The other king said, “I would have killed you immediately.”
The first king said, “You would have killed me immediately? So now that I have conquered you, what do you expect from me?”
The other king said, “If you were a businessman, I would expect you to sell me to some rich man and get some money. If you were a butcher, I would expect you to kill me. But you are neither a businessman nor a butcher. I feel that you are a very kind-hearted man. If this is true, then naturally you will forgive me.”
The first king said, “Whether I am a kind-hearted man or not, at least for today I want to be kind-hearted. So I am forgiving you and giving you back your throne. Only remember that I am stronger than you. I am physically stronger than you, and my army is stronger than yours. So don’t disturb me anymore.”From:Sri Chinmoy,Illumination-experiences on Indian soil, part 1, Agni Press, 1974
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