My Lord,
May my lifeEvery day blossom
InsideMy gratitude-heart-garden.
```O my mind,
What are you looking for?As long as you think
That desire-fulfilmentIs happiness,
Then there can beNo happiness
For you. ```The mind that
Does not believe inGod's Compassion
Has to believe inEndless frustration-night.
```Only your ceaseless
God-hungerCan make you win
Membership inGod's Parliament.
```Why do you look always
In your mind-mirror?Can you not look
Once and for allIn your heart-mirror?
To your wide surpriseYou will be so happy to see
Your own exquisite beauty. ```I wish to be
My heart-passenger-boatAnd ply between
My own aspiration-shoreAnd
God's Compassion-Shore. ```It is the mental hallucination
Of a human beingTo think that
He can deliberately ignoreGod's Compassion
If he wants to.God's Compassion
Is not only omniscientAnd omnipotent,
But also omnipresent. ```My Lord,
If You do not give meThe eyes that shed tears,
I shall not mind.But if You do not give me
A heart withStreaming tears,
Then I shall feel miserable. ```An obedience-mind
Is an illumination-life.An obedience-heart
Is a fulfilment-breath. ```Your unconditional surrender
And your sleepless gratitudeWill definitely help you stand
At the top of God'sGod-manifestation-list.
```When the hour strikes,
If you do not offerYour heart's gratitude-tears
To your Lord Supreme,Then all your capacities
Will unmistakablyBe paralysed.
```An insecurity-mind
Is exiled from the worldOf happiness-smiles.
```The very presence
Of an enthusiasm-heartWill compel
The frustration-mindTo breathe its last.
```The suspicious mind-station
Is the place from whereThe doubt-trains
Arrive and depart. ```God will ask you
To be His spokesmanOnly after you have become
The beauty of your heart'sSilence-smile.
Is the sunlit pathFor the heart-pilgrim
To arrive at the destination. ```An urgent message
From the soul to the heart:"Be good
And not great.Be a God-lover
And not a God-possessor." ```Pleasure perishes.
Joy lasts.Delight forever lasts.
```At the moment,
God is asking youTo pray for
Genuine aspirationAnd not for
Perfect perfection. ```A true seeker
Definitely has the capacityTo implant faith
In the heart ofAll and sundry.
```The breath of hope
May not last.The breath of promise
May not last.But the breath of
Self-offeringForever lasts.
```We must learn to value
The world-saving divinityOf invaluable peace.
```Human pride
Is followed byThe unmistakable tears
Of the divine in man. ```The new Dream of God
Will not allow meTo remain imperfect
Anymore. ```God wants me
Always to keep my heartVisible and serviceable.
```Anything that is unwilling
In our mindIs actually worthless
And useless.Anything that is willing
All the time in our heartWill prove to fulfil God's Will
In His own Way. ```No more depression,
No more frustration,No more hallucination.
In me I see a new dawn —A dawn that will reveal
Divinity's life-fulfilmentOn earth.
```Not an easy task
To reach the highest heightOf perfection-light,
But you must try.You are bound to succeed,
For you are, indeed,An exception.
```When I offered
My heart's gratitude-tearsTo my Lord Supreme,
He immediately told meThat from now on
His Heart-Home-DoorWill always remain open
For me. ```Each time
I challenge myself,God sings
His own Excellence-SongsTo herald
My supreme victory. ```My Lord Supreme
Compassionately tells me,"Wake up, My child,
From your ignorance-sleep!"I tell my Lord Supreme,
"I shall definitelyWake up soon.
But a little more rest I need,Just a little more."
```This morning I kept
My heart's aspiration-doorWide open,
And whom did I seeAt my door?
God,With His Perfection-Eye
And His Satisfaction-Heart. ```The more I love God
Soulfully and self-givingly,The sooner God
Unburdens meFrom my mind's
```My Lord Supreme,
This is Your creation.I do not want to know
From YouWhen this creation of Yours
Will be perfect.I just want to know
If this creation of YoursWill ever be perfect
To please YouIn Your own Way,
To make You really happy. ```My Lord,
My aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life
Have once more left behindThe world of
Ignorance-lethargyTo please You,
This time only to please YouIn Your own Way.
```My Lord Supreme,
My life's only desireIs to be on my knees
Before You,For my life's transformation
And for my heart'sInseparable oneness
With Your Heart. ```If we have
A soulfulness-heartAnd an eagerness-breath,
Then there can be nothingThat we cannot accomplish
ForOur Lord Beloved Supreme.
```O my mind,
If you are unwillingTo separate yourself
From doubt-clouds,Then how can
God bless you withHis Divinity's Fulness-Sun?
```The illumination of the soul
Does not frightenThe confusion of the mind.
The illumination of the soulOnly brightens
And enlightensThe confusion of the mind.
```God does have the power
To change your lifeIn the twinkling of an eye.
But alas, when God arrivesOut of His infinite Bounty,
You are not available.You are
Nowhere to be found. ```Your yesterday's glory
Has today becomeA dry flower.
Therefore, do not try to liveOn yesterday's success,
But try to liveOn your
Ever-transcending progress. ```An insecure heart
And an impure mindCan never be members
Of God'sPerfection-Satisfaction-Family.
```When you sing
Your heart's gratitude-song,God proudly tells you
How to navigate your lifeAnd the lives of
Aspiring humanity. ```There is always
The Satisfaction-Sunrise-MightOf my Lord Supreme
In the heartOf my gratitude-sky.
```My success-life
Cannot show meHow close God is to me.
My progress-heartNot only shows me
How close God is,But also tells me
To claim GodAs my own, very own.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Gratitude-Heart-Garden, Agni Press, 1993
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