2. Question: What is the best way to harmonise the inner and the outer worlds?
Sri Chinmoy: The best way to harmonise the inner world and the outer world is to become the message of self-giving. When we are in the outer life if we give ourselves to the inner life, and when we are in the inner life if we give ourselves to the outer life, then we harmonise both the inner and outer world. What do we mean by giving ourselves when we are in the outer life? When we are in the outer life we have to feel that the satisfaction that we have is due to the inner cry of the inner life. When we have that kind of feeling, we automatically give ourselves to the inner life. We become the real satisfaction and give full credit to the inner life. And when we are in the inner life if we want to give ourselves, we have to feel that only having an inner cry is not enough. We have to bring the inner cry to the outer life and transform the outer life into constant joy and delight. If we do that, then we can feel that we are giving ourselves to the outer life. The inner life is perfect only when we see a smile in the outer life; the outer life is perfect only when we see that the outer life can do nothing without the conscious and constant self-giving of the inner life.
From:Sri Chinmoy,A God-Lover's Earth-Heaven-Life, part 1, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gdl_1