf perfection-delight.
```My devotion-heart
Always tries to feast its eyesOn God's beautiful
And bountiful Feet. ```Only in the heart,
And not in the mind,Can I enjoy the Fragrance-Delight
Of God's Heart. ```True, there are teeming problems
In our lives,But God-obedience is clearly
The only answer. ```God does not want me to be
A paragon of virtue.He wants me only to be
A faithful child of His. ```The satisfaction of my heart
Is the fulfilmentOf God's long-cherished Dream.
```Anything in me that is not ready
To obey God happilyIs doomed to perpetual failure.
```Because of my constant
Love of God-obedience,God is taking me more and more
Into His Confidence-Heart. ```God claps His Hands
And roars with laughterWhen I say
That even my mind is readyTo follow Him implicitly.
```I am so divinely proud of myself
For having a soul-loving heartAnd a heart-loving mind.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Two God-Amusement-Rivals: my Heart-Song-Beauty and my Life-Dance-Fragrance, part 9, Agni Press, 1996
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