A sleepless server feels
That each hour is a God-HourTo love God,
To serve GodAnd to satisfy God
In God's own Way. ```When I pray to God,
I accumulate.When I meditate on God,
I assimilate. ```I wish to be the collector
Of soulful smilesFrom God-lovers
Every day and every hourOf my life.
```Each good thought
Of my mindIs welcomed
With my heart'sCongratulation-applause.
```Eagerness-eye sees
God-fulfilment-opportunitiesHere, there and everywhere.
```When the aspiration-heart
Takes a long vacation,It is bound to dream of God's Compassion-disappearance.
```Each good thought
Is a divine guardThat bravely protects
The mind-door. ```The mind that soars
With inspirationIs powerfully blessed
By God's Satisfaction-Heart. ```Inner beauty
And outer enthusiasmAre extremely fond of each other.
```Uncertainty-stop signs
Are easily removedBy the heart's
Aspiration-intensity. ```God always predicts
His Manifestation-VictoryIn and through human aspiration.
```It is simply impossible
For the soul to rely onThe leadership
Of the uncertain mind. ```If you work out
In God's Gymnasium,Then your manifestation-muscles
Are bound to beExtremely powerful.
```Each heart's
Affection-devotion-criesWill definitely reach
God's Compassion-Eye. ```Alas, I do not know
When and howI shall be able to free myself
From this upside-down life! ```In God's Eye
The power of surrenderIs infinitely superior
To any other power. ```Real inner progress
Can be measuredOnly in inches
And no other way. ```O my stupid mind,
When will you give upYour friendship
With your destruction-friend:Dissatisfaction?
```Insecurity-insects must be ignored
At every momentIf one wants to make
Solid progressIn the inner life.
```To a heart of happiness
Each day is the best dayFor meditation.
```An unaspiring mind
Is always afraid of being triedIn the spirituality-court.
```The real education,
Which is inner education,Has to be always
Without compulsion. ```Only a purity-heart
Can climb upThe towering and
Flowering heights. ```To rely on one's mind
Is nothing short ofRelying on one's most inadequate
And imperfect resource. ```A self-giving thought
Is always the sweetestOf all earthly charities.
```I do not want to live
Inside my mind'sAll-encompassing stupidity.
I want to liveIn my heart's
All-giving purity. ```There will always come a time
When the pleasure-seeking mindWill end in tearing suffering.
```God blessingfully allows
His seer-poetsTo consult His own Dictionary
Of the Beyond. ```To manifest God's Light
Here on earth,A oneness-heart
Is everything. ```When the soul powerfully knocks
At the mind's door,Eventually even the mind
Responds. ```A mind of sincerity
And a heart of purityMust become lifelong companions
To reveal divinity's heightHere on earth.
```I am sure
That the undivine courageOf the mind and the vital
Is bound to collapseSooner or later.
```How can you make progress
In your spiritual lifeIf you suffer from
Confidence-shortageIn your aspiration-heart?
```What you need is
A self-giving heart,And not the spotlight of fame,
To conquer the heart of mankind. ```Unfortunately, the mind-room
And impurity-dustAre always fond of each other.
```If you want to make
Quick and solid progressIn your spiritual life,
Then immediately move outOf your mind's insecurity-room.
```Each forgotten dream
Is a reminderOf our failure-life on earth.
```O my mind's inspiration-dawn,
Where are you?O my heart's aspiration-day,
Where are you?O my life's realisation-sun,
Where are you? ```The battle of the ages:
The complete acceptanceOf truth
Or the utter rejectionOf truth.
```God has infinitely more
Important things to doThan to listen to your recitation
Of endless complaints. ```My aspiring heart's faith-flower
I shall never allowTo be thrown away.
```A heart
Of complete surrenderAnd a life
Of complete satisfactionInseparably live together.
```The tears of my oval heart
Every day feedGod-blossoming meditations.
```I shall pray and meditate
Soulfully, devotedlyAnd sleeplessly
So that the river of sorrowCannot wash away
My days and nights. ```My inner strength is founded
On two things:God's Forgiveness-Heart
And my gratitude-heart. ```My Lord Supreme,
May my life from today onBecome a sweet, beautiful
And soulfulProgress-fountain.
```Each soulful seeker
Is indeed a blessing-beaconOf the fast-approaching
New century. ```What I need is
A fast-growing prayer-plantInside my meditation's soul-soil.
Is not meant for thoseWho want to see God seated
On His Satisfaction-Throne. ```Unless and until you have decided
To lose the breath ofYour ego-life,
You cannot expect GodTo be mightily proud of you.
```A self-giving moment
Is a sure way to knowThe beauty and fragrance
Of your inner progress. ```An aspiration-heart reminds us
Of the supreme factThat life does not have to be
Long on deplorable shortcomings.On the contrary, life can be
Long on striking capacities. ```The insanity of the mind
And the vanity of the vitalAre either consciously
Or unconsciouslyExtremely fond of each other.
```Once you have touched
God's Forgiveness-FeetAnd His Compassion-Heart,
Your life can neverRemain the same.
```God tells us
That if we want to participateIn our self-transcendence-run,
Then we must plan to completeThe journey.
```If you love God,
When you serve GodThere is no such thing
As overtime.It is all undertime!
```O my past,
You are powerless.O my present,
You are helpless.O my future,
You will be uselessIf I do not wake up
To love and serveMy Lord Supreme.
```My Lord Supreme,
I pray to YouTo make me and my heart
Two eternal gratitude-students. ```Hard is it
Always to clearFear and doubt-hurdles
In the life of aspirationAnd dedication.
```We start our upward journey
On beautiful imagination-wings,And we continue
On soulful aspiration-wings. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Each hour is a God-Hour, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/hgh