The King of Heart-Smiles
Blessingfully taughtEverybody's heart to smile.
```One hundred and fifty
Running, climbing and divingMusic-blooming, music-blossoming
And music-immortalising instruments. ```Lord Supreme blissfully came
And powerfully restoredEverybody's aspiration-heart-beauty.
```This is the era of peace-freedom-lovers
And not of world-renunciation cave-dwellers. ```This moment we became
The fragrance of our hearts.Next moment we became
The beauty of our eyes. ```All our mind-questions were stilled
Inside the poise of our hearts. ```The born questioners became
Perfect peace-dreamers and peace-lovers. ```The mind-doubt-edifice
Was utterly dismantled. ```The mind had no more
Disobedience-stories.It became all obedience-song.
```The fourteen hours
Became the radianceOf fourteen golden years.
```Self-glorification-desire became
God-Satisfaction-aspiration. ```God whispered beautiful Hope-Flowers
And powerful Promise-Fruits. ```From now on, we shall be
Full-time God-loversAnd not remain
Part-time God-loversAnymore.
```Our heart's gratitude-tears
Brought GodNear, nearer and nearest.
```God and God's Hour were both eager
To successfully knock at our heart's door. ```The dictatorial mind
Unconditionally surrenderedTo the jovial heart.
```This time God cradled
Our souls and heartsTogether.
```Our peace-starved hearts
Feasted onGod's Compassion-Rainbow.
```God Himself taught us
How to cry breathlesslyFor Him.
```The undivine, hostile forces
Of the mindWere threatened and shattered
By our purity-flooded hearts. ```Lip-gratitude we were.
NowSoul-gratitude we are.
```We not only remembered the joy
Of our past aspiration-heart,But also, surprisingly, excelled it.
```Triumphs of the soul
Were heraldedFrom the start to the finish.
```Each seeker-heart
Became the fountain-beauty-smileOf delight.
```The heart-sea-swimmers
Were playing withThe fulness-happiness-waves
Of the soul. ```The heart's gratitude-tears
Immensely increasedThe life's devotion-intensity.
```Our aspiration-hearts became
A true expressionOf happiness-panorama.
```The battle against our mind's
Unwillingness-barrageForever ended.
```Our hearts devoured
The Silence-BlissOf God-Beauty.
```Our meditation stretched
Our life's dedication-armsFar and wide.
```Unreservedly we enjoyed
The fulness-fragranceOf our soul-delight.
Indeed, a galaxyOf silence-blossom-hearts!
```God Himself fed the breath
Of our aspiration-heart. ```The mind's long-cherished
Torrential despairCompletely stopped.
```We felt and we became
The ever-spreadingGod-oneness-fragrance.
```An unconditional God-obedience-dream
Finally blossomedInto reality.
```The confusion-mind
Said to the illumination-soul,"Illumine me!
I shall be all yours." ```The invisible Beyond
Became the visible God-Smile. ```The backward-jumping mind
Became the forward-racing heart. ```Smilingly
The ambrosia-seaBeckoned us.
```While on earth,
ParadiseWe unquestionably experienced.
Captured our entire being. ```We entered the deathless birth
Of universal Oneness-Reality. ```The God-seeker in us
And the man-inspirer in usTogether sang and danced.
```The good-for-nothing mind
Was completely transformedInto a good-for-everything
God-Satisfaction. ```Life was no longer
An idle experiment.Life became
The most precious self-discovery. ```The mountain-height-dreams
Of oursBecame fountain-ambrosia-realities.
```This moment we were
The pagoda of God-Hope.Next moment we became
The shrine of God-Promise. ```I am no longer a citizen
Of a God-failing universe,But a citizen of
A God-fulfilling universe. ```The simplicity of spirituality
Manifested asThe sublimity of Divinity.
```Soulfully we smiled and smiled
Because of the success-surpriseOf our heart.
```Proudly God danced and danced
Because of the progress-astonishmentOf our life.
```Our climbing hearts
Discovered a direct routeTo God's Pride-flooded Heart.
```No, not even an iota of fog!
It was all sunshineBright, brighter, brightest.
```Each instrument brought us
Nearer and nearerTo the Golden Shore.
```Each instrument became
A prayer-dawnAnd a meditation-eve.
```God-Guest came,
And we all welcomed HimInside our heart-home.
```Our life's oneness
With the music of the heartClearly and distinctly proved to be
The shortest path to peace. ```Each song quickened
Our aspiration-pace. ```Our cheerful God-surrender
Became the sweetnessOf universal melody.
```The perfect lustre of a purity-heart
Was clearly visibleFrom the start to the finish
Of the music-adventure. ```God declared our happiness
To be the best friendOf humanity's future.
```Ours was a non-stop conversation
With God's Satisfaction-Delight. ```From today on,
Each member of the audienceWill no longer suffer
From an inner bankruptcy. ```The ecstasy-inundated tears
Of our inner childBathed us thoroughly.
```A sudden yet permanent entrance
Into the happiness-highway,Indeed!
```Each breath became
A prayer-flowerOf sweetness-beauty.
```The music of the heart
For which a seeker's life hungersWas sumptuously fed.
```God gave us —
Our eagerness and cheerfulness —Not only His Blessing,
But also His Pride. ```God's Peace-Shore
Appeared before our heart-boatAs soon as the boat started sailing.
```The mind promised itself
That from now onIt would never keep peace
At a sceptical distance. ```God blessed our heart's progress report
With His Heart's transcendentalSatisfaction-Crown.
The mind subscribed cheerfullyAnd unconditionally
To the heart's monumental faith. ```Everything came up
To God's desired Standard. ```The unwillingness-mind
Lost all its strength,Only to become
The ocean-power of willingness. ```The instruments triumphantly became
Full of surprises and marvels. ```Previously I was always eager
To tell God everythingAbout myself.
This time, to my extreme joy,God Himself was all eagerness
To tell me everythingAbout Himself.
```A journey of the heart,
Par excellence! ```Quite unusual!
Even my mind loved the musicFrom the beginning to the end.
```Each musical instrument
Was a new discoveryFor my eagerness-heart.
```Even my vital forgot to play
Its restlessness-role!It listened to the music
Without interruption. ```My heart revealed
Its extraordinary inner speed. ```My mind revealed
Its extraordinary outer agility. ```The cosmic gods and goddesses
Came to pay a blessingful visitTo our peace-shrine-stage.
```Eternity's Peace and Infinity's Bliss
Alternately blessedThe audience.
```Alas, the whole experience-reality
Was the exclusive privilegeOf a few hundred!
```Each instrument
Extended farther and fartherInto the cosmic Beyond.
```My familiar instruments
And unfamiliar instrumentsSang and danced together
In perfect harmony. ```Newness and uniqueness
Unreservedly came downFrom their respective realms.
```I clearly saw my heart
And the hearts of the audienceFlying fast, very fast,
Towards the Feet of God. ```Eagerness and cheerfulness
Together blossomedWith equal swiftness.
```The human mind,
Nebulous in its faith,Was transformed into
An ocean of faith. ```God heavily depended
On the willingness-heartOf the audience.
To His greatest Joy,The audience placed the Victory's Crown
At His Feet. ```Negativity's darkness
Completely faded awayRight from the beginning.
```Each individual was fired
By the breathOf illumining and fulfilling hope.
```Our human life
And its accompanying troublesWere utterly extinguished.
```God was resolved that we all
Should go farther and farther,Fly higher and higher
And dive deeper and deeper.To our own great surprise,
We gave Him complete success. ```The aspiration of our heart
And the Satisfaction of God's HeartBecame inseparably one.
```Surrender to God's Will we chose.
God's Will we became.God whispered that His Paradise
Is here and nowhere else. ```The unaspiring curiosity
Came,Only to return disappointed.
```From now on
Our heart will see each dawnWith a new delight.
```Our hearts became a treasure
High above all measure. ```Each song
Was an illumination-builderOf the future.
```A perfect union
Of the crying earthAnd the smiling Heaven!
```A song of life
And a dance of breath! ```What was needed
To become inseparably oneWith the music-world
Was not an iron determination,But a self-giving willingness.
```God the Supreme Musician
Came downAnd left His Golden Footprints
For us to follow. ```God blessed us
With His Compassion-magnet,And we offered God
Our affection-magnet in return. ```A peace-blossoming world
In all its grandeur! ```We owned two supernal possessions:
The soul-smile that glowedAnd the heart-tear that sparkled.
```The fragrance-breeze
Of our soulsCarried us across
An infinite horizon. ```The peace-dove of light
Showed us the direct wayTo fly
To God's Immortality-flooded Kingdom. ```Long before the birth of the performance,
The catastrophe of unwillingnessWas buried in the oblivion-cave.
```Many a time
The performer and the audienceWere wonderstruck
By God's celestial Lightning-Beauty. ```The human ego
Recognised at long lastIts long-cherished absurdity.
```Our hearts
Will no longer use the foreign word:'Impossibility.'
```The world's cynical sneer
Did not dare to nearThe divine atmosphere
We all created. ```God blessingfully touched our hearts.
Lo, dispelled was our ignorance-dream-sleepSooner than at once!
```By virtue of our gratitude-hearts,
We unreservedly enjoyedOur God-surrender-sweetness.
```The thought-free hours
Helped our hearts to soarAnd our lives to roar.
```God Himself applauded
Our each and everyGod-manifestation-service-attempt.
```We saw the Face
Of God's LoveAnd became the Heart
Of God's Peace. ```Our heart's teeming aspiration-flames
Frightened the earth-bound desiresOf our minds.
```God the Compassion abolished
Our thought-bondage-slavery. ```Silence infinitely increased
The beauty of my soulAnd amplified
The duty of my life. ```We shall definitely and unquestionably
Live up to God's God-Fulfilment-DreamsIn us and through us.
```From now on
Ignorance-night will be compelledTo lose its secret interest
In humanity. ```Doubt, the bringer of sad and bad news,
Failed to find an entranceTo the heart-temple of music.
```The fast-approaching 21st century
Will establish the fragranceOf the soul-music
And banish the thunderstorm-musicOf the vital.
```The sweetness-music of the soul
Will ultimately defeatThe very breath of vital music.
```Our Lord entered our heart-temple
As a Guest,But soon became our life-Host.
```The sole and single criterion of Truth
Is Peace.Peace our mind saw.
Peace our heart felt.Peace our life became.
```From the strength
Of our aspiration-heart,We unmistakably felt
That mankind would soon be readyTo herald God's supreme Victory.
```The mind that had craved
World-appreciationToday longed only for
God's Satisfaction in God's own Way. ```The dark smoke of earth-bound desire
Was nowhere visibleIn the temple of heart-music.
```The most significant cosmic gods
And goddessesCame down with their
Infinity's SmileAnd Immortality's Affection
To bless the climbing aspiration-hearts. ```The Avatars,
The spiritual Masters, too,Of the supreme Heights
Came down to blessThe ever-memorable occasion.
```For the first time we saw
That time was totally againstIgnorance-night-pride
And won! ```Although God had so many pressing problems
To deal with,He happily came and proudly swam
In the devotion-tears of our hearts. ```God Himself came down
To teach our obedienceHow to keep out of
Any trouble whatsoever. ```Our surrender-heart
Handed our life totally overTo our Lord Beloved Supreme.
```To God,
We gave our very best.To us,
His All He gave. ```Aspiration taught us patience.
Patience taught us faith.Faith taught us God-discovery
And self-mastery. ```Every moment was a cascade
Of God-Satisfaction-opportunities. ```We all aspired
To go high, higher, highestAnd not to acquire
Much, more, most. ```God's Compassion-Feet we desired,
But He gave us His Satisfaction-HeartInstead.
```Our aspiration-heart-boat
Plied betweenThe newness-shore-beauty
And the fulness-shore-fragrance. ```In us was born the abiding peace
Of a oneness-world-home. ```In the past,
Our aspiration-heartHad always been right
In God's Eye,But this time His Heart declared:
"Absolutely perfect!" ```Swiftly God came.
Happily God stayed.Proudly God returned.
```On His return Journey,
God did not go alone.Our surrender-life and gratitude-heart
Accompanied Him. ```Immensity-Peace-Sea-Experiences Sublimity-Peace-Sky-Realisations
150 musical instruments from the four corners of the globe.The Peace Concert was held at Public School 117 in Briarwood, New York, on Saturday, 25 November 1995.
It started at 9:05 in the morning and continued until 11:20 at night. There were six sessions with a brief intermission between each one.From:Sri Chinmoy,Immensity-Peace-Sea-Experiences Sublimity-Peace-Sky-Realisations, Agni Press, 1995
Sourced from