Question: Could you speak on the relationship between inspiration and creation?
Sri Chinmoy: Inspiration and creation always go together. No inspiration, no creation. I am blessing inspiration with my left hand and creation with my right hand. Without inspiration, nobody, nobody can achieve anything, not even God. He was inspired; that is why He created His creation. He was one; He wanted to become many. But how? On the strength of His inspiration. Inspiration entered into Him; that is why from one He became many. So here also the creation I am blessing with the right hand and inspiration with the left hand. Inspiration and creation are inseparable. One complements the other. One enters into the other. That is to say, inspiration enters into creation in the inner world and creation enters into the outer world while carrying inspiration inside the heart. Inspiration and creation always go together, for they are inseparable in the Heart of the Supreme.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Inner progress and satisfaction-life, Agni Press, 1977
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