The Invocation1


Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme!

I bow to Thee, I bow.

My life Thy golden plough;

My journey's Goal Thy soulful Dream.

Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme!

I bow to Thee, I bow.

Supreme, I am Thy glowing Grace.

My world, Thy Feet of Light;

My breath, Thy Vision's kite.

Thou art one Truth, one Life, one Face.

Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme!

I bow to Thee, I bow.

— Sri Chinmoy

27 August 1967


INV 1. The Invocation was originally published in a collection of poems My Flute, 1972. At a later date, Sri Chinmoy made minor changes to capitalisation, punctuation, and added "The" to the title.

From:Sri Chinmoy,The Invocation, Agni Press, 1972
Sourced from