Don't expect!
Don't expect!Give, give and give
If you want to really survive. ```In this month
I shall succeed,I shall definitely succeed
In my outer life.Do you know why?
BecauseI have compelled my old enemy, ignorance,
To return my determination-fire.In this month
I shall proceed,I shall amazingly proceed
In my inner life.Do you know why?
BecauseMy old Friend, God, my Beloved Supreme,
Is once more blessing meWith His infinite Compassion-Suns.
```A sleepless self-giver
Is another nameFor God's Victory-Banner.
A sleepless self-giver
Is God's Victory-Banner-carrier.A sleepless self-giver
Is God's Dream-fulfiller.A sleepless self-giver
Is God's creation-transformer.A sleepless self-giver
Is God's Heart-biographer.A sleepless self-giver
Is God's Life-publisher.A sleepless self-giver
Is God's Breath-giver.Although there have been few,
Very few in number,Mother-Earth is extremely happy
To have such sleepless self-givers.Give; you become.
Give; you are.Do not give; you are lost.
Do not give; you are dead.Give and give and give
Only to the Supreme in humanity. ```We must not and must not surrender
To the bitter frustrationsOf the past.
We must and must make friends
With the sweet hopesOf the present and the future.
```Darkness-temptation there is.
That does not meanI shall have to surrender
To darkness-temptation.Failure-frustration there is.
That does not meanI shall have to become
A giant failure-frustration.God-Perfection there is.
Who dares to tell meThat I cannot become
Another God-Perfection? ```My Beloved Lord Supreme,
You have forgiven me limitless times.Will You not forgive me this time?
"My sweet child,
There was a timeWhen you used to please Me
In My own Way.But alas, those golden days
Are buried in oblivion.Will you not start pleasing Me once again
In My own Way?" ```1. Love
2. Devotion
3. Surrender
4. Gratitude
5. Obedience
6. I belong to my Beloved Supreme.
7. Him to manifest in His own Way I came into this world.
If I take all these seven steps cheerfully, willingly and unconditionally, then my Beloved Supreme, without fail, will consider me a supremely chosen instrument, an absolutely perfect instrument of His.Just think for five minutes of what you were before you joined the spiritual path. Just think for ten minutes of what you have become on the spiritual path. Just think for an hour of what you will become in the future if you leave the spiritual path.
May this calamity-month be transformed into a prosperity-month for those who are doing extremely well and are trying most sincerely to please their Beloved Supreme in His own Way.If your mind has sincerity,
Then onlyThe Supreme will tell you
What to do.If your heart has determination,
Then onlyThe Supreme will teach you
How to do everything.If your life has unconditional surrender,
Then onlyThe Supreme Himself
Will do everything and everythingFor you.
```My Lord Supreme,
I am aliveBecause You are
Your Eternity's Compassion.My Beloved Supreme,
I shall remain aliveBecause You will be
Your Immortality's Forgiveness.My Lord Supreme,
You are aliveBecause my heart
Sleeplessly needs You.My Beloved Supreme,
You will remain aliveBecause my life
Will unconditionally love You. ```Let us not take a break, let us not.
Let us continueWith our poor aspiration
And with our feeble dedication.Let us not take a break, let us not.
For God-realisation is still a far cry,God-manifestation is almost an impossible task
And God-satisfaction is far, far, farBeyond our imagination.
Let us not take a break, let us not.
For there may come a timeWhen our Beloved Lord Supreme,
Out of His unconditional Compassion,Will infinitely increase
The purity of our aspirationAnd infinitely increase
The beauty of our dedicationTo realise Him,
To manifest HimAnd to satisfy Him
In His own Way. ```My Beloved Lord Supreme,
I have failed, I have failed, I have failed.I have failed in the world of aspiration-cry.
I have failed in the world of dedication-smile.I have failed in the world of manifestation-dance.
My Lord,
I implore You to give me one more chanceTo be worthy
Of Your Eternity's Compassion-Feet,To be worthy
Of Your Infinity's Forgiveness-EyeAnd to be worthy
Of Your Immortality's Satisfaction-Heart. ```The New Year will be
The year of teeming surprises —Heaven-descending golden Dreams,
Earth-ascending silver realities —For the seekers
Who sleeplessly and unconditionally liveFor the Compassion-Eye-Manifestation
AndFor the Satisfaction-Heart-Manifestation
Of their Beloved SupremeThroughout the length and breadth
Of the entire world. ```My dear Lord Supreme,
From today on I shall please You,Please You,
Please YouIn Your own Way,
For that is my heart's only choice. ```In the month of February
There will be a continuous fightBetween the hope of surrender-dream
And the frustration of ego-reality.I am praying to my Beloved Supreme
For the supreme victoryOf the hope of surrender-dream.
```This is the month
Of visible and recognisable self-transcendence.If I am a genuine seeker,
In this month my supreme achievementsWill surprise my own imagination.
And even if I am not a genuine seeker,I shall feel something divine, inspiring
And illuminingIn my unlit mind.
Whether or notI am genuine in my aspiration,
This month I shall treasureIn the very depths of my heart.
```The Golden Boat of our Liberator Supreme
Is sailing unimaginably fast,Carrying the silver heart-passengers.
May my sincerity-cry tell meThat I am a supremely choice passenger.
```Some seekers have failed.
That does not mean you also will fail.No!
You can and you must succeedIn the spiritual battlefield
Of your divine life.If you are simple,
If you are sincere,If you are humble,
If you are pure,If you are devoted,
If you are disciplined,If you are determined
And if you are surrenderedTo your Lord Beloved Supreme,
Then you are bound to succeed.The Absolute Supreme needs your heart
And wants your lifeTo manifest His transcendental Vision
Here on earth. ```In the month of June
The Inner Boat of the Absolute SupremeWill be sailing extremely fast.
Only those who dare to claim HimAs their own, very own,
Will be able to dive deepInto the Supreme's
Supreme Heart-Destination. ```The strength of my sound-life
Surrenders to the power of my silence-life.The power of my silence-life
Surrenders to the Vision-EyeOf my Lord's Compassion-Heart.
My Lord's Compassion-HeartIs now telling me,
"My child, My Immortality's Dream-child,Speed up! The Goal is within your easy reach.
The Goal is all yours.You and My Eternity's Liberation-Light
Will before long be transformedInto My Infinity's
Absolute Satisfaction-Delight." ```My Lord Supreme,
My Soul-Reality's All,Countless times I have withdrawn from You.
I have withdrawn my promise-oneness.I have withdrawn my willingness-oneness.
I have withdrawn my soulfulness-oneness.I have withdrawn my surrender-oneness-bliss.
Still You have not withdrawn from me.You remain Your Eternity's Compassion-Eye.
You remain Your Infinity's Forgiveness-Heart.You remain Your Immortality's Vision-Fulfilment-Cry.
```"Who is telling you that you will not be able to become a supremely perfect instrument of your Beloved Supreme? Do not listen to your mind. Your mind is a fool!
"Who is telling you that you will never be able to please your Beloved Supreme even for a single day in this lifetime? Do not listen to your mind. Your mind is a fool!
"My child, I am your Eternity's Friend, and you are My Immortality's friend. I am telling you only one thing: do not try to possess Me; do not try to possess Me; do not try to possess Me.
"If you want to possess Me, you will badly fail in your inner heart of aspiration, and you will miserably fail in your outer life of dedication.
"But if you pray to Me to possess you in My own Way, then your Eternity's earth-existence and your Immortality's Heaven-existence will be inundated with My Infinity's Light and my Infinity's Delight."My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
I shall never, never tasteThe bitterness of frustration-night-defeats.
I shall forever and forever enjoyThe sweetness of satisfaction-light-victories,
For it is You who want to manifestYour Immortality's Delight
Completely and permanentlyIn and through
The purity of my aspiration-heartAnd the beauty of my dedication-life.
```Supreme, my Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
My Absolute Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,You are Your Immortality-Infinity's
Unconditional Compassion,And I am my mortal life's
Fleeting gratitude-breath. ```No undivine strength,
No hostile force,No inconscience-monster
Can slow down the fastest speedOf our aspiration-dedication-boat
That is arriving at the Golden ShoreOf our Beloved Supreme
At His own choice Hour. ```For the Mountain-Truth-climbers
And the Fountain-God-lovers,The New Year will be the year
Of unprecedented inner aspiration-progressAnd unlimited outer manifestation-success.
The Truth-climberIs a God-chosen God-compeer.
The God-loverIs a God-crowned future world-liberator.
```The beauty of a sweet hope
Has to be transformed intoThe duty of a powerful promise,
And the promise has to be manifestedAs the divinity of an infallible fulfilment.
```Go fast, My sweetness-child!
You are of My Immortality's Vision-Eye.Go faster, My fondness-child!
You are inside My Eternity-Infinity'sHeart-Nest.
Go fastest, My oneness-child!
I am for you,I am all for you
And I am only for you. ```My child,
My Infinity's blue child,I love you,
I love your Eternity's hunger-cry.My child,
My Immortality's gold child,I need you,
I need your Divinity's progress-promise. ```They came only to go,
But I came to stay —Forever to stay —
Inside the Golden BoatOf my Beloved Lord Supreme.
```Supreme, my Supreme,
My Lord Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,My soul came from
Your Compassion-Light-Eye,And at the end
Of my earth-journey's closeMy soul will go back
To Your Satisfaction-Delight-Heart. ```My Lord Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
My Lord Supreme,You are utterly displeased with me
Not because my mindIs completely ungrateful to You,
Not because my heartIs completely ungrateful to You,
But because I have totally forgottenMy yesterday's aspiration-cry-promise,
My today's realisation-smile-promiseAnd my tomorrow's
Transformation-dance-promise.Yet, my Beloved Supreme,
Out of Your boundless Bounty,You are giving me another chance.
This time, my Beloved Supreme,I am praying to You to make me worthy
Of Your Forgiveness-Light,For in Your Forgiveness-Light
Is the perfect fulfilment of Your Dream,Eternity's Dream, Infinity's Dream,
Immortality's Dream.This Dream of Yours will grow into
Your supreme RealityAt Your choice Hour.
```Supreme, my Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme!Do give me the sleepless willingness,
To change my entire life.Supreme, my Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme!If my life remains unchanged,
Then how can I love You,How can I serve You,
How can I manifest You,How can I fulfil You
And, finally, how can I please YouIn Your own Way?
Supreme, my Supreme, my Lord Supreme,My Beloved Supreme!
```My Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
My Absolute Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,During my soulful meditation
I have seen Your Divinity's FaceMany, many times.
How is it that still I am unhappy?"My child, My dear child,
My sweet child, My Eternity's child,You can be happy
Only when you need and haveMy Immortality's Heart-Nest,
And nothing else." ```"My child, because of your disobedience you have already failed once. My child, because of your impurity in your entire being you are failing now. My child, because of your ingratitude you will eventually fail again."
My dear Supreme, that means mine is a hopeless case!
"My child, perhaps it is so.
"Now, My child, I want to tell you something most secret and most sacred. Listen to Me devotedly and soulfully once and for all. When I talk to you about your soul, you have to realise that your soul is always, always aware of My infinite Compassion, of My infinite Concern, of My infinite and unconditional Affection and Love for you. Your soul is always and always at My Protection-Feet, and from My Protection-Feet sleeplessly it receives My Illumination-Light.
"I am proud of your soul because it knows who I am, because it wants to please Me always in My own Way. Because of your soul I repeatedly forgive you. Because of your soul I grant you again and again chance after chance to please Me in My own Way.
"Your soul has not yet accepted defeat, and it will never accept the final defeat. Therefore, I shall give you innumerable chances to please Me and be a perfect instrument of Mine.
"I consider you a human being just because of your soul. I consider you an instrument of Mine just because of your soul. If your soul gives up the fight in the battlefield of your life, then yours will be a perpetual failure.
"So, My child, believe in your soul, the real reality, and not in your body, vital, mind or even your heart. If you do what I am asking you to do, then your soul and I will definitely succeed, not only in the battlefield of your life but also in manifesting My Immortality's Divinity in and through you."
GFH 35. Sri Chinmoy later gave a commentary on this talk. It was distributed privately to disciples, but not officially published. See: GFHC 1.↩
My Lord Supreme, my Justice-Light Supreme,
I have so many things to tell You,And I have so many things to ask You,
My Lord Supreme, my Justice-Light Supreme.But You are never available;
You are never approachable.Will You ever be available,
Will You ever be approachable,My Lord, My Eternity's Lord Supreme?
"My child, My dear child, My sweet child
And My fond child,My Compassion-Height is speaking to you.
I shall be available only when you give MeYour purity's heart-lotus.
I shall be approachable only when you give MeYour humility's life-grass."
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
Do You have anything to tell me?Do You have anything to ask me?
"My child, I have only one thing to tell you:
I loved you, I love youAnd I shall forever love you unconditionally.
My child, I have only one thing to ask you:When will you claim Me
As your own, very own,To make Me happy in My own Way?"
```Since I am one
Of the supremely fortunate chosen few,My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Out of His infinite Compassion-Light,Is telling me that He will definitely finish
My self-perfection-journey.I just have to start, here and now —
Here, at this angel-blessed place;Now, at this gratitude-blossomed moment.
```My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
Do bless meWith Your absolutely choice,
Secret and sacred AdviceFor the New Year.
"My child, win My Heart
And thus win My All —My Eternity's All,
My Infinity's AllAnd My Immortality's All."
My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
How can I win Your Heart?"My child, by loving Me only
And by needing Me only."My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
How can I love You only?How can I need You only?
"My child, be punctual in your heart's
Aspiration-cry.Be regular in your life's
Dedication-smile."My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
I have badly failed You this year.I have all along failed You unquestionably.
But, my Lord, will I ever succeed?"My child, you must and you will.
Just sleeplessly illumine your mindAnd convince your heart
That you are of My Eternity's Hunger onlyAnd you are for My Immortality's
Satisfaction only."My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
I know that my living death will beWhen You withdraw from me completely.
But will You ever withdraw from me?"My child, do not think of My withdrawal,
But pray to Me to be with Me in My BoatTo reach your supreme Destination —
My complete Satisfaction in you, with youAnd for you.
I have so far not withdrawn from you.But,
My child, wake up!It is already very late.
How long do you expect Me to holdMy Golden Boat
On this side of ignorance-ocean?You have to realise that either I am your All
Or you are all for yourselfAnd all by yourself."
```My Lord Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,
Do tell me if I am correct in my feelingThat when I soulfully cry,
I add something beautiful to Your Compassion,And when I unreservedly smile,
I add something powerful to man's life."My child, you are correct,
Absolutely correct." ```My Supreme, my dear Supreme,
My Lord Supreme and my Beloved Supreme,Over the years, out of Your infinite Bounty,
You have shown me innumerable waysTo please You in Your own Way.
But today do tell meWhich is at once the easiest and fastest way
To please You in Your own Way."My child, My sweet child,
My Divinity's childAnd My Immortality's child,
For you, the easiest and fastest wayTo please Me
Is to sincerely feelIn the inmost recesses of your heart
That I love you sleeplessly,Compassionately, blessingfully
And unconditionally."My child,
Your soulful question has deeply pleased Me.Therefore, I am telling you
A most secret and sacred Dream of Mine.Every night, without fail,
I have one single Dream.In My Dream I clearly and unmistakably see
That you have becomeAn absolutely perfect instrument of Mine."
```When I tell You, my Lord Supreme,
That I am going to leave You,You immediately tell me
That Your Soul's SmileWill secretly guide me
And Your Heart's CryWill openly follow me.
My sweet Lord,That means I will never be able
To run away from You."My sweet child, that means
Your heart's unconscious affection for MeAnd My Heart's conscious Affection,
Love, Concern and CompassionWill eternally remain together,
Inseparable and immortal." ```O my heart's rainbow-gratitude-tears,
Where are you?I need you desperately
To please my Lord Beloved Supreme sleeplessly.O my heart's rainbow-gratitude-tears,
You are my life's lightning progress-speed.You are my life's fulfilling peace-beauty.
You are the only perfect bridgeBetween my life's dreamland
And my Lord's Nectar-flooded Country-Home. ```My Supreme, my dear Supreme,
My sweet Supreme, my Lord Supreme,My Absolute Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,
You have the most powerful Dream,And I have the most soulful reality.
Your Dream is to makeMy aspiration-heart and my dedication-life
Absolutely perfect,And my reality is to make You happy,
See You happy and keep You happySleeplessly and unconditionally.
```Without the leaves, flowers and fruits,
The tree is nothing, absolutely nothing.I am that nothing.
But with you, my children,I am the fulness-tree.
The Supreme Father in me is telling youThat your kindness and your oneness
I appreciate far beyond your imagination.Because of your kindness,
I am successful here on earth.Because of your oneness,
I shall be fulfilled here on earthAnd there in Heaven.
```God the Compassion-Height requests me
To be regular in my dedication-life.God the Justice-Light commands me
To be punctual in my aspiration-life. ```America's Independence Day
Is God the dreaming Child'sVery special
Rainbow-Birthday-Smile. ```In His inner Heart,
I am my Lord's only Choice.In His outer Life,
I am my Lord's only Voice. ```Supreme, Supreme, I bow to Thee.
Supreme, my Supreme, my dear Supreme,
My sweet Supreme, my Lord Supreme,My Beloved Supreme,
May Thy Victory be proclaimedAt every moment in and through
My aspiration-heart and my dedication-life.Supreme, my Supreme, my dear Supreme,
My sweet Supreme, my Lord Supreme,My Beloved Supreme,
Those who are not consciously with YouAnd those who are not soulfully for You
Can never, never be my oneness-friendsOr ever, ever be in Your Infinity's
Vision-flooded Golden Boat.Supreme, my Supreme, my dear Supreme,
My sweet Supreme, my Lord Supreme,My Beloved Supreme,
Do make my heart a sleepless hunger-cryFor You, only for You.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Gratitude-Flower-Hearts, Agni Press, 1993
Sourced from