I am
My life'sGod-hunger-heart.
```My soul's highest promise
And my Lord's deepest SatisfactionAre two immortal travellers,
Walking side by sideAlong Eternity's Road.
```A perfect Truth-seeker and God-lover
Is not Heaven-born.He is earth-born
From earth's sleepless and breathlessTears and cries.
```Each and every God-thought
In my mindComes from the peace-fragrance
Of my heart. ```Ignorance-night invades us
Only when our heartsAre empty of devotion.
Is how I breathlessly feelAnd not
What I ceaselessly talk about. ```My mind's fog and clouds
Cannot hideThe sunlit path of my heart.
```My aspiration-heart dearly loves me
Because I love God only.My God-realisation-soul proudly loves me
Because God is my All. ```Today my mind's desire-night
Is over.My heart's aspiration-dawn
Is blossoming. ```God cannot help feeling shocked
When He hears from meThat I am an utter failure.
Is my heart's inner name.Bliss-harvest
Is my life's outer name. ```Each and every pure thought of mine
Is a direct and perfect representativeOf God's purest Dream
Here on earth. ```My Lord, I do so many things for You.
How many things do You doFor me?
"My child, since I am an old man,I do only one thing for you.
Every day, for twenty-four hours,I cradle you inside My Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-Heart." ```Our oneness-inspired actions
Are the only actionsThat God treasures.
```May the beauty, purity and fragrance
Of my heartFly beyond time and space.
```During the day I amuse my Lord
With my life-stories.At night I feed my Lord
With my soul-songs. ```God will tell the whole world
That I am a supremely choice instrumentOf His
Only when my eyes are filledWith the beauty of silence
And my heartWith the divinity of peace.
```I can clearly see that each time
I shake hands with desire,The beauty of my aspiration-life
Is immediately marred. ```My aspiring heart is immortalised
By God HimselfJust because I am no longer
Victimised by my doubting mind. ```I was born of hope-seed
To flyIn Infinity's Promise-Sky.
```The farther I move away
From my own expectation-prison,The closer my Lord Beloved Supreme
Comes to meWith His immortality's Joy, Love
And Pride. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
When You bless me with Your Heart'sCompassion-Ocean,
What can I give You in returnTo make You happy?
"My child, only a gratitude-dropFrom your heart-cup."
```My Lord,
Is there any single piece of adviceYou can give me
That will immediately illumine meAnd satisfy me completely?
"Yes, My child, I have one.At every moment listen
To your dreaming heart-whispersAnd never listen
To your roaming mind-roar." ```I pray to sit
At God's Compassion-Feet.I meditate to see
God's Illumination-Heart. ```Humanity's most deplorable audacity
Is its declaration:"No oneness-heart-exercise!"
```Since you know that your mind
Is conscience-guilty,Why do you hesitate
To correct your mind? ```As the desire-mind-attack is severe,
Even so isThe aspiration-starvation-attack.
```May my soul's rainbow-beauty
Brighten my heart-skyEvery day.
```Mine is the heart
That feeds on gratitude-blossoms.Mine is the life
That feeds on surrender-blooms. ```The mind that thirsts
For the Newness-God-BeautyI have.
The heart that hungersFor the Oneness-God-Fragrance
I am. ```My desire-mind wants to bind
God's powerful Hands.My aspiration-heart wishes to touch
God's beautiful Feet. ```O my mind,
Stop broadcasting your ego-balloon-news!God wants to hear
My heart's sweetness-oneness-flute-melody. ```God Himself has brought me
To the path of spirituality.Therefore, it is my bounden duty
To love Him, please Him and fulfil HimOnly in His own Way.
```Each time I dive deep within,
My Lord Supreme blesses meWith the paradise-fragrance
Of the ever-transcending Beyond. ```Each man
Is a helpless victim-slaveTo his own self-importance.
```Today I am a supreme enjoyer
Of two realities:My fast-decaying doubt-mind
And my fast-blossoming faith-heart. ```Your progress-delight
Is guaranteedThe moment your heart can sing
A prayerful and tearful God-song. ```Beauty incarnate
Is a God-lover.Delight incarnate
Is a God-server. ```A twenty-four-hour God-lover
Can never have a vulnerable point:So says God.
```My mind is happy because
My mind is choosing God's VictoryOver my mind's victory.
My heart is happy because
My heart is choosing God's NeedsOver my heart's needs.
I was.Aspiration-heart-melody
I am. ```A stubborn unwillingness-mind
I was.A docile willingness-heart
I am. ```Spirituality without purity
Is likeA boat without the boatman.
```Only a peace-bird-heart
Can flyIn God's own Rainbow-Sky.
```Only a peace-bird-heart
Can danceTo God's universal Oneness-Melody.
And aspiration-intensityAlways love to be
In each other's company. ```Forgiveness
Are twins. ```Choose we must!
Desire's destruction-danceOr
Aspiration's liberation-song. ```God Himself nurtures
My heart's fondest hopesAnd
My life's bravest promises. ```No one told me;
I just know that God's EyeAnd His Compassion-Heart
Will help me holdHis flaming universal Peace-Torch.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,I am my life's God-hunger-heart, part 3, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ghh_3