Question: Through meditation are you able to master or create any psychic powers?

Sri Chinmoy: Certainly, through meditation one can get psychic power. One is bound to get psychic power through meditation. But if you get psychic power, it may take you away from the spiritual life. Sometimes people get psychic power and then they don't want to pray any more; they want to go help people. Then the ignorance of the people they try to help captures them and they go away from the spiritual path. So it is very dangerous. But after one realises God, then it is safe to start using psychic powers. Psychic power does not necessarily help one in realising God. You can take psychic powers as beautiful trees, plants or fruits that you encounter during your spiritual journey. Somebody may walk along another road where there are no trees, no flowers, nothing to tempt him. When one gets psychic power, there is every possibility of being tempted by these powers. They will very often take the sincere seekers away from the goal. So it is better not to pay any attention to the psychic powers. Only pay attention to your inner cry, your aspiration. When it is time, God Himself will give you all the psychic powers. But right now what He wants you to do and what He wants all the seekers to do is to realise Him.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Great Masters and the Cosmic Gods, Agni Press, 1977
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