I need only God

1. I need only God


I appreciate beauty


I need only God.

I admire greatness


I need only God.

I adore goodness


I need only God.

I love oneness


I need only God.


2. That doesn't mean


You are pointed.

That doesn't mean

That you have to be piercing.

You are divine.

That doesn't mean

That you have to be demanding.

You are perfect.

That doesn't mean

That you have to be complaining.


3. Do not abandon him


Do not abandon him.

If you abandon him

His ignorance will devour him.

Do not abandon his ignorance.

If you abandon the ignorance in him,

You are bound to see your beloved Lord

An unmistakable failure. ```

4. There is no failure


There is no failure in me

When God loves

My little world.

There is no failure in God

When I love

God's big world.


5. Failure looms large


Failure looms large

Only when

I withdraw my love from God


Allow not God to love me

In His own Way. ```

6. You are divine


How will you know

If you are divine?

You will know

If you are divine

When you discover

That without your body's Himalayan achievements

The world can exist —

But not without your soul's

One little smile.


7. Sworn to imagination-flight



I was sworn

To imagination-flight.


I am sworn

To dedication-light.


I shall be sworn

To Perfection-Delight.


8. Strength


Strength he desired

And strength he became.

And by becoming strength

What now he is within and without

Is light, boundless light.


9. Duty


Lord, I shall do my duty:

I shall serve You unconditionally.

Lord, will You not do Your Duty?

Will You not love me unreservedly?

Lord, I shall do my duty:

I shall speak highly of Your Compassion.

Lord, will You not do Your Duty?

Will You not either conceal or illumine

My imperfection-night?


10. Courage


Courage, earth needs you.

Courage, Heaven loves you.

Courage, God blesses you.

Courage, I immortalise you,

The human and the divine in me

Immortalise you. ```

11. God's sunrise


Yesterday my soul

Was God's sunrise.

Today my heart

Is God's eternal day.

Tomorrow my life

Shall be God's Perfection-Light. ```

12. God's pride


Earth's height knows how to ascend.

Heaven's soul knows how to descend.

God's Pride knows how to run


Heaven and earth


Earth and Heaven.


13. A divine woman, a divine man


Her soulful tears

Proved that she is

A divine woman.

His powerful eyes

Proved that he is

A divine man.


14. Neither matters


Neither perfection nor imperfection matters

When God is with me.

Neither perfection nor satisfaction matters

When I am without God. ```

15. Unworthy


"Lord, I am not worthy

To be loved."

Son, then you are not worthy

To be discussed.

"Lord, I am not worthy

To be remembered."

Son, then you are not worthy

To be considered. ```

16. We are sad


You are forced to remain unheard;


You are sad.

He is forced to remain unspoken;


He is sad.

I am forced to remain underestimated;


I am sad.


17. An exception


He is an exception.

His disciples meditate for him.

His disciples carry his messages to God.

His disciples forgive him

More than he forgives them.

He is an exception. ```

18. Be true to them


Be true to God.

He is always yours.

Be true to man.

He can be yours, too.

Be true to yourself.

You need your true companionship badly. ```

19. To perpetuate their memory


To perpetuate the memory of God-Compassion

I still exist on earth.

To perpetuate the memory of man-perfection

I still exist on earth.

To perpetuate the memory of my life-liberation

I still exist on earth. ```

20. The root of love


The root of beauty is purity.


The root of purity is sincerity.


The root of sincerity is love.


The root of love is love.


21. Be not afraid of him


Be not afraid of him.

Although his is a huge body

It will not harm you.

Be not afraid of him.

Although his is a powerful vital

It will not dominate you.

Be not afraid of him.

Although his is a vast mind

It will not ridicule you.

Be not afraid of him.

Although his is a pure heart

It will never, never ignore you.


22. Another name


Beauty is another name for Infinity.

Duty is another name for Eternity.

Reality is another name for Immortality.

God is another name for Satisfaction. ```

23. I am not sure


I think my soul is uncertain

But I am not sure.

I think my heart is weak

But I am not sure.

I think my mind is blind

But I am not sure.

I think my vital is wild

But I am not sure.

I think my body is useless

But I am not sure. ```

24. Only one Master


I had many more lives.

I shall have many more lives.

But I have only one Master

And that is what I always want.

Who is my Master?

My own higher Self,

My Eternity's All.


25. Do not speak ill of Them


Do not speak ill of Eternity's Silence.

Eternity's Silence does need you.

Do not speak ill of Infinity's Light.

Infinity's Light does love you.

Do not speak ill of Immortality's Life.

Immortality's Life does shine in you. ```

26. How is it?


How is it that

You have

A popular heart


An unpopular mind?

How is it that

You have

A beautiful soul


An ugly life?

How, and also why?


27. Superiors


My soul has only one superior:


My God has two superiors:



Compassion-blue. ```

28. Alone, I cannot


Alone, I cannot see God-Truth.

Alone, I cannot enjoy God-Peace.

Alone, I cannot love God-Beauty.

Alone, I cannot fulfil God-Duty.

Alone, I cannot be God-Satisfaction.


29. He is extremely rich


In the inner world

He is extremely rich;


He can easily afford

To cry every day for God.

In the outer world

He is extremely rich;


He can easily afford

To smile every day at man.


30. I am ready to go


I am ready to go,

But I do not know

Where to go,

And nobody tells me —

No, not even God.

Alas, alas!

I am really ready to go.


31. You are the only one


My saviour, whom else do I talk to?

You are the only one I talk to.

My saviour, whom else do I love?

You are the only one I constantly love.

My saviour, whom else do I need?

You are the only one I eternally need.

My saviour, whom else can I call my own?

You are the only one I unconditionally dare to call my own. ```

32. Open your secrets to me


Open your heart-secrets to me.

I shall love you infinitely more.

Open your mind-secrets to me.

I shall immediately help you

To conceal and kill them.


33. You are reality's choice


You are reality's choice.

What does it mean?

It means

That you are Divinity's voice


Immortality's Life. ```

34. How can I hate you?


I shall leave you

If I have to.

I shall forget you

If I have to.

I shall forgive you

If I have to.

But I shall not hate you

Even if I have to.

How can I hate you,

Whom I have loved so devotedly

And so unreservedly?


35. I really feel sorry


Lord, I do not feel sorry

That You do not know me.


I really feel sorry

That I do not know You,

You who are my only choice

In life and death.


36. Lord, I love you divinely


Lord, I love You divinely

Not because You are divinely great.

Lord, I need You supremely

Not because You are supremely good.

I love You and need You


You are my humanity's choice,

You are my divinity's voice. ```

37. God's illumining Eye


God's illumining Eye:

Where is it?

It is inside man's crying heart.

God's fulfilling Eye:

Where is it?

It is inside man's surrendering life.


38. Determination



Is the flower-moon

Of a dynamic vital

And the fruit-sun

Of a serving body.


39. Listen to the Master


Listen to the Master

If you really love yourself.

Listen to the Master

If you really want to own

The reality within you


The divinity that you are.


40. Your reluctance-life


He is always ready to give you Ocean-Bliss,

But you fail to accept it.

You are afraid of its enormity,

You are afraid of its capacity.

Your reluctance-life maintains

Your old,


And undying



41. God's bark


Hark, hark, God's Bark!

In its mouth is my ecstasy-sea.

In its voice is my liberation-sky.

In its life is my Perfection-Goal. ```

42. Your biography


What you were:

You were your body's might.

What you are:

You are your heart's love.

What you shall be:

You shall be your soul's flight. ```

43. Heart's gratitude


Your life's quietude

Is not heart's gratitude.

Your love's plenitude

Is not heart's gratitude.

Your surrender's unconditional infinitude

Is heart's gratitude. ```

44. Your glory's height


You do not have to go far.

Earth will devour

Your physical glory's height.

Earth will devour

Your vital glory's height.

Earth will devour

Your mental glory's height.

But earth will claim and treasure

Your psychic glory's height,

Which is another name for

God's Satisfaction-Might.


45. Death's call


Doctor, when your patient is dying

Do you hate death's call

Or do you enjoy death's call?

If you hate death's call,

The evolving will

In you and in your patient, prosper.

And if you love death's call,

The evolving will

In you and in your patient, suffer.


46. Nature's Beauty Supreme


A beautiful woman is nature's beauty.

A cheerful child is nature's beauty.

A soulful flower is nature's beauty.

A thoughtful man is nature's beauty.


A trance-bound silence

Is nature's Beauty Supreme.


47. Where is your God?


O morning child, where is your God?

"My God is in my beauty's cry."

O afternoon child, where is your God?

"My God is in my purity's smile."

O evening child, where is your God?

"My God is in my satisfaction-face." ```

48. Silence-Life, Sound-Life


"Lord, what is the difference


Your Silence-Life


Your Sound-Life?"

Your life of soul

Is from My Silence-Life


My Sound-Life

Is for your life of goal. ```

49. Plenitude


When he walks,

Earth-plenitude he shares with the world.

When he sits in silence,

Heaven-plenitude he invokes and achieves.

When he sleeps,

He plays hide-and-seek with God-plenitude. ```

50. His fire-silence


Energy we receive

From his fire-heart.

Speed we receive

From his fire-eye.

Goal we reach

With his fire-silence. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,I need only God, Aum Press, 1975
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gd