If anybody takes these heart-rending and soul-stirring messages seriously and devotedly, and works on them cheerfully, bravely and unreservedly, they definitely will before long become supremely chosen hero-warrior-children of our Lord Absolute Beloved Supreme to fight against the age-old ignorance-night and establish His full manifestation on earth.
— Sri ChinmoyGod was simply shocked
To find my abominablePlus unquestionably unpardonable
Carelessness, nay, callousness,In not feeding Him
Every dayIn the small hours of the morning
With my prayers and meditations,Which He so desperately needs
And rightly deserves. ```God was simply shocked
When I criticisedHis beautiful creation
Ruthlessly. ```God was simply shocked
When He saw meMajestically and proudly complacent
And not at all concernedAbout my spiritual life.
```God was simply shocked
When He sawMy most precious enthusiasm-life
Had considerably disappeared. ```God was simply shocked
To seeMy devotion-heart-tears
Were totally missing. ```God was simply shocked
To see me playing happilyWith my ceaseless
Self-doubts. ```God was simply shocked
To see me listeningTo my doubting mind
Very faithfully. ```God was simply shocked
To seeMy vital and my mind
Secretly desertingMy aspiration-heart.
```God was simply shocked
To see meExtolling to the skies
My stupendous success-lifeAnd giving Him
No credit whatsoever. ```God was simply shocked
To see my heart totally emptyOf gratitude-flowers.
```God was simply shocked
To see that I was doubtingHis unconditional
Compassion-Eye. ```God was simply shocked
To seeMy unthinkable delay
In deliveringHis express Messages.
```God was simply shocked
To see my doubting mind,Restless vital
And lethargic bodyWorking together
Against my aspiring heart. ```God was simply shocked
To see me feedingMy doubting mind
So happily and proudly. ```God was simply shocked
To seeThat I was not listening
To His lecturesMost attentively.
```God was simply shocked
To seeThat there was not even
An iota of sincerityInside my gratitude-heart.
```God was simply shocked
That I was not maintainingThe same beauty and fragrance
In my devotion-heart. ```God was simply shocked
To seeThat I had lost
Two most valuable virtues:Simplicity and patience.
```God was simply shocked
That I was giving all importanceTo my self-assertion
And not to God's WillAt all.
```God was simply shocked
To seeThat there was no genuine
Sincerity-breathIn my dedication-service-life.
```God was simply shocked
To see me entering intoA self-styled
And self-sufficient life. ```God was simply shocked
To see me losing so rapidlyMy inspirational joy
In my spiritual life. ```God was simply shocked
To see me incapableOf knowing
What true surrender is. ```God was simply shocked
To see me building fast,Very fast,
My self-indulgence-tower. ```God was simply shocked
To seeThat I so often
Deliberately ignoreMy Heaven-climbing
Responsibilities. ```God was simply shocked
To see me playingHappily and proudly
With hesitation, doubtAnd suspicion.
```God was simply shocked
To seeMy spiritual discipline-life
So drastically dwindling. ```God was simply shocked
To see me forcingMy aspiration-heart
To starve to death. ```God was simply shocked
To seeThat I was thinking of God
Less and lessAs the days were passing by,
And thinking more and moreAbout my desire-fulfilment-life.
```God was simply shocked
To seeThat my overconfidence-life
Was taking me away from HimFast, very fast.
```God was simply shocked
To seeThat I was drinking deep
My success-gloriesAnd not placing them devotedly
At His Feet. ```God was simply shocked
That I was not at all anxiousTo regain
My aspiration-heart'sDevotion-tears.
```God was simply shocked
To find meWallowing in the pleasures
Of extravagant lethargy. ```God was simply shocked
To find the drastic descentOf my life's purity-height.
```God was simply shocked
To find me quite happyAnd unconcerned about my
Readiness-willingness-eagerness-heart-bankruptcy. ```God was simply shocked
To seeThe most unfortunate decline
Of my aspiration-dedication-speed. ```God was simply shocked
To seeMy utterly baseless feeling
Of inferiorityIn every aspect of my life.
He also feels sad and miserableThat my inferiority-poison
Is slowly but unerringly killingMy aspiration-life.
```God was simply shocked
To seeThat I have given myself
A totally new nameWithout His permission —
Even without His knowledge:God-attention-expectation-frustration.
```God was simply shocked
To seeMy sesquipedalian list,
To be purely and breathlessly precise,Of my catastrophic expectations
In my inner life of aspirationAnd my pathetic expectations
In my outer life of dedication. ```God was simply shocked
To seeMy hopelessly weak inability
To establishMy inseparable oneness
With the streaming tearsAnd bleeding hearts
Of humanity,Even for a fleeting day.
```God was simply shocked
To discoverThat I was enjoying
My stone-life-Consciousness-emptiness-heart
For a very long duration. ```God was simply shocked
To findThat I had already sold
My illumination-soulAnd aspiration-heart
In order to pay the exorbitant feeTo become a brave soldier
Of ignorance-night. ```God was simply shocked
To haveAn unprecedented experience
In His Eternity's Existence:My earth-bound insecurity-life
Devoured His Heaven-free Breath,Instead of my devouring Him
With my unconditional love,Devotion and surrender.
```God was simply shocked
To findThat I was, in secrecy supreme,
Beating my mind-drumHarder than the hardest,
Consciously and deliberately,To obliterate my previous
God-readinessAnd God-acceptance-life.
```God was simply shocked
When He entered intoMy sleeping, snoring
And utterly God-obliviousAnd sanctimoniously self-amorous
Body, vital, mind, heart and life. ```God was simply shocked
And unspeakably perplexedAnd confused
When He entered intoMy abysmal abyss-stupidity-mind
That had convinced meOf my indispensability
In God's Life. ```God was simply shocked
To see me playingHide-and-seek
With useless and lifelessDesert-barrenness
Instead of treasuring and enjoyingThe breathless beauty and fragrance
Of my heart-garden.God whispered into my non-listening
And unwilling earsThat my darkest
Ignorance-enjoyment-lifeBeggars description.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,God was simply shocked, Agni Press, 1999
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/gws