Question: How can we best silence the sounds of our minds and expand the silence of our hearts?

Sri Chinmoy: We can best silence the sounds of our mind by knowing that whatever the mind gives us is insufficient. The mind will never be able to give us the sense of satisfaction and perfection. It will always fall short of perfection.

But what will the heart give us? The heart will give us the message of identification, oneness, inseparable oneness with the Absolute, the Highest, the Universal and the Transcendental. On the strength of our identification with the Absolute we will get what He has. If He is eternal then we will become one with His Eternity. If He is infinite then we will become one with His Infinity. If He is immortal then we will become one with His Immortality. This is what we get on the strength of our identification with the heart.

A seeker has to know the limitations of the mind. The mind gets tremendous pleasure by limiting itself, by separating itself, by showing its own individuality. But the heart does not want to maintain its individuality or personality. It only wants to melt into the infinite Vast. A drop wants to enter into the mighty ocean and cries to become the ocean itself. If we have that kind of inner awareness, then we will be able to silence our mind. We will be able to silence the sounds of our mind and expand the silence of our heart.

From:Sri Chinmoy,The height of silence and the might of sound, Agni Press, 1974
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