A God-minus thought
MisleadsThe searching mind.
```A God-minus thought
TorturesThe aspiring heart.
```A God-minus thought
```A God-minus thought of mine
Is a devastating blowTo my God-adoration-heart.
```Each God-minus thought of mine
Eventually burstsInto an utter failure-sigh.
```Each God-minus thought
Compels the seekerTo enter into an abysmal abyss.
```A God-minus life
IsA spiritual failure.
```A God-minus life
Must needs remainA satisfaction-stranger.
```A God-minus heart
Can never enjoyGod's Fondness-Oneness-Embrace.
```A God-minus mind
Cannot escapeFrom the trauma of hopelessness.
```A God-minus life
```A God-minus man
IsHis own bondage-slave.
```A God-minus day
Marks the seekersAspiration-shortage
```A God-minus thought
Entangles the mind,Enslaves the heart,
Endangers the life. ```A God-minus day
Cannot free itselfFrom the knotted tentacles
Of suspicion. ```A God-minus moment
Is whenTruth and I part ways.
```A God-minus moment
Feeds doubtAnd fondles suspicion.
```A God-minus man
LovesHis ego-greed.
```A God-minus man
Is totally emptyOf prayer-joy
```A God-minus man
Is obsessedOnly with others' mistakes,
Small or big. ```A God-minus man
Plies his lifeboatBetween the mind's impatience-shore
And the heart's uncertainty-shore. ```A God-minus man
And notWorld-ecstasy-hour.
```A God-minus man
Can easily becomeA negativity-monarch.
```A God-minus man
ThinksThat he can never be wrong.
```A God-minus morning
MarksA soul-starvation-day.
```A God-minus human being
Is found to beDeplorably powerless
Over his own thoughts. ```A God-minus breath
Is, indeed,A spiritual death.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,God minus, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gdm