Peace is God's own
Progress-Perfection-SatisfactionIn man's birthless and deathless
God-hunger-life. ```Peace smilingly challenges
And immediately silencesMy mind's doubt-thunder.
```Peace and nothing else
Can ever be humanity'sPerfection-dream-fulfilled
Happiness-reality. ```Peace is at once the safest
And the highest ascentOf a truth-seeker and a God-lover.
```Peace is humanity's
Ignorance-liberatedAnd God-treasured
Eternal life and infinite breath. ```Providence, Rhode Island
5 March 1989Peace is my conscious
And constant obedienceTo the Will of my Inner Pilot
Lord Beloved Supreme. ```My peace-heart blossoms
The moment it seesMy ego-mind's eclipse.
```My heart and I receive
Abundant peaceOnly when my mind loses
Its elephant-heavyUnwillingness-weight.
```My soulful love for my Lord Supreme
AndHis bountiful Faith in me
Give me fruitful peace. ```When my Lord's descending
Compassion-EyeAnd my ascending
Aspiration-heart meet,I feel in the inmost recesses
Of my heartPeace in infinite measure.
```New York City
7 March 1989The absence of peace
In your heartIs the presence of my Lord's
Sorrowful sigh. ```My Lord Supreme,
How can I have peace of mindEvery morning before I enter into
The hustle and bustle of life?"My child,
Every morning ask your heartTo count My Heavenly Blessings
Long before you allow your mindTo count your earthly bills.
My child,This is the only way
You can have peace of mindEarly in the morning
And during the entire day." ```New York City
13 March 1989My life desperately needs peace.
Therefore, on the strengthOf my heart's aspiration-cries,
I must immediately silenceMy mind's ego-thunder.
```Farewell, farewell,
My old expectation-friends.I must have an absolutely new friend,
Detachment,If I sincerely need peace
In the very depths of my heart. ```Reluctance, leave me alone,
Leave me alone!Willingness, I am of you
And I am for you.Let us pray together
To our Inner Pilot,Let us together meditate
On our Inner PilotFor peace,
Abundant peace, infinite peace.He will grant us,
Out of His infinite Bounty,At His choice Hour,
Peace, peace, peaceIn infinite measure.
```Ithaca, New York
16 March 1989Only a heart of gratitude
AndA life of surrender
Can offer the seekerPeace, abundant peace.
```Peace I feel
In the depths of my heartThe moment my dedication-life
Rings the oneness-bell. ```No resentment within,
No resentment withoutIf I want peace.
EnlightenmentIn my heart of aspiration
AndIn my life of dedication
Is what I eternally need. ```I can have abundant peace
Only when my heart,My mind, my vital
And my bodyAre loving, faithful
And self-givingTo one another.
```Princeton, New Jersey
27 March 1989Peace is my soulful heart's
Gratitude-bridgeTo God's Homeland.
```Peace is my
Unconditionally surrendered lifeTo God's Compassion-Eye.
```Peace is my sleepless love
For God's Protection-FeetAnd His Compassion-Eye.
```Peace I feel in abundant measure
In the inmost recesses of my heartWhen I do not allow my mind-elephant
And my vital-tigerTo attack my heart-lamb.
```Peace I feel in infinite measure
Only when I give the keyTo my Lord Supreme
To open my heart-doorAt His sweet Will.
```Vienna, Austria
1 April 1989I get peace of mind
The moment I ask my mindTo stop running
And I ask my heartTo start singing.
```I receive peace
In abundant measureWhen I take my mind
To fly with meIn my simplicity, sincerity,
Humility and purity-planeIn the Sky of God's Compassion,
Protection and Satisfaction. ```What I need is a life of peace.
And to have a life of peace,What I need is a heart of bliss.
And to have a heart of bliss,My entire being has to become
A mounting flame of aspiration. ```Vienna, Austria
1 April 1989I can have peace
In abundant measureOnly from a non-stop surrender
To the WillOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```The moment I pray to God
For peace,He immediately promises me
A better world. ```Whenever I soulfully meditate
On world peace,My Lord Supreme gives me
His blessingful surprise Visit. ```Peace is in my secret
And sacred pathwayTo my supreme gratitude-destination.
```Ludwigshafen, Germany
3 April 1989Peace I feel
In abundant measureWhen my heart becomes
The rainbow-beautyOf my soul.
```Peace I feel
In infinite measureWhen my life becomes
The fragranceOf my gratitude-heart.
```Every day,
Out of His infinite Bounty,My Lord Supreme comes to visit
My heart-gardenWith His Compassion-flooded Peace.
```Heidelberg, Germany
4 April 1989My heart's gratitude-tears
AndMy life's surrender-smiles
Have given me immense peace. ```I have peace of mind
Precisely becauseI do not walk any more
Along the road of self-doubt. ```Expectation-extinction
Is the very beginningOf the heart's satisfaction-peace.
```Baltimore, Maryland
13 May 1989Purify my heart,
O my Lord Supreme.I need peace.
Advise my mind,O my Lord Supreme.
I need peace.Guide my life,
O my Lord Supreme.I need peace.
```Liberate me,
O my Lord Supreme,From my
Expectation-entanglement.I need peace.
```Great men come and go.
Oh, where are the men of peace,Where?
I need them; I need peace. ```In my hope-abundance-light,
I am all peace.In my promise-abundance-delight,
I am all peace. ```Only a heart of constant gratitude
AndA life of unconditional surrender
To God's WillAre the two true possessors
Of peace infinite. ```Palo Alto, California
22 May 1989I can have abundant peace
If I can ringMy heart's temple-bell
Every dayWithout fail.
```I can have abundant peace
If I can sitAt my heart's temple-shrine
And pray and meditateEvery day.
```I need peace
In the inmost recesses of my heart.Therefore,
I must say good-byeTo my age-old restlessness.
```I need peace
In the inmost recesses of my heart.Therefore,
I must say good-byeTo my age-old insecurity.
```Montreal, Canada
27 May 1989Peace is in
The surrender-smileOf my gratitude-heart.
```Peace means
My conscious and constantWillingness
To fly with God's Compassion-EyeIn His Infinity's Sky.
```The pure appearance
Of my heart's blossoming peaceCompels the sure disappearance
Of my mind's teeming doubts. ```I feel abundant peace
In the depths of my heartWhen my mind loves
The oneness-songsOf my wisdom-flooded soul.
```Portland, Oregon
12 June 1989If we want peace,
Then we must be fluentIn our soul's language.
What is our soul's language?Oneness-light and fulness-delight.
```God blesses only
An unconditionally surrendered heartWith His Infinity's Peace.
```Expectation is everywhere,
In each and every individual.But where is our aspiration?
Where is our dedication?How can we have even an iota of peace
Without our heart's aspirationAnd our life's dedication?
```Peace will be yours,
Peace will be his,Peace will be mine,
Peace will be ours,Our treasure supreme.
Let us offer our heart'sLove-candle-flame
All over the world. ```Instead of making ourselves famous,
Let us makeOur Lord Beloved Supreme famous
Here on earthWith our heart's mounting cry
AndWith our life's dedication-smile.
Then ours will be peace eternal,Infinite and immortal.
```Sydney, Australia
5 July 1989Peace is in
The purity-lifeOf my ceaseless prayer.
```Peace is in
The fragrance-heartOf my sleepless meditation.
```Peace is in
The fragrance-delightOf my soul's birthless
And deathless dream. ```We can have boundless peace
Only when we are fully awakenedFrom the slumber of millennia.
```I feel peace infinite
When I climb up and reachThe highest height
Of my faith-mountainAnd when I dive deep and reach
The deepest depthOf my gratitude-sea.
```Auckland, New Zealand
7 July 1989I must be brave
To silence my mind,If I want to have peace
In the depths of my heart. ```It is I who have to come out
Of my mind's self-createdMelancholy-night,
If I want to have peace of mind. ```I can have peace
In abundant measureIf I can sleeplessly maintain
My heart's aspirationAnd observe my Lord's Footsteps
Inside the depthsOf my heart's constant cry.
```Every morning,
At the end of my soulful meditation,I receive peace from my heart's
Soulful rainbow-faith. ```If my God-longing is sleepless
And sincere, absolutely sincere,Then my Lord's blessingful Peace
Can never remain a far cry. ```Auckland, New Zealand
8 July 1989Not on the strength of austerity,
But by virtue of aspiration,I can and I shall have peace.
```Peace is always available
In the fragranceOf my sleeplessly aspiring heart.
```If I stop walking
Along the roadOf my dry desert-mind,
Then I am bound to get peace,Abundant peace.
```I must convince my mind
That God loves me unconditionallyNo matter what I do,
No matter what I say,No matter who I am.
He is moulding me and shaping meIn His own Way.
His unconditional Love, CompassionAnd Blessings
I must try to feelAt every moment of my life
If I truly want to have peaceIn the depths of my heart
Daily and sleeplessly. ```If I want to succeed
In my outer life,Then I must nourish hope
At every moment.It is only with hope
That I can embark on my journeyIn my outer life.
Then there shall come a timeWhen my outer life
Will be flooded with peace. ```If I want to proceed
In my inner life,Then I need confidence
At every moment.It is by virtue of my confidence,
Divine confidence,That I shall be able to make progress
In my inner life,And this progress is all peace,
Peace. ```Chicago, Illinois
20 July 1989A heart of oneness-peace
Is always beyond the reachOf a doubting mind.
```Let me not try to perfect the world.
I shall have peace of mindImmediately.
```God's Wisdom-Sun-Peace
Will claim me as its own,Very own,
The moment I disownMy ignorance-mind-sound.
```To become a servant
Of surrender-lightIs to become a master
Of peace-delight. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,A heart of oneness-peace, Agni Press, 1999
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