Heaven's ecstasy-flames
You can becomeIf you disperse
Your mind's jealousy-clouds. ```When I am
My receptivity-heart,God is
God's Sunrise-Smile. ```There was a time
When I playedOn my heart's
I am playingOn my life's
Promise-drum. ```Concentration-power
IsThe strongest power
That silencesUncomely thoughts
AndWandering mind.
```A doubt-turbulence-free mind
IsUnbelievably beautiful
```The intensity of willingness
Marks the beginningOf a divine fulness-heart.
Everybody wants to beA world-imperfection-perfectionist
And notA world-transformation-optimist.
```The mind-door is open
To hostile forces.The heart-door is open
To God's Tears. ```O my heart,
I want you only to love God.O my mind,
I want you only to need God.O my life,
I want you only to be of GodAnd for God.
```If you love someone,
You will naturally have concern for them.But love is infinitely more important
Than concern,For love is oneness.
```Concern gives
According to its limited willingness.Love gives
According to its fullest capacity. ```God is not asking you to be indifferent-
Far from it!But your kindness has to be flooded
With the inner light. ```Despite knowing perfectly well
That He is going to fail,God still tries and tries
To console us and illumine us. ```Feel that each day
Is the beginning of a new consciousness,The beginning of a new hope,
The beginning of a new God-loving lifeAnd God-manifesting life.
```Claim your Master's achievements
As your very own.You will make your Master
The happiest person on earth. ```You did nothing
For God.Yet
You expect everythingFrom Him.
IsThe God of Light.
The God of Compassion.Delightful
IsThe God of Dream.
The destination-arrival. ```The heart of Heaven
Sweetly whispers.The mind of earth
Ruthlessly roars. ```You will be completely lost
Only when you ignoreThe God-dreams
Of your aspiration-heart. ```My Lord,
To love You is not onlyThe one thing,
ButThe thing,
The only thingI want to have
AndI want to be.
```My silence-meditation-peace
IsMy Lord's Victory-Throne.
```The mind is needed
To imagineGod-manifestation-possibilities.
The heart is neededTo explore
God-manifestation-possibilities.The life is needed
To fulfilGod-manifestation-possibilities.
```What is aspiration?
Aspiration isThe champion-transcendence-runner.
```My aspiration-strength
AndGod's Satisfaction-Length
Are always foundTogether.
```God the Justice
IsMy interviewer.
God the CompassionIs
My interpreter. ```O my mind,
Stop being a stranger toYour soul's illumination-smiles
AndYour heart's aspiration-cries.
```The heart-dreamer
We all are.The mind-disbeliever
We equally are. ```A constant satisfaction-heart
IsThe Heaven-ticket paid.
```O doubt-infested mind,
From you I shallSuccessfully hide.
```As quantity-enormity
IsA universal experience,
Even so, quality-rarityIs
A universal experience. ```When I pray
God blesses meWith an inspiration-boat.
When I meditateGod blesses me
By turning me intoThe aspiration-boatman.
```When I love God
For my sake,My mind and I enjoy
Ignorance-darkness-feast.When I love God
For God's sake,My heart and I enjoy
His Wisdom-Light-Feast. ```Be not seen inside
The ferocious prideOf your mind
AndThe voracious greed
Of your vital. ```Friends will come
AndFriends will go.
Brothers and sisters will comeAnd
Brothers and sisters will go.Who will remain with me
Forever?My Eternity's God-lover.
```The devotion-tears
Of the heartAre the fastest
God-discoverers. ```Many have done it
And I shall do it.I shall break asunder
My mind's doubt-bondage-chains. ```If you want to please God
In God's own Way,Then the first thing
You have to doIs
To shut downYour impure mind's
Impure thoughtImpurity-factory.
```May my life's divinity
Be fully blossomedInside my heart's
Meditation-prosperity. ```May I become my heart's
Eagerness-wingsTo fly in God's
Satisfaction-Sky. ```May my self-giving
Oneness-businessEvery day,
Every hour,Every minute,
Every second prosper,To please my Lord Beloved Supreme
In His own Way. ```If your mind
Can derailYour aspiration-train,
Then you can fix itWith your heart's
Sterling faith. ```We are so fortunate
ThatGod the Compassion
And notGod the Justice
Examines our life'sPerfection-progress.
```Is there any human mind
That does not wantTo monopolise
God's Compassion-Smiles? ```Your mind
May not haveAny respect for truth.
But your heartShould have
Not only respect,But also love for truth.
We do not know why,But we do allow hesitation
To hamper our heart'sProgress-speed.
```All achievement-adventures
Are not only powerful,But also
Beautiful and fruitful. ```O my mind,
I will absolutelyNo more allow you
To interfereIn my heart's
Hope-activities. ```Enthusiasm
Is the fastest speedOf the searching mind.
EagernessIs the fastest speed
Of the aspiring heart.Oneness
Is the fastest speedOf the serving life.
```Beautiful I am
When I pray and singWith the morning stars.
Peaceful I amWhen I meditate and sing
With the evening stars. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Heaven's Ecstasy-Flames, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/hef