A hundred years from now
My highest Goal shall bowTo me, to me, to me.
A hundred years from now
My silence-breath shall cowDark earth's ignorance-sea.
A hundred years from now
My single Eye shall ploughThe soil of Eternity.
A hundred years from now
I shall, I shall endowMy Lord with my Spirit's key.
```Everyone should and must meditate to realise the Highest here on earth in this life. Then everyone can sing, A hundred years from now my highest Goal shall bow to me, to me, to me. That is to say, at that time each person will transcend his own highest Goal.
A hundred years from now my silence-breath shall cow dark earth's ignorance-sea. That is to say, the ignorance-sea of earth will bow down to the breath of inner silence. When you enter into your highest meditation and reach your Goal, the breath of silence will compel the ignorance-sea in you to surrender.
A hundred years from now my single Eye shall plough the soil of Eternity. The third Eye, the Eye of transcendental Vision, shall plough the soil of Eternity where infinite Peace, Light and Power grow. You will be the divine farmer who cultivates the soil of Eternity where infinite Peace, Light, Bliss and Power will grow for you in infinite measure.
A hundred years from now I shall, I shall endow my Lord with my Spirit's key. When you endow the Lord Supreme with your Spirit's key, you will unlock the universal Consciousness and spread the universal Consciousness all over the aspiring world. You will have in your possession the key that opens the door to the Supreme's peerless treasure within you. You will offer this treasure to the Lord and to the aspiring souls on earth. Only aspiring souls will receive Light from you; the unaspiring ones will ignore you, misunderstand you, doubt you and hate you when you want to offer them your soul's transcendental Light. Therefore, you will offer this treasure only to those who aspire, who cry for the Light of the Beyond. They need you. They are hungry, and it is you who have to fulfil their need.From:Sri Chinmoy,A hundred years from now, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/hy