A oneness-heartIs
A fulness-life. ``````
Be pure within to be claimedBy God’s Fondness-Heart.
Concentration isThe lightning-speed
Of my third eye. ``````
Danger! Danger!Doubt-stranger
Is knocking hardAt my mind’s door.
IsVictory’s harbinger.
Fear expeditesEverybody’s death-journey.
God the Creator earns within.God the Creation spends without.
Humility isWisdom-light
Par excellence. ``````
I was born to beGod’s Perfection-choice.
Joy, joy, joy, joy, tell me,Where do you live,
On earth or in Heaven? ``````
Kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness!You are my oneness-fulness-journey’s start.
Love God onlyTo be happy.
Serve God onlyTo be perfect.
```Man’s gratitude-heart,
God’s Satisfaction-Eye,I know not where they live.
No difference betweenGod the Dreamer
And man the lover. ``````
Oneness never competes.Oneness only completes.
```Perfection is Eternity’s
Self-transcendence-song. ``````
Questions, questions, endless questions.Only one answer: God is my Eternity’s All.
Remember, my heart, remember,Only God’s Love is all you need.
Surrender, surrender,If you want God to be
Your secret Admirer. ``````
Take me and bless me, my Lord.My volcano-pride is sitting
At Your Forgiveness-Feet. ``````
Under Your Compassion-Protection,My Lord, I live.
```Victory! Victory! Victory!
My heart’s sweeping victoryOver my mind.
War no more, war no more, war no more.A sea of peace, a sky of peace
I see within, I see without. ``````
Xanthippe, Xanthippe,We have come to learn
You were an easy victim to anger. ``````
Yule days arriveTo make me a child-heart,
Like the child of Mary. ``````
Zero, zero, zero, zero,I am larger than the largest zero
Without my Lord’s Compassion-Eye,Forgiveness-Heart.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,God’s Perfection-Choice, 1997
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gpc