The Golden Boat, part 8

1. The perfect ones


His life is the perfect general

Of reality’s empty dreams.

His soul is the perfect soldier

Of dream’s empty reality.

His goal is the perfect voice

Of Eternity’s empty choice.

His God is the perfect slave

Of Immortality’s empty role. ```

2. What God has made me


My body desired to be

A great runner.

But God has made me

A God-lover.

My vital desired to be

A great warrior.

But God has made me

A God-lover.

My mind desired to be

A great thinker.

But God has made me

A God-lover.

My heart desired to be

A God-lover.

But God has made me

Another God. ```

3. No difference


No difference


His earth-life


His arrows of dark desire-night.

No difference


His Heaven-life


His stars of blue Perfection-Light.

No difference


His God-life


His love-flames of Oneness-Delight.


4. Slow trains


The world’s slow train:

My love-cry.

Alas, what can I do?

The world’s slower train:

My sacrifice-smile.

Alas, what have I done?

The world’s slowest train:

My oneness-embrace.

Alas, what shall I do?


5. Time


O seeker,

You are the user of Time.

O meditator,

You are the seer of Time.

O lover,

You are the fulfiller of Time.

O God,

You are the Player of time. ```

6. When I think


When I think of myself

I know

What an invading pleasure is.

When I think of God

I know

What a perishing pleasure is.

When I think not,

I know not

Where pleasure-treasure is,


When I judge not

I know

Where perfection-satisfaction is.


7. He and imperfection


He and his imperfect life

Feel that they can perfect the world.

He and his imperfect heart

Feel that God’s arrival is overdue.

He and his imperfect dream

Feel that Reality-sun purposely delays. ```

8. O suffering Christ


O suffering Christ,

My heart of love

Suffers with you and for you.

O forgiving Christ,

My love of life

Enjoys with you and for you.

O illumining Christ,

My life of love

Is for you, only for you.


9. Perfection-touch, imperfection-key


God has given me

His Perfection-touch;


Satisfaction is within my easy reach.

Man has given me

His imperfection-key;


I fail to open God’s Compassion-door

And my own aspiration-door.


10. My two lovers


Death loves me;


He has bandaged

My heart of bleeding experience.

Immortality loves me;


She has engaged

My incapacity

To blossom in her divinity.


11. Not for them


Not for the complaining stream

The Silence-sea.

Not for the complaining lamp

The Illumination-sun.

Not for the complaining mind

The Liberation-God.

But for the complaining soul

The Compassion-Lord. ```

12. The reason is obvious


My brave day sinks

In my darkening night.

My confident heart sinks

In my trembling fear.

Do you know why?

The reason is obvious.

When I was wearing my victory-crown


When I was sitting on the victory-throne

I consciously forgot

To place at God’s Feet

My garland of surrender-gratitude. ```

13. Perfection-moon, Satisfaction-sun


O Darkness-night,

Don’t spread your jealous wings.

O Effulgence-day,

Heighten your zealous heart.

O Perfection-moon,

Quicken my life-boat.

O Satisfaction-sun,

Brighten my Reality-shore. ```

14. She


He speaks,

Yet he says nothing.

She speaks not,

Yet she says everything:

The depth of God-realisation


The height of man-perfection.

Man adores her


She is his voice.

God loves her


She is His peerless Choice.


15. Only from afar


He is brave

From a safe distance.

She is beautiful

From a far distance.

His aspiration works

Only in distant skies.

Her realisation works

Only on foreign shores. ```

16. Even they know it


Man is my kingdom.

I know it.

Even my stupidity knows it.

Truth is my palace.

I know it.

Even my insincerity knows it.

Love is my home.

I know it.

Even my insecurity knows it.

God is my nest.

I know it.

Even my ambiguity knows it.


17. Your Presence and absence


Lord, since You know

That Your Presence is my

Himalayan delight,

Why don’t You come to me

More often?

Lord, since You know

That Your absence

Is my oceanic sorrow,

Why don’t You tell me

Why You are quite often,

In season and out of season,



18. Justifications


When you live

In the vital world

You justify slavery.

When you live

In the psychic world

You justify freedom.

When you live

In the physical world

You justify ignorance-frown.

When you live

In the God-world

You justify

Everything within,

Everything without.


19. Two perfect strangers


Human birth


Divine freedom

Have no liking

For each other.

Human goal


Divine soul

Act from dawn to dusk

Like two perfect strangers.


20. I measure not


I measure not

My realisation-height.

It is too discouraging.

I measure not

My perfection-light.

It is too disheartening.

I measure not

My satisfaction-sun.

It is too frightening.

I measure

Only one thing:

God’s Compassion-ocean.


21. What we are



Is my soul-splendour.


Is my soul-measure.


Is my soul-treasure.

And I am

My world’s morning pleasure


Evening pressure. ```

22. Dreams



Is the dream

Of my earth-aspiration.


Is the dream

Of my Heaven-vision.


Is the dream

Of my life-perfection.


23. The hopeful universe


He is crying;


Divinity is hopeful.

He is smiling;


Humanity is hopeful.

He is loving;


God is hopeful.

He is becoming;


The entire universe is hopeful.


24. Real God, false God


Who has made God?

He Himself.

Who has made the small gods?

Man has made them.

Who is a real God?

A silence-lover


A sound-performer.

Who is a false God?

A builder of temptation-palace


A destroyer of love-nest. ```

25. What else can poor God do?


His dark insincerity

Is as deep as man’s weakness.

Yet God loves him.

What else can poor God do?

His fleeting sincerity

Is as shallow as man’s goodness.

Yet God loves him.

What else can poor God do?

His dreaming perfection

Is as impossible as man’s immortality.

Yet God loves him.

What else can poor God do? ```

26. Gifts of the true God



Is a gift of the true God.

Don’t lose it.

If you lose it,

You are undone.


Is a gift of the true God.

Don’t lose it.

If you lose it,

Your life will be totally destroyed.


Is a gift of the true God.

Don’t lose it.

If you lose it,

Your God-realisation will be indefinitely delayed.


27. It has already been given


If you need Love in your heart,

It has already been given by God.

Just feel it.

If you need Peace in your mind,

It has already been given by God.

Just believe it.

If you need Power in your vital,

It has already been given by God.

Just distribute it.

If you need Perfection in your body,

It has already been given by God.

Just offer it.


28. Showers


My thought-life

Is a shower of blind folly.

My will-life

Is a shower of bright glory.

My surrender-life

Is a shower of perfect beauty. ```

29. The distance between


My heart-cave

Is the distance


My hope and my despair.

My life-hole

Is the distance


My victory and my defeat.

My love-drop

Is the distance


My animal destruction


My divine perfection. ```

30. Just breathe a prayer


Just breathe a prayer.

God shall be

Your Impurity-chaser.

Just breathe a prayer.

God shall be

Your Duty-performer.

Just breathe a prayer.

God shall be

Your eternal Partner.

Just breathe a prayer.

God shall be

Your unconditional Lover.


31. My experience


To enjoy

Is to obey:

Indeed, this is

My earth-experience.

To obey

Is to enjoy:

Indeed, this is

My Heaven-experience.

To obey

And obey:

Indeed, this is

My body-experience.

To enjoy

And enjoy:

Indeed, this is

My soul-experience. ```

32. My life-road


At one end of my life-road

Is man

With his darkening night.

At the other end of my life-road

Is God

With His illumining Light.

My life began

With Eternity’s hush.

My life shall end

With Infinity’s rush. ```

33. I cry


I cry in the City of God

To be as perfect as God.

I cry in the village of man

To be as sincere as a villager.

I cry in the core of my soul

To be as beautiful as my soul. ```

34. Three points of view


God sees me

Through His beams of Love;

Therefore, He calls me

His perfection-representative.

Man sees me

Through his whims of hatred;

Therefore, he calls me

His arch adversary.

I see myself

Through my heart’s uncertainty-door;

Therefore, I call myself

A totally lost soul. ```

35. Flying


My Lord flies in me

With His wings of Beauty

When I cry and cry.

I fly in my Lord

With my wings of purity

When He smiles and smiles.

To my Lord,

Flying is His world-perfecting Choice.

To me,

Flying is my world-conquering noise. ```

36. Don't tell me a lie!


Don’t tell me a lie!

There is no man

Who has never stumbled.

Don’t tell me a lie!

There is no man

Who remains always on the ground.

Don’t tell me a lie!

There is no man

Who will not realise God.

Don’t tell me a lie!

There is no man

Who will not become a future God.


37. I support them


I support God personally


He is all love for me.

I support myself wholeheartedly


I do everything perfectly.

I support man immediately


His weakness pains me deeply.


38. Purchases


I buy God

With a throbbing cry.

God buys me

With a winning Smile.

I buy Heaven

With my aspiration-heart.

Heaven buys me

With its Vision-soul. ```

39. O sunshine


O sunshine of Beauty,

My heart invokes

Your light.

O sunshine of Duty,

My life invokes

Your soul.

O sunshine of Love,

My soul is all

Concern for you.

O sunshine of Perfection,

In you I feel the perfect presence

Of the perfect God.


40. Pulse of the past


O pulse of the past,

I do not need you

To found my reality on earth.

O pulse of the past,

My future dreams

Are growing fast

In my today’s reality.

O pulse of the past,

My animal past

Was my destruction-night;

My human past

Was my future dream;

My divine past

Has become one with the immediacy of today.


41. Who will be my partner?


Who will be the partner of my sorrow?

No, not even my Lord, the Compassion-peak.

Who will be the partner of my joy?

No, not even my Illumination-sky.

Who will be the partner of my perfection?

Long have I searched for him,

Much have I offered to him.

My life of surrender-light

Is only for him, only for him.


42. He is the fountain


He is the fountain

Of thinking.

Let him think and sink.

He is the fountain

Of feeling.

Let him feel and expand.

He is the fountain

Of love.

He spreads his wings and becomes.

He is the fountain

Of light.

His outer life grows

And his inner life sows. ```

43. His God


He is a mountain of sin;


The Saviour has to take care of him.

He is the sea of service;


The Liberator employs him.

He is the sky of error and perfection;


His God is Progress


His God is Supreme.


44. She shines


Her glory shines

In the world of her silence-light.

Her progress shines

In the world of her heavenward-sight.

Her perfection shines

In the world of her surrender-might.

Her manifestation shines

In the world of God’s choice Hour-delight. ```

45. When he plays truant


When he plays truant from earth,

He fails to learn

The wisdom of sacrifice-light.

When he plays truant from Heaven,

He fails to learn

The vision of God’s Silence-height.

When he plays truant from his inner home,

His life becomes

A forest of ignorance-night.

When he plays truant from his outer life,

His life becomes

The dance of destruction-fight.


46. In the universe of life


In the room of life

My Lord sleeps and sleeps.

In the apartment of life

My Lord dreams and dreams.

In the house of life

My Lord struggles and struggles.

In the palace of life

My Lord dares and dares.

In the city of life

My Lord smiles and smiles.

In the country of life

My Lord sings and sings.

In the world of life

My Lord becomes and becomes.

In the universe of life

My Lord eternally is. ```

47. Only for you


Walk up to her;

She will bless you.

March up to her;

She will love you.

Run up to her;

She will claim you.

Sit at her feet;

She will proclaim you.

Bow to her;

She will garland you.

Meditate on her;

She will crown you.

Surrender your all to her;

Her life within,

Her life without,

Will be all for you,

Only for you.


48. The heart of an orphan-tear


He hates his tired body.

He hates his fired vital.

He hates his doubting mind.

He hates his unloving heart.

He hates his dreamless soul.

He hates his useless God.



When he feels that his life

Is the heart of an orphan-tear. ```

49. Touch your God


Touch your God,

Touch your God.

He enjoys your touch.

Strike your God,

Strike your God.

He enjoys your torture wild.

Love your God,

Love your God.

He will feed the heights of your inner cry.

Serve your God,

Serve your God.

He will offer you

His Eternity’s Crown


Immortality’s Throne. ```

50. The deserter


His mother guided him and moulded him.

His father blessed him and protected him.

His God divinised him and immortalised him.

But alas,

He deserted his inner life of dream


Negated his outer life of reality.


From:Sri Chinmoy,The Golden Boat, part 8, Vishma Press, New York, 1974
Sourced from