64. Question: Is the best way to teach through example?
Sri Chinmoy: Yes, the best way to teach is through example. But sometimes one may not be in a position to show something. One may advise what he himself cannot do. At that time the student has to have implicit faith in the advisor's sincere wish. The father cannot stop smoking, but it is his sincere wish that his son not smoke. The poor father is sick emotionally and physically, but he wants his son to be well. He stumbles and stumbles. He cannot lead a good life. But he has a sincere wish for his son's life. At that time the son has to be a real jewel and learn by advice only, not by example. The poor father did not have the capacity, but his sincere wish is for his son to climb up to the highest rung of the ladder of knowledge and get the highest degree. Here the father cannot be an example, but the son can be the father's reality. The son is the fulfilment of the father's dream.
From:Sri Chinmoy,A God-Lover's Earth-Heaven-Life, part 2, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gdl_2