A heart of peace

Peace: God's Beauty (1)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: God's Beauty (2)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: God's Beauty (3)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: God's Beauty (4)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: God's Beauty (5)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: God's Beauty (6)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: God's Beauty (7)



God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home. ```

Peace: Humanity's Perfection-Dance (1)


Peace: humanity’s perfection-dance

In God’s Heart-Garden. ```

Peace: Humanity's Perfection-Dance (2)


Peace: humanity's perfection-dance

In God’s Heart-Garden. ```

O Year of Peace


O Year of Peace, your dreaming heart I love.

You are my supreme Lord’s fondness-child-dove.

O Year of Peace, high Heaven’s blue boon,

In you, with you, the oneness-beauty’s moon.




Oneness-World Peace-Family,

God’s Existence-Glow,

God’s Consciousness-Flow,

God’s Length, God’s Depth, smile eternally.

Oneness-culture, fulness-rapture,

Sports world’s splendour-festival,

God and His Victory’s Arrival.


Peace: Man's Life-Tree Progress-Crown


Peace: man’s life-tree progress-crown

On God’s Breath-Seed Success-Throne. ```

Peace in the World's Oneness-Home


Peace in the world’s oneness-home

Is the supreme fulfilment

Of humanity’s birthless

And deathless promise to God. ```

God Has Infinite Children (1)


God has infinite children,

But the name of His fondest child

Is Peace. ```

Only Through Inner Peace


It is only through inner peace

That we can have true outer freedom.


Peace Does Not Mean the Absence of War


Peace does not mean the absence of war.

Peace means the presence of harmony,

Love, oneness and satisfaction.

Peace means a flood of love

In the world-family. ```

Peace: God's Homeland-Joy



God’s Homeland-Joy, God’s Family-Strength,

God’s secret Name, God’s sacred Life,

God’s perfect Smile, God’s Victory-Crown,

God’s Nectar-Throne, God’s fulfilled Dream.

Peace. ```

My Heart's Peace-Nest


My heart’s peace-nest —

God, only Guest. ```

Peace: Ascending Earth-Oneness


Peace: ascending earth-oneness heart-song.

Peace: descending Heaven-fulness soul-gong.


Supreme, Supreme, Shanti, Shanti


Supreme, Supreme,

Shanti, shanti, shanti, shanti, shanti,

Peace, peace, peace, peace. ```

Peace in My Flying Soul


Peace in my flying soul,

Peace in my crying heart,

Peace in my searching mind,

Peace in my striving vital,

Peace in my sleeping body.

Peace in Heaven, peace on earth,

Peace in every human life,

Peace in oneness-heart-home.


Peace, Peace


Peace, peace, peace. ```

Our Oneness-Heart's Victory-Fragrance-Delight



Our oneness-heart’s victory-fragrance-delight.

God’s fulfilled Dream in man’s perfection-flight.


God Has Infinite Children (2)


God has infinite children,

But the name of His fondest child

Is Peace. ```

Peace: Humanity's Flower-Heart (1)


Peace: humanity’s flower-heart,

Divinity’s fragrance-soul. ```

Peace: Humanity's Flower-Heart (2)


Peace: humanity’s flower-heart,

Divinity’s fragrance-soul. ```

Peace: Humanity's Flower-Heart (3)


Peace: humanity’s flower-heart,

Divinity’s fragrance-soul. ```

Peace I Feel


Peace I feel, peace I give, bliss I become.

God has made my life-breath His Victory-Drum.

I sing and sail, I sail and sing.

God’s Tears of Joy and Pride I bring.


O Dreamers of Peace


O dreamers of peace, come.

Let us walk together.

O lovers of peace, come.

Let us run together.

O servers of peace, come.

Let us grow together.


I Want Nothing from God


I want nothing from God;

Therefore, He has given me

His All: Peace. ```

Peace: God's Dream-Reality's Oneness-Boat


Peace: God’s Dream-Reality’s

Oneness-Boat, Fulness-Shore.

Peace, peace, peace.


Peace (1)


Peace, peace, peace, peace. ```

Peace (2)


Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. ```

Peace (3)


Peace, peace, peace. ```

A Sea of Oneness-Peace


A sea of oneness-peace our hearts are now.

Our Lord Supreme, we bow to You, we bow.

We are breathing Your Cosmos-Harmony-Songs.

Our transformed lives are Your Vision’s Victory-Gongs.


Peace: Humanity's Flower-Heart (4)


Peace: humanity’s flower-heart,

Divinity’s fragrance-soul. ```

God's Own Ecstasy-Reality


A man of peace

Is God’s own



My Peace-Tree


My peace-tree blooms

Only in my heart-land

And nowhere else. ```

A Man of Science


A man of science unconsciously conceals God,

While a man of peace consciously reveals God.


Only the Peace-Dreamers


Only the peace-dreamers,

Peace-lovers and peace-servers

Can transform the world. ```

Peace Is the Supreme Achievement


Peace is the supreme achievement

Of our faith in God.


A Computer-Mind


A computer-mind


A peace-heart intruder. ```

Purity Strengthens the Heart


Purity strengthens the heart.

Peace enlightens the heart.


Love Without Peace


Love without peace is a joint dance

Of stupidity and absurdity.


My Peace-Dream-Heart-Flower


May my peace-dream-heart-flower

Never wither.


When My Mind Even Thinks of Peace


When my mind even thinks of peace,

My heart becomes full of God.


Expect Not


Expect not! Suspect not!

Lo, peace is all yours.


A Heart of Peace Hears (1)


A heart of peace hears

God’s thunderous Applause. ```

A Speaker-Mind


A speaker-mind, peace avoids.

A seeker-heart, peace greets.


The Mind Counts Troubles


The mind counts troubles.

The heart measures peace.


Love Illumines My Life


Love illumines my life.

Peace fulfils my heart.


When Self-Doubt Departs


When self-doubt departs

God-Peace arrives.


A Peace-Dreamer


A peace-dreamer

Is a pilgrim

Of Infinity’s sky. ```

A Heart of Peace


A heart of peace is made of

God’s own Sweetness-Smile. ```

We Can Change the World


We can change the world,

But not improve it,

If we do not have peace. ```

Peace Descends on Earth


Peace descends on earth

From the highest Home of God.


God Gives Me


God gives me

What I do not have:


I give God

What He does not have:



I Do Not Need


I do not need an earth-shaking speech.

I need a peace-blossoming earth.


Everybody's Equal


When everybody is

Everybody’s equal,

The peace-heart blossoms.


The Greatest News


As truth is the greatest news,

Peace is the best news.


A Self-Transcendence-Mind


A self-transcendence-mind

Has peace.

A oneness-heart is peace. ```

Peace Reveals


Peace reveals

The absolute excellence

Of human life. ```

Universal Passport


Peace: our surrender-traveller’s

Universal passport. ```

When I Am My Peace-Empty Mind


When I am my peace-empty mind,

God becomes His Joy-empty Heart.


We Must Climb the Peace-Tree


We must climb the peace-tree

To pluck oneness-fruits.


God Invites


God invites only a heart of peace

To participate in His Cosmic Game.


No Citadel


No citadel is as strong

As our heart’s peace eternal.


From:Sri Chinmoy,A heart of peace, 1997
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/hp