The inner world feeds me. The outer world announces me.
In the inner world I am all aspiration. In the outer world I am all revelation. What is aspiration? Aspiration is a soulful cry of my eternal life. What is revelation? Revelation is a fruitful smile of my immortal soul.
In the inner world I know that I eternally am. In the outer world I know that I constantly can. I am eternally God's instrument. This is what I know in the inner world. I can serve God, please God and fulfil God in His own Way. This is what I know in the outer world.
In the inner world I try to see God's Height, His transcendental Height. In the outer world I try to see God's Length, His boundless Length.
In the inner world I try to enter into God's Golden Boat. Out of His infinite Bounty He allows me to be in His Boat. In the outer world God carries me and pilots me to His Reality Shore, at His choice Hour. This also He does out of His infinite Bounty.
There comes a time when my inner world and my outer world become inseparably one. At that time I feel that my reality and God's Reality are inseparably one, that my reality's height and God's Reality's Height are inseparably one, that my vision-world and God's Vision-World are inseparably one. At that time I as a seeker become one with my Master, I as a dreamer become one with my reality, I as a divine lover become one with my Supreme Beloved.
In my inner world I need to love my outer world more, in a divine way. In my outer world I need to listen to my inner world more, in a soulful way. If I do not feel the need for my inner world, my aspiration-world, then I shall not be able to understand my outer world. My outer world's determination, manifestation, perfection and satisfaction entirely depend on my inner world's peace, harmony and oneness.
25 October 1978
St. Paul's ChapelColumbia University
New York, New YorkFrom:Sri Chinmoy,The inner world and the outer world, Agni Press, 1988
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