God the Eye
Tells me to be perfect. ```God the Heart
Shows me how. ```God the Eye
Commands me:"Go home!"
```God the Heart
Whispers to me:"Here is your Home,
My child." ```God the Eye
Tells me:"Give Me!
I shall give youMuch more
In return." ```God the Heart
Tells me:"Give Me
What you have.I shall give you
What I am-My Infinity's Wealth-
In return." ```God the Eye
Tells me:"Be careful!
DangerMay be ahead!"
```God the Heart
Tells me:"Be wakeful,
Prayerful and soulful.Danger ahead
You can escape." ```When I ask
God the EyeHow old God is,
The immediateAnswer is:
"Birthless andDeathless."
```When I ask
God the HeartThe same question,
The sweet answer is:"I am exactly as
YoungAs your heart is."
```God the Eye
Shows me my presentImperfections
Impartially. ```God the Heart
Promises me myFuture perfection
Compassionately. ```God the Eye
Is not alwaysSatisfied with me.
```God the Heart
Has repeatedlyPromised to me
That He will neverGive up on me.
```God the Eye
Tells me:"Look!
Your mind is cloudy." ```God the Heart
Tells me:"Your mind can be
Sunny.Just try for it!"
```God the Eye
Tells me that I amIndeed
A possibility-fulfiller. ```God the Heart
Tells me that I amUndoubtedly
An impossibility-Challenger.
```God the Eye
Wants me to achieveQuickly.
```God the Heart
Wants me to receiveSmilingly.
```God the Eye
ArousesMy God-hunger.
```God the Heart
FeedsMy God-hunger.
```God the Eye
ChasesMy restless mind.
```God the Heart
EmbracesMy peaceful heart.
```God the Eye
DefinitelyLoves me.
```God the Heart
SleeplesslyCaresses me.
```God the Eye
Asks me:"Where
Have you been?" ```God the Heart
Asks me:"How are you?"
```God the Eye
Shows me the Way. ```God the Heart
Hastens my Goal. ```God the Red Eye
ThreatensAnd frightens me.
```God the Blue Heart
ImmediatelyComes to my rescue
AndStarts perfecting me.
```When necessity
Demands,God the Eye
Tells me to shut up. ```At that very
Moment,God the Heart
Pleads with meTo wake up:
"My child, wake up!" ```God the Eye
Tells me:"You must not have
A negative thought!" ```God the Heart
Tells me:"You must be
A positive will!" ```God the Eye
Tells me thatThe Road is very long.
```God the Heart
Tells me thatThe Goal is eagerly
And sleeplesslyWaiting for me.
```The very presence of
God the EyeAt times
Chills my mind. ```The very presence of
God the HeartAlways
Thrills my heart. ```God the Eye
Tells me:"What I need from you
Is genuine aspiration." ```God the Heart
Tells me:"My child,
What we mutuallyNeed
From each otherIs satisfaction."
```God the Eye
Tells me thatMy success depends
On my mind'sStrength-expression.
```God the Heart
Tells me thatMy progress depends
On my heart'sLength-expansion.
```God the Eye
Tells me thatMy success comes
From the beautyOf my determination.
```God the Heart
Tells me thatMy progress comes
From the purityOf my aspiration.
```God the Eye
Wants my mind to seeWhat is happening.
```God the Heart
Wants my heart to feelWhat is becoming.
```God the Eye
Declares my victory. ```God the Heart
Parades my victory. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,God the Eye and God the Heart, Printing Service, Augsburg, Germany, 1992
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/geh