I am
My life'sGod-hunger-heart.
```Only by bringing the positive qualities,
And not even one negative quality,Of human beings to the fore
Will this world be able to makeAbiding progress.
```In the long run
It is the haters of mankind,Not the lovers of mankind,
Who will be the really miserable losers. ```When I sincerely pray
And soulfully meditate,I feel that I am only
A mere instrument.There is a higher Power
That is coming to help me,And that higher Power
Is God's Grace. ```When we pray and meditate,
We are not taking awayGod's Strength;
Only we are establishingA free access
To everything God has and is. ```We have so many friends
Within us and around us.It is we who have to accept the world,
Not as our enemyBut as our true, illumining
And fulfilling friend. ```Look only at the bright side.
The bright side meansTo have implicit faith in ourselves
And in othersAnd to feel oneness-light
And fulness-delight. ```The answer to the problems
Of this worldIs for every one of us
To go far beyondOur present capacity-boundary
And become better citizensOf the world.
```Contemplation is something
Far beyond the vastnessOf meditation.
Contemplation is God-oneness itself. ```In your absolutely best meditation,
Your entire being offers itselfTo the Supreme —
Your soul with its illumination,Your heart with its aspiration,
Your mind with its clarity,Your vital with its determination,
Your body with its alertness. ```Once we have peace,
We feel thatWe have everything
In the outer worldAnd we have become everything
In the inner world. ```We have to gratefully help
The inner world —The world that wants to supply us
With the light, joy, peace and onenessOf the Beyond —
To come to the fore. ```In this world we are all
Running after satisfaction.He gets satisfaction
By doubting me.I get satisfaction
Because God's Grace is actingIn and through me.
```If I become a better person,
Mother-Earth will be so happySince She will be blessed
With one less undivineAnd unproductive soul.
```When we allow the doubting mind
To come forward,Our imagination-bird's wings
Are clippedAnd its flight is all over.
```At your journey's start,
Have a pure mind,A receptive heart
And a willing lifeTo surrender to God's Will
To expedite your journey. ```Every day we have to go
To our heart-gardenTo see a beautiful inspiration-rose —
Not yesterday's rose-beautyBut today's rose-divinity.
```Your heart and your life
Must knowWhat prayer and meditation are.
Prayer and meditationAre the Life-Breath of God.
```We have to believe in a higher Power.
Only by believing in a higher PowerCan we go beyond and beyond
Our limited, human capacity. ```In my case,
It is not a matter of decision;It is a matter of obedience.
I simply listen to the dictatesOf my Inner Pilot.
```Just a little
Of the soul's illuminationWashes away
All the undivine things you have doneOver an untold period of time.
```In the spiritual life
There is no rest.Either we have to go forward
Or nature will force our unaspiring lifeTo go backwards.
```Do not allow your mind
To take your heartOut of the soul's faith-garden
Into the mind's doubt-forest. ```Dive deep within.
What more do you need to accomplish,As long as God is inside your heart
And you are inside God's Heart? ```Your cheerful joy
Is the expressionOf your gratitude-heart
To your Inner Pilot. ```Gratitude is something very sweet
That makes you feelYour whole existence has offered
Something great and precious to God. ```Many will come and many will go.
But why do you have to beOne of those who leave God?
Can you not be one with your heartFor God-embodiment and God-fulfilment?
```Cultivate your heart's oneness with God
And you will see:Life is not a mere dream;
Life is not a tragic error;Life is a touch of magic —
Miracle after miracle. ```Do not reject the doubting mind.
Make your mind clear and pure;Teach it to think positively.
Your mind will eventually becomeA real help to you.
```Peace will take you
Closer to God.Bliss will keep you
In God. ```Because of our wild human nature,
We need God's ForgivenessAt every moment.
We cannot move an inch forwardWithout having
God's Forgiveness-Heart. ```Heaven is around us
When we meditate.And when we do not meditate,
Everywhere is hell. ```Outwardly
He barks and barksAt his spiritual children.
But inwardlyThey see a fountain of peace
And an ocean of love. ```You are not valuing
Your Heavenly Father's spiritual wealth.What are you valuing?
Your lethargy-idleness-ignorance-tree. ```Life is expectation,
And expectation can be eitherIllumination or frustration.
There is practically no differenceIn the eyes of a God-realised soul.
```Feel at every moment
That you have a few new names:Cheerfulness, soulfulness, devotedness,
Closeness and oneness.These names will satisfy God
Far beyond your imagination. ```A new wave of opportunity,
A new wave of determination,A new wave of satisfaction
God wishes to seeIn each of His seeker-children.
```While practising meditation soulfully,
Remember thatThe heart of regularity-joy
Makes us perfect. ```O seeker, dive deep within.
Inside peaceIs our Perfection-Lord Supreme.
Inside onenessIs our Satisfaction-Lord Supreme.
```I will always prefer my inner school,
For the Teacher is none other thanMy Lord Supreme.
```Who says
Meditation is a lack of activity?On the contrary,
Meditation intensifies activityIn a divine way.
Increases life's intensityAnd shows us life's true purpose.
```When we meditate before we act,
We get satisfactionBecause we know we are working
Not for ourselves,But for our Inner Pilot.
```Not to value God's Compassion-Light
And God's Justice-HeightEqually
Is to make a serious blunder. ```Every day try to sing
At least one obedience-songTo love and please God
In His own Way. ```The life-breath
Of spirituality-hungerIs obedience.
```My Beloved Lord Supreme,
So many of your choice instrumentsHave failed, failed badly.
"My child,
There is only one answerAnd that answer is disobedience,
Inner and outer disobedience." ```To transcend
Our heart-capacitiesMeans to transcend
Our life-qualities.Capacity and quality must go together.
```For many years, my Beloved Supreme,
You have brought into my inner lifeYour boundless Compassion, Concern,
Affection, Love and Blessings.Yet far beyond my own imagination,
I continue to disappoint You. ```Call it obedience
Or call it oneness,But try to feel the necessity
Of listening to your own highest self. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,I am my life's God-hunger-heart, part 4, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ghh_4