Do not give up, do not give up, do not give up, do not give up! Since you have accepted the spiritual life, do not give up, do not give up! Be brave, be brave to accept the things that are needed to make the fastest progress, and be brave, be brave to reject ruthlessly plus immediately, immediately, the things that are preventing you from making the fastest progress.
In the spiritual life there are only two realities: accept and reject, accept and reject. Then, go beyond and beyond and beyond and beyond. Anything that has to be rejected, reject it sooner than at once, immediately. These wrong forces do not want to be rejected, so we have to reject them ruthlessly. You have seen how hard football players kick the football. Like that, you also have to kick the wrong forces that attack you. As you see the players kick the football during a game, you can take the wrong forces as a football, and kick them as hard as possible.
HCE 11. 16 March 2005, Aspiration-Ground, Jamaica, New York↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,His Compassion is everything to us, Agni Press, 2013
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